When did you realize that enough was enough?



  • Susay2942
    Susay2942 Posts: 211 Member
    When getting ready for a funeral i had nothing that fit. I ended up wearing horrible green slacks from a pant suit and the top of a loose dress tha was almost purple. I prayed no one noticed because of thier grief. On top of this exhusting frustration, I nearly passed out at the funeral and was completely incoherent because my thyriod was not being managed by a Dr. It was a humiliating wake up call.
  • originalkazila
    I ran to the bus (about 50 yards) and was so out of breath I collapsed into the seat, everyone was staring. I was in my uniform (military security) and I was so ashamed I couldn't even look at anyone.
  • upnorthtim
    upnorthtim Posts: 376 Member
    Three years ago my mother had to have emergency abdominal surgery for a twisted intestine. She was in her late seventies at the time, is quite obese (she has had a lifelong problem) and has limited mobility. Long story short, her recovery was extremely difficult due to her kidneys almost failing and things were very touch and go. She was in the hospital and then a recovery center for weeks before she could go home. When I saw her in her hospital bed I kept seeing myself lying there and knew that I could no longer keep on the path that I was on. I quickly lost over 50 pounds but have gained about half back. It is a constant struggle but I am determined not to be in that same hospital bed.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    when i tried to do one pushup at the gym and couldnt : i fell on my face in front of all those gym bros...(had lost all muscle mass because of stupid "weight-loss"strategies that involved way too much cardio and horrible nutrition.)
  • PhearlessPhreaks
    PhearlessPhreaks Posts: 890 Member
    When I got pregnant with my 2nd child. I gained nearly 60lbs with my 1st, and I have no desire to ever reach that size again.
  • cmcmommy
    cmcmommy Posts: 197 Member
    When my 10 yr old asked me to take her to the amusement park last summer and I knew i would not fit on most of the rides . So my 21 yr old had to take her instead . It broke my heart but got me moving .
  • SeaRunner26
    SeaRunner26 Posts: 5,143 Member
    About five years ago when I realized I was gaining back all the weight I lost the first time. But it wasn't until I found MFP that I discovered an effective method to get the job done.
  • tndejong
    tndejong Posts: 463
    picture of me and my 21 year old sister. she is 100 pounds or so less then me and has 3 kids!
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    When I turned 50, being so sad and trying to hide it behind a smile on my birthday party pictures.
  • WannaDizzolve
    WannaDizzolve Posts: 270 Member
    when i couldn't get my extremely expensive designer jeans up over my fat a**. Even my cheap Target "fat jeans" had overhang and would barely button. Oh and i had stopped getting compliments on my figure/looks/etc.
  • amandapye78
    amandapye78 Posts: 820 Member
    When I went to my daughters friends birthday party and all the moms were thin and beautiful and all limited thereselves to one small slice of cake and I kept sneaking more and I was the fattest one there and I knew they were looking at me with disgust :(
  • toniajeff1
    When I was 35 I lost both my parents 17 months apart. my dad had been sick for 20 yrs. Little did I know at my daddy's funeral my mom found out 3 weeks prior she had lung cancer. Both my parents smoked their entire lives, both had COPD, my mom had emphezyma, and still smoked though only 2-3 cig a day. She suffered with Bronchitis all year, my dad was n oxygen prob the last 5 yrs of his life, you get the picture. I DECIDED IT STOPS WITH ME! Obesity does run in my family all women are ovedrweight. It comes down to a choice- Do I want to live out my life, leave a legacy to my 4 daughters like this- NO so I decided to change. I have only been on my journey for about 8 months i guess and it's been hard. Im finding alot out about myself. I have A AWESOME SUPPORT SYSTEM!!!! I believe this is crucial to success. This is what happened for me to stop and say - ENOUGH, IT STOPS WITH ME! Good Luck everyone
  • KainStar
    KainStar Posts: 197
    I'd say when we got family pictures back. (My SO and child) I knew I gained weight but didnt realize how much I truly gained =/ We all have a breaking point. That was mine.
  • DivineDee
    I have had many of these moments over the years. The difference now is that I really got serious about it. When you realize that you could possibly be on your way to having a stroke or heart attack or the pain that you are feeling now is at times unbearable you realize that you got to do something. It was almost crippling. Also,one day in the office I was in a meeting and the chair that was around the conference table I had a hard time getting up out of the chair. It was terrible. Of course I blamed it on the size of the chair.:sad: But, I don't want to be that person anymore.
  • mattagascar
    mattagascar Posts: 708 Member
    Enough is never enough for me
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    A couple of things, some aesthetic, some health-related.

    Going to the pool with my kids, and feeling like a hairy whale in shorts.
    A family photo at the end of the summer - I looked like you could paint Goodyear down my side and float me over the superbowl.
    My first overnight stays in hospital. Although they were only for kidney stones, they made me realize this is the only body I have.
    The biggie, that really brought it all together - my cholesterol rising from 109 to 250 between tests.
  • ninehours
    ninehours Posts: 41 Member
    About 18 months ago, i was in work and i stood on the scales and i was almost 100kg and i thought to myself no way can i get to 50 and my weight be double my age!, i am now 49 and about 71kg
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    When my hubby joined the military and I was told by people that nobody in a uniform would want a fat wife and that he would probebly find someone who looked better, come to find out most military wives I have met are fat and as far as the whole looking for greener pastures go, it happened after the weight loss so after the last time it happened I told him if it happens again we will be done.
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    About the one millionth time my husband told me I was fat. Oh wait, no that isn't it. That just pissed me off. It was when not only could I not button my favorite jeans, I couldn't get them up over my thighs. Now, I can't wear them at all because they will fall of while I walk.

    I hope you know you are beautiful, and I hope those, or any other hurtful, words don't escape his mouth anymore!

    My end was a photo I was tagged in. I never saw myself like that, but the camera doesn't lie.

    Oh, his mouth can do whatever it wants, cuz it's single now. :)

    So glad you said this!!! ^^ when I read your first comment I felt so sad, you deserve better than an a-hole who is so insensitive! He can enjoy living with his regrets now lol
  • leaderzzz
    leaderzzz Posts: 113 Member
    After a shower, I looked down and could not see my .......................feet! :noway: