Colossus882 Member


  • What is it you crave though? The texture? The process of cooking/eating it? Can you nail that down at all?
  • Or work out how many calories that pizza or pasta has, and work it off.
  • I can't see your height or weight stats, but for a start, a 1200 calorie diet for a male is absurd, unless you are like 4 foot tall. You will find that most people on here who only eat 1200 calories are small women, and even then that is a lower limit for what is considered a healthy limit. If you are only eating 1200…
  • Don't worry about it too much, be more concerned with the added sugar in processed stuff. Just be aware due to the natural sugar and carbs, fruit can be quite a bit higher in calories than a lot of people realize. Just log the calories, and enjoy the tasty fruit.
  • Yeah, I try to log as much as I can, and then try to compensate for it in following days by staying under calorie goal by 200 or so. If I know I am going to have a big night, I try to make sure I have done a 10km walk or 30km bike ride that day so I have already pre burned a lot of it off.
  • Dimension Zero, Wintersun, Dimmu Borgir, Amon Amarth, Mors Principium Est.., Equilibrium, Soilwork. All great for keeping the enthusiasm up!
  • I would suggest if you are only eating 1200 calories a day, and doing 150min of hard cardio, you are probably burning off close to half of those 1200 calories. Meaning your body is trying to survive on 600 calories a day, which wil slow your metabolism not raise it. Can you clarify if you are eating back your calories so…
  • Might find this useful. Has a lot of other activities too as a rough guide.
  • I have tried to get my girlfriend on board but she won't bite. She is morally supportive of what I am doing but will eat a small dinner, say she is full, then eat half a block of chocolate, a hand full of licorice and then candied popcorn, all while I'm sitting there counting my calories and weighing my food. Or even…
  • Steak and cheese on multigrain. Chipotle sauce, lettuce, tomato, onion, olive, carrot, pickles. 970 calories for a 12 inch. Occasionally get one for breakfast if I have done a 800 calorie cardio session before breakfast.
  • I'm in the same situation as you. My net target calories is 2350, and I'm also walking about 7-10km a day meaning a lot of extra calories to eat. I find eating things like multigrain bread, peanut butter and cashews/nuts is a way to get a dense calorie load without having to eat a huge amount of extra food. Just watch the…
  • FYI, everything single thing you eat turns into formaldehyde at some point, it is part of the digestion process.…
  • I don't really bother logging water, I usually drink at least 4-5 L of water a day. I'm just used to it from working outside in the heat a lot
  • My goal is to stick to the program I have started and not lose focus. Have been getting up at 5:30 and walking 7-10km every day and logging all my food. Hoping to make it a habitual process for an ongoing routine.
  • Anyway, thanks for your input, I guess it's really going to come down to trial and error
  • It isn't a matter of 'you're not got to die'. The whole reason I'm here is to lose weight, and I want to make sure I have the correct information to give myself the best chance possible. I do not want to jeopardize this by making by body think it has to go into survival mode. Which is what the argument about BMR is.
  • I just sort of got the feeling from reading through posts they you shouldn't be netting less than your BMR, or it your body will down your metabolism in an attempt to protect itself For example
  • Sorry, thought I paid a dollar for the app, but my mistake, that was a pedometer app. All good