

  • My food scale is definitely the best purchase I have made! It was eye opening to find out that what I thought was just wasn't and that I was eating 1 1/2 times (at least) what I was supposed to. For $20 I saved myself the guestimating and the disappointment of not losing weight because I would have been eating too much. I…
  • Does eating at maintenence for a week seem to help you? I've been contemplating trying it this week. #1 because I'm at the three month mark and while the past two weeks haven't shown a big slow down in loss, I'd like to give it a jump start and #2 my mom is coming to visit and while she eats almost identical to me, I just…
  • Mine is public. I'm running out of ideas, so I look forward at taking a peek at others. I need to eat more veggies again. I went through veggie burn out because I was sick of the same thing. I need ideas!
  • Congratulations! I just got to ONEDERLAND myself on Monday. It feels terrific doesn't it!? Keep up the great work!
  • I forgot my new found love, unsweetened almond milk. It is awesome in my coffee :)
  • Kale. I never thought I would like it, but I love it! Greek yogurt. I only eat the plain. It took a little getting used to, but now I love it. Natural peanut butter. The first time I tried it before I started my journey I hated it. It just wasn't sweet enough for my sugar addicted self. Now I love it and can't stand the…
  • My diary is open, you can take a look and add me as your friend! I feel your pain too. I would like to have a little more variety and try to change it up a bit, but it's a challenge on 1200 calories.
  • Lipton makes tea bags that are fruit and berry blends. I love the Bavarian Wild Berry. One in a big glass of water adds just enough flavor when I'm sick of plain water.
  • Funny that now that you mention it, all of the people I know that smoke it all of the time are skinny. I never even thought of it until now. Of course, one of the reasons I gained a bunch of weight back the first time was not being able to control the munchies lol. Now, I just stay away from it. I wish I knew I could…
  • I'm sorry, but you will not lose weight when all of your calories come from processed food and sugar filled food at that. You need to eat vegetables and fruit and get rid of the processed food. I still eat some processed food, but in moderation and certainly not everyday. The sugar alone in those foods will kill any diet…
  • I'm dealing with that right now and have given in to a point. I'm not denying myself the cravings, but I am limiting my consumption. I find that drinking a 20 oz bottle of water before I eat helps a lot. Last month I would have eaten an entire bag of chocolate and this month I've had 5 pieces total, so I'm pretty proud of…
  • I have at least 80 pounds to lose(probably more like 100 depending upon how I feel once I get to the first goal). I've been at this for not quite two weeks and already feel fantastic. Anyone can add me as a friend too.
  • That is wonderful! Keep up the great work!
  • I just tried Just Dance 2 last night and it was a lot of fun. I definitely broke a sweat and felt like I got a good workout. I won't use it as my main excercise, but as extra.( Especially when it's cold and snowy outside :) ) I was looking into other games to supplement going to the gym and appreciate the feedback on this…
  • Thank you for the tips on handling food sabateurs. I just started on Monday and last night my mother in law decided that she would bring dinner. Not only Taco Bell, but Chinese too (my 2 old favorite take-out foods)! Luckily, I had purchased a few Lean Cuisine's for emergencies. I figure while frozen meals are processed,…
  • This thread is too funny, especially since I searched the database for it yesterday! I haven't started a workout routine and figured I'd try to get credit for something :P
  • Hi Yvonne, I too am a mom of four and have decided that I need to put more energy into myself and have proclaimed 2011 my year. I just started on Monday and could use some accountability too.
  • I just started and have gone over both days. I don't consider it a big deal because It's still waaaay less than I was eating before Monday. Just let it go and remember that each day is a new one to try again!
    in :( Comment by mcarpe52797 January 2011
  • I'm in! I would love to be at least 25 lbs thinner on my birthday which is near the end of April.
  • I'm new here too and love it! The biggest eye opener for me was the calorie counter. I am no longer wondering how I gained so much weight lol. I had no idea how many calories I was putting in my body!
  • That is fantastic! Isn't it great that we're no longer afraid of that big bad scale and actually look forward to getting on it :)
  • Awesome! I'm actually looking forward to weighing myself on Monday, never thought I'd say that lol