

  • that would be great....... but I live in cali, do you how I can get in touch with someone in my area???
  • Milk, eggs and take a Vitamin D supplement everyday. Also Go out in the sun for 15-20 min...... or sit next to your window with the sun shinning in.
  • I don't use fake suger. It's really not doing any good. Your body thinks it getting sugar, and then when it doesn't get it, you start craving more sugar!!!! just cut back on your sugar intake. But stick to true sugar.... hope this helps! also look up DR. oz show he tells you alot about this topic
  • I would the true trick as well......... but for me dark choclate, wine and bed!!!!! but lets face it, I'm a mother of four, I don't get down time!!! LOL
  • Sounds like a wonderful man. And congrats on your engagement!!! I also have a wonderful husband! I couldn't ask for more, he's my best friend. and every year it just keep getting better =)
  • it's ok !!! just start cutting back now, and I know you will be ok....... who doesn't go a little nuts now and then??? I know I do. Don't beat your self up about it! do have any friends who is doing this with you? someone you can call for support or go on walks with??? good luck! I know you can do it!
  • Hello...... You will love this site. It will help you lose weight and keep you motivated!!!!! Good luck on you goal:flowerforyou:
  • Hi , Glad your on this site. You will really enjoy it. I just do basic stuff, butt lifts, squats, leg lifts, crunches, jumping jacks, walks and my normal house work........I have already lost 4 pounds!!! good luck :)
  • When YOU are on YOUR period YOU should do what ever YOU want!!!! don't want to workout fine....want that DOVE's dark choclate bar??? go for it! This is your time, and evryone's body id differant!!!! Me I don't workout on MY period!!! But that's just me!
  • With my first son I gained 26 pounds. With my 2nd ( daughter) I gained 30 pounds, with my 3rd (daughter) I gained 30 pounds and with my 4th (daughter) I gained 33 pounds. Lost all the baby weight by the babies 1st birthday...... but still have room for some improvment! you'll be fine!! just don't eat a whole tub of ice…
  • Tipring........ it's been 12 years since you have even thought about making a smoothi??? I guess I need to come over one morning and we can make some yummy smoothies LOL Talk to you later ;)