Calling all ladies...



  • wpij25
    wpij25 Posts: 161
    I look at my goal and prioritize...I want to reach my goal weight and stay there for the rest of my life, my cycle is a part of my life...I am not going to let it stop me from getting fit. No Excuses Anymore!! Just work your way through it and accept the change...but that's just me. :wink:
  • shapeupstephanie
    When YOU are on YOUR period YOU should do what ever YOU want!!!! don't want to workout fine....want that DOVE's dark choclate bar??? go for it! This is your time, and evryone's body id differant!!!!

    Me I don't workout on MY period!!! But that's just me!
  • kitchentales
    I timed my workouts around my period. I usually get really bad cramps, and I don't work out every day (I'm not trying to lose weight so much as tone), so I work out Mon/Tues and skip the Thurs routine if it's a bad month. I just started working out so I'm not much help there, but personally for yoga, I never go when I have my period. It's just too uncomfortable in a room full of people in some of the positions. Instead, I do some lighter yoga at home.

    Hope that helps!
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    This is a personal question and might be TMI does your period effect your exercise routine? I know most say that exercising helps get rid of cramps...but what if the cramps are so bad that all you do is lay in one place with a heating pad? I just want to sleep or sit in my chair all night...
    As a once terrible cramp sufferer I personally found that exercise did help some, but sounds like you suffer like I once did and as it turned out, I had fibroid tumors growing...there are less invasive ways to remove those these days than there were when I was going through this, such as the laser approach. Also I found that elevating my legs helped along w the heating pad. So sorry you are going through this...I truly feel your pain! Hope this helped some.
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    I started my "healthy lifestyle change" 4 weeks ago....just joined My Fitness Pal 5 days ago. I've always had TERRIBLE periods....cramps that wake me up in the middle of the night....miserable, very heavy. BUT, since I have changed my diet....cut out much of the sugar and all the junk food, drinking water and milk (no soda or juice) and being sure to exercise every day (or at least 6 days a week) my last period was AWESOME! I hardly noticed it!. I didn't have any cramps at all, lighter flow, and I felt better than I ever remember! In fact, I even mentioned it to my husband when I realized how great I was feeling. I even did my regular gym routines including Zumba! No problems at all! I really think that my body is much happier with my new healthier way of living and it is making a difference.
    Maybe you will start to notice a difference as well?
    This sounds like a really smart approach to this problem...definitely worth a try for you girls suffering...I've paid my dues and let me tell you after 48 years of cramps, minus the months that I was pregnant with 5 babies, I don't miss those days, but I do feel your pain. Great advise!
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    Not at all.
    Wow great weight loss... You go girl!
  • Gingerlvr5
    I try to make myself workout more, or I will crave carbs like crazy.