Mrs_Bones Member


  • This practice isn't completely vanished from our societies. In many hospitals, it is common practice to have mini-photoshoots done of children who are stillborn. The unfortunate reality, for those of us parents who have had to face it, is that we don't get to bring our children home and sometimes photographs of the dead…
  • I don't have the experience of losing 50 or more pounds, so what I'm telling you isn't from personal experience. My understanding, is that the more weight you have to lose, the more likely it is that you will suffer with loose skin. Also, it depends on how quickly you lose the weight. I was told, though don't quote me on…
  • I can see a huge difference in your photos! Congrats and keep up the good work :D
  • Amazing transformation! Keep up the good work! You got this!
  • Well I used to love cake... and then I got diagnosed with Celiac Disease so.. that happened.
  • You look awesome! I can totally see a difference! You've slimmed out in your bust and quite a bit in your middle. You must be so proud! Keep up the good work :)
  • Thanks so much for posting your story! I am 5'4" and started at about the same place as yourself! It's awesome to see so much positivity and progress. I love your mentality of "just keep getting back up". Congrats and keep up the good work :)
  • Hey! It doesn't matter that you stopped, what matters is that you've picked up where you left off and you keep going! Good for you for getting back at it! My biggest piece of advice is to avoid sugar! When I'm craving something sweet, I try to go for a piece of fruit. Also, when you do eat carbs (and I don't believe that…
  • Awesome job! I definitely see a huge difference, especially in your back! Keep it up :D
  • Hey! Ever heard the saying "Abs are made in the kitchen"? It's one of my favs right now. I also have some stubborn belly fat that doesn't want to shift, so I started researching what I could do that would make a difference. I've learned that sugar and white carbs are a sure-fire recipe to gain and keep belly fat. The…
  • I usually do a smoothie for breakfast in the morning with a banana, a cup of frozen fruit (this week it's blueberries), almond milk, and a scoop of my protein powder (GF and vegan).
  • My advice: be VERY careful about cutting gluten out of your diet before getting your labs done! I was in the same boat as you and decided to cut gluten out for two weeks just to see if it made a difference. When I noticed that it did, I went to my doctor to get tested and had to do a gluten challenge, where you MUST eat…
  • Who told you to reintroduce wheat? The only reason you'd reintroduce gluten is if you were doing an elimination diet to determine if that is what is causing your health problems. Judging by your response to re-introducing it, I'd take that as an indication that gluten IS causing your problems and you've determined the…
  • Amazing! Thanks so much for the inspiration this morning :)
  • Hey! I'm only a week in also! Fortunately (I guess), I got an official diagnosis of Celiac Disease so people tend to take me a bit more seriously when I say I can't eat something. This whole "gluten-free as trendy thing" is really frustrating for a LOT of people. Stay strong! You remember that you are eating for health :)…
  • 125 is kind of my "dream goal" also. How I swing it is that I make mini goals along the way. So I set a new goal every 10lbs or so! That way you're constantly working towards something attainable and once you reach it, you have more confidence that you can get the next 10 :)
  • What an amazing story! It is so important for people to realize that fitness and health are the ultimate goals of taking care of your body, not just pounds lost! Congratulations and keep up the good work :)
  • So far nausea hasn't been too much of an issue so the hiit has been okay, which is awesome! And yeah, I figured as much about the endo so I'm hoping that if I do come back positive for celiac, then it won't take ages to get in for the endo :/
  • Thanks guys! Yeah, I have to eat gluten for two to four weeks and make a follow up appointment with my doctor within a week of my blood work. It's been nearly two weeks, so I thought about just going ahead with my tests but my doctor is out of town until the end of the month and I shouldn't probably stop eating gluten…
  • I am going to see my doctor about coeliac disease. After years of suffering with minor digestive issues that seemed big enough to be irritating but not so big to complain about, I decided to eliminate gluten and see how I feel. Then doing some research, I found a link between undiagnosed coeliac disease and stillbirth…
  • Awesome! You must be stoked! Keep up the good work :)
  • Human beings have a natural instinct to search for cause and effect. When obvious answers cannot be found, we search for agency in things which we cannot see or directly analyze. In a nutshell: when we don't understand what is happening, we create myths (mythos = story; I am not meaning "myth" in a negative manner) in…
  • Hi! I am new! I am just starting a prep weekend to start the 4-Hour Body on Monday! How is everybody finding it?
  • Good for you! That's incredible! You're right when you say that it is hard not to compare yourself to others. For some of us, being slim doesn't come naturally. You should be immensely proud of yourself for your hard work and determination. If you can do this, you can do anything!
  • Damn black-haired people, I want ALL the Guinness!
  • There is no shame in starting again. I realized for myself that every single day when I wake up, I'm starting fresh. It doesn't matte what happened yesterday or a week ago, every new day is a new opportunity to make that day the best day. If you make every day the best day that you can, you see changes over time.
  • That's amazing! You should be super proud!
  • Strangely, I find that soymilk is my preferred substitute for hot chocolate! I've tried it with almond milk before but it wasn't as good! That could just be personal preference though, I'm not a huge fan of the taste of almond milk warm. Usually with hot chocolate now, I just mix some cocoa powder, a bit of xylitol with…