

  • You need to switch up your workout, your muscles are used to the same motions. Plus, you have to give your body at least 1 day of rest! I have to switch my workouts up every month or so cause I get bored with it for one, and 2nd it gets too easy. Try something more challenging too! If you're not opposed to workout dvds,…
  • Good luck!!! You can do it!!!
  • Ripped in 30 is a great workout!! It's even better cause its short and sweet! Week 2 seems to be easier than week 1 but just wait til week 3, it's killer! Week 4, well, you'll wanna die! LOL You will feel great though after you're all done!! Best of luck! Kill it before it kills you!!! ;)
  • Jillian's Ripped in 30 is pretty good!
  • Hey! Been there, done that! I went a long time without logging my foods but kept exercising. I found myself sneaking in more and more guilty pleasures lol FP makes you accountable for what you put in your mouth. Just jump right back into the routine! Don't wait til Monday or the first of the month, like some people do…
  • Hello, The HCG is not a good idea to put your body through. You can't stay on it long term and when you get off of it, you more than likely will gain the weight back. You are literally starving yourself on the diet. You definately can't exercise and therfore, you won't be tone. I wouldn't waste your time doing research on…
    in HCG Comment by shannamae February 2011
  • Jillian is a pretty tough chick!! I'm not sure anyone can compare! LOL I am sure the other workout will be a good change your body will thank you for! Any cardio is good cardio! Good Luck!!
  • You can do it!!! Once you make a routine with your toddler, you will look forward to your workout time!! I struggled with the same thing. I have a 10 month old and a 4 year old, when the baby takes his nap, my daughter and I do my workout! If you're taking on the task of doing online classes with 3 kids, you must have alot…
  • I am in the same boat ladies! My youngest is 10 months old! I started to workout as soon as the dr gave me the okay, that attempt failed because I don't think I was ready to commit to a healthy lifestyle while having a new baby and a 3 year old! I'm in it with the right frame of mind now. It's crazy what having a baby does…
  • Hey pal! If you want to join a gym, don't let your fear of what other people think or what you think they think, get in your way!!! Odds are most people might think you are wanting to better you health and your life. And that's what you are doing, right?!! I used the think the same way as you do, I didn't want to go alone,…