babyluu80 Member


  • Why THANK YOU Idnmaggie! You'll have to add 11 to that number. =)
  • If all you're doing for exercise is the elliptical then maybe you should switch it up a little bit. When you do the same routine, your body becomes adjusted and does it more efficiently so you're not burning as many calories as you think. Strength training is also very important to burn extra calories and build muscle.…
  • When you lose that much weight, it takes your mind a while to catch up to the fact that you have lost the weight and accept yourself as you are now. I know that when I had lost weight before, I still saw myself as being fat or flabby (even though it wasn't the reality). Remember that with the weight gain and eventual loss,…
  • I like unsalted mixed nuts for snacks. I also buy frozen edamame beans. They're only 150 calories a package and high in protein. You just pop it into the microwave for 4 minutes and you have a healthy, satisfying snack.
  • You can turn it into a family thing. Meal prep Sundays! If you have kids, it will teach them to be more conscious of what they're eating and learning to eat healthier. =D Plus you're spending quality time with each other.
  • It's amazing how your body feels when you start eating more fruits, veggies, whole grains. You really start to notice a difference in how much better you feel. At least I have. I don't know how tall you are so don't know how many calories you need to eat but if you find yourself getting hungry in between meals then I…
  • Just a suggestion, maybe you can start preparing your own meals if you're looking to watch calorie intake. Not trying to criticize but I see a lot of processed or store bought meals, which is okay but you have to be careful of the salt content in those. When you prepare your own meals you can control what goes in there.…
  • Same thing happened to me except I gained even more than what I started with last year. I had lost 26 lbs early last year but hurt my back in June so couldn't exercise for a few months and gained about 20 lbs back, then earlier this year the pharmacy switched my BC to a generic and that made me gain even more…
  • Glad you were able to fix it! I was in the same boat when I hurt my back last summer. I stopped working out in order to let my back heal but then I fell out of the habit of logging and working out so I gained back all the weight and some. I had lost 26 lbs but gained it all back plus 3 more! So now I am starting over this…
  • Wow! What an amazing accomplishment so far and we have no doubt you'll reach your goal! *high five* Minnesota!!!!
  • If you're going to have a breakfast burrito, I usually use the Flatout light flat bread for the wrap. It tastes so good and only has 90 calories and lots of protein and fiber.
  • I'm almost 5'4" and my goal is 145 which would take me out of the overweight category. I still have a very long way to go since I gained back 19 lbs from the 26 lbs loss earlier this year when I hurt my back. =( My current weight is 180.2 and lowest weight was 150 but that was over 13 years ago when I was 20, right before…
  • Not much is going to change in a week but if you work on deadlifts and squats over time it can help with toning your legs and glutes. To tone your arms work on your triceps and biceps. Unfortunately, we don't get to choose where we lose the fat, we can only work the muscle groups to improve their tone and hope that by…
  • Fatty fish like salmon are a good source of protein and healthy fats. Also any kinds of nuts for snacks will be good for you. Beans are also good as well. I love eating edamame beans as a snack, low calories and high protein. I also drink a soy protein shake and add chia seeds to it. Both great sources of protein and…
  • wienerdogcraz - response to your question.
  • I drink Naturade Total Soy. It's a soy based protein shake that can be used as a meal replacement. I love the taste and it's pretty creamy so you don't get the big grains of sugar like in some other protein shakes that I've tried before. It has 140 cals, 17 g Carb, 3 g Fat, 13 g Protein, 220 mg Sodium, and 8 g Sugar per…
  • Try increasing your calories and protein a little bit. If you're lifting that often, you might need to up your calories to about 1400 and give it about 3-4 weeks to see if the changes help. It sucks but the closer you get to your goal the harder it is. Just change things up a bit so your body doesn't get used to the same…
  • I just said they were mean because of all the mean comments they made but didn't bash or judge them. Merely an observation but whatever...
  • I totally agree that people should give some serious thought to how their kid's name will affect their futures and the crazy names like Apple, Moonbeam, Pilot Inspektor, Abcde, L-sha (pronounced La'daysha), etc. are just ridiculous but I'm not going to sit here and say that they should be punched or shot.
  • lol, I totally agree that those names from New Zealand are horrible and there's quite a few other names from around the world that are horrible and I feel bad for those kids but dang some of the comments on there were about names that you see more often these days. Like people complaining about names like Aidan, Brayden,…
  • I absolutely HATE cauliflower. I've tried it a few times, in different forms, raw, mashed, steamed, and I just couldn't eat it. I tried roasted curry cauliflower for the first time and I absolutely LOVED it. Not only does it taste good, it's also healthy! Here's the recipie. My coworker uses grapeseed…
  • I usually do chicken stirfry over rice. It's pretty simple. Sorry there's no measurements since I just season everything to taste. Sliced chicken breast, minced garlic and sliced onions (you can omit garlic since you can't have it), any kind of veggies you like, olive oil, 1/2 cup chicken broth, cornstarch, salt & pepper…
  • I know sometimes things can get crazy with your schedule and it's hard to get a good meal. I always try to plan ahead and pack healthy snacks. If you don't mind, I suggest. packing some unsalted mixed nuts and protein bars in your backpack for a quick snack between classes. That way you're not tempted to overeat when you…
  • I don't think you need to take supplements to gain muscle, what you want to do is look at what you're eating. I can't see your diary so I don't know how much protein you're eating but to increase muscle mass you want to eat more lean protein. For as much as you're working out and your height/weight, 1200 calories is not…
  • You can and should definitely wear that bikini. I think we are our own worst critics. Most people don't even notice or care that you have stretch marks. I have a ton and I'm bigger than you but I still rocked my bikinis when I was on vacation this year. Wear it with confidence because you've come a long way and should be…
  • Maybe you can split it up. Do your strength training in the morning and then after work or during lunch you can go for a 10-15 minute walk. Eventually you'll build up your endurance for a longer or faster walk.
  • Holy cow! 50 lbs in 4 months is impressive! You've done an amazing job and are looking fantastic.
  • All I can say is you are amazing! What a great accomplishment. It takes hard work and dedication which you have and you're totally inspiring so many of us here on your FL. BTW - I like the farmers tan you've got on your arms in the before pics. LOL