lost 137 pounds not happy still

Im a 36 year old mom of two.Im down to 147 cause I gained seven pounds durring a stressful time.Now im back to depression and obssesed about it.Im tired of worrying about weight it drives me and my husband crazy.I run everday ,gym three times a week I even do 30 day shred.I eat healthy im just tired im totally lean but still have extra skin on belly and im so insecure.Any words on what to do when you hit a plateau? Sorry for whining but we know weight loss is crazy days lol


  • camy1911
    camy1911 Posts: 6
    You look incredible! I don't know how to make you feel better but you can always use bmi calculators (even if they are a bit shoddy) and remind yourself that you are an ideal weight! :)
  • OMG... you look amazing and here I was whining about only loosing 32 lbs, I have a long way to go to get to your level. I rather ask you what is it exactly that you are doing bc I need to do all of that so I can see a major difference with myself. BTW... you look great, you pretty much lost 2 people in pounds! Stay positive... I too suffer from depression and I am obsessing a bit with this journey!
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    The problem isn't with your body, it's with your head at this point. My best advice would be to stop trying to lose weight. It doesn't have to be forever, but you need a break. Eat what you want, exercise if you feel like it, but just take a month and breathe and learn to enjoy life again.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Im a 36 year old mom of two.Im down to 147 cause I gained seven pounds durring a stressful time.Now im back to depression and obssesed about it.Im tired of worrying about weight it drives me and my husband crazy.I run everday ,gym three times a week I even do 30 day shred.I eat healthy im just tired im totally lean but still have extra skin on belly and im so insecure.Any words on what to do when you hit a plateau? Sorry for whining but we know weight loss is crazy days lol

    short of changing your mindset or surgery not much to do...

    most women that have had babies have extra skin...it's a fact of life...embrace your body as a mothers body and remember that skin surrounded those beautiful children you had...that's it...
  • Hey feel free to message me privately if you'd like, but my suggestion is STOP looking at the scale. I think that's one thing that myfitnesspal does wrong. It should only allow you to add your weight once a week or once every other week. Focus instead on how your clothes fit. If you have a pair of pants that you love that normally fit comfortably that are getting a bit tight, maybe it's time to focus on eating healthier and exercising smarter (NOT harder!)
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    You look beautiful. Short of plastic surgery and therapy I don't think you're going to be happy. *HUGS*
  • Tiff050709
    Tiff050709 Posts: 497 Member
    Being someone who suffers from depression I understand how you feel. So first and foremost, I truly empathize with you.
    I agree with what someone said about the problem being in your head though. You are beautiful just the way you are. Try not to stress about being perfect, there is no such thing. I have to remind myself of the same thing very often. I still have a lot of weight to lose myself but I try to focus on how far I have come. Losing 137 pounds is a fantastic achievement and you should be proud of yourself and all your hard work and effort. Learn to love yourself, flaws and all.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    After I lost 100 lbs, it took a long time to see myself as "thin." And the skin kept tightening back up over time. Give yourself some time, enjoy your new life, try to not stress about it.

    That being said, one of my most embarrassing places was around my knees. There was extra skin that folded over my knee, like an 80-year-old woman. Sure, I lost 100 lbs, but wouldn't wear shorts or a bathing suit because of this. I HATED IT. It took 5 years, but it eventually tightened up. Good luck, ok?
  • Im a 36 year old mom of two.Im down to 147 cause I gained seven pounds durring a stressful time.Now im back to depression and obssesed about it.Im tired of worrying about weight it drives me and my husband crazy.I run everday ,gym three times a week I even do 30 day shred.I eat healthy im just tired im totally lean but still have extra skin on belly and im so insecure.Any words on what to do when you hit a plateau? Sorry for whining but we know weight loss is crazy days lol

    I suggest talking to a counselor. I know it sounds a little trite but my mama always said you can change whatever you want about your body, but it won't be enough til your mind is on the same wave. It's about mind and body, not just the body, so if you have gotten to the point where you don't think this is about weight loss anymore, maybe it's purely about how you see yourself. Maybe a professional can help with that.

    Not trying to over step boundaries, I just know my counselor has helped me through a lot of different body issues.
  • nomad1000
    nomad1000 Posts: 206 Member
    I think you need to talk to someone about your body image issues.

    If these thoughts are impacting other aspects of your life (which is sounds like "drives me and my husband crazy" it is usually time to seek some outside help.

    You have worked hard to change your body, now it is time to spend some time working hard on changing how you think about it.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member

    Time to heal your head now that your body has gotten healthier (maybe).
  • smoothgrl
    smoothgrl Posts: 17 Member
    You look beautiful. Short of plastic surgery and therapy I don't think you're going to be happy. *HUGS*
    Agreed here. I think some counseling to help with that depression and maybe your expectations of yourself may be in order. You are beautiful and you just need some helping feeling that on the inside. Hugs!
  • cindybowcut
    cindybowcut Posts: 250 Member
    I looked at your pictures on your profile and you should be so proud of yourself. You look absolutely amazing.
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    I think that anyone struggling with depression, especially if it is affecting your day to day, should for sure talk to a therapist and/or your doctor. Good luck!
  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    I agree with everything other posters have said. It can be very hard especially when you're under life pressures & experiencing depression to not become completely focused on one area. Unfortunately it sounds like this is currently your weight. That's completely understandable considering the amazing weight loss journey you've been on. However its maybe time to assess the other things that are going on in your life (you mentioned stresses). Its possible you are looking towards the 7lb regain as an area that you know you are able to control. Definitely seek some professional support over this OP if its becoming detrimental to how you feel about yourself. Good luck & yes you do look incredible.
  • babyluu80
    babyluu80 Posts: 58 Member
    When you lose that much weight, it takes your mind a while to catch up to the fact that you have lost the weight and accept yourself as you are now. I know that when I had lost weight before, I still saw myself as being fat or flabby (even though it wasn't the reality). Remember that with the weight gain and eventual loss, it takes time and patience. You carried around the weight for years and your skin was stretched for years so it will take a long time for your skin to shrink. Instead of concentrating on the scale now and doing so much cardio, maybe you can concentrate more on strength training and body composition. It will help you gain more muscle definition and the skin will look tighter. Good luck and remember that you've come a long way so celebrate your accomplishment and be grateful for your family and kids.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    You have come a long way and look awesome. I haven't lost nearly as much as you, but I do know it is taking my mind a while to catch up to my body. I have a great deal of difficulty seeing any changes in the mirror. Even though I have objective data - scale, measurements, clothes size, etc that tells me I'm smaller. Some of it might be your mind is behind your body....

    One mistake I made years ago when I lost about 80lbs was I thought that when I lost the weight I would be happier. I learned the hard way that wasn't the case. It didn't improve my depression and I wasn't any happier. Since my life didn't 'magically' improve, I returned to my old habits and put almost all of that weight back on. Losing weight will make you healthier but it won't make you happier.

    I agree with others that you might want to see someone to address your depression and body image issues. If it is impacting your marriage, then you need to do something about it.