Stuck in a Plateau

I have been stuck in a plateau for about a month now. I started out at 1600 - 1700 calories a day losing 2 per week for awhile until I upped my calories to 1900/ day last week. My original thought was that I was not eating enough. I try to exercise on my ellipitical 3-4 times a week usually burning 550+ calories. I stopped weight training a couple of months ago because I stopped losing. I want to lose 20 more lbs by September. Any ideas to help get me past this plateau? My diary is open for suggestions


  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    if you just made a change last week, give it more time. However, I know there are tons of people here that are believers, but I still don't get how people go into a "plateau" and try to break it by upping calories but still staying at a deficit. That just doesn't have any scientific support.

    The idea of raising calories is to fix your crashed hormones due to long term dieting. You aren't going to fix them by raising calories to "less of a deficit" conditions. If you think you need to reverse the hormonal changes due to long term dieting, you need to take 1-2 weeks of eating at maintenance calories then just go back on your diet. It probably would do you a lot of good both physically and mentally.
  • You are supposed to lower your daily calorie intake after awhile, not up it. As your body lose weight, your BMR goes down. Because of that, you have to cut down your daily calorie intake, to keep up with the dwindling BMR. I started out at just under 1,700 a day, and now I'm at 1,250 a day and still losing weight.
  • babyluu80
    babyluu80 Posts: 58 Member
    If all you're doing for exercise is the elliptical then maybe you should switch it up a little bit. When you do the same routine, your body becomes adjusted and does it more efficiently so you're not burning as many calories as you think. Strength training is also very important to burn extra calories and build muscle. Have you tried interval training? Doing a mix of high intensity cardio and strength training may help as well. I would make those changes and see if your weight starts to go down again after a few weeks.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Not sure but your exercise burns seem high. 30 min on the elliptical for 600 cal? Guess it's possible but seems high. And do you mix your protein powder with milk? I didn't see that logged.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    So, let me get this straight- you were losing 2 lbs/week on 1600-1700 cal/day with cardio and weight training, so you stopped weight training and upped your calories? I think you just told yourself what's going on.

    1. Don't stop weight training. You may stop losing weight, but you're working on toning yourself up. Which would you rather have: a low number on the scales and still flabby, or a higher number on the scales (which only you see) but be toned?

    2. Looking at your diary: holy bread and sodium!! I only looked back a few days, but to have a sodium intake anywhere near 5000mg is not at all healthy and is probably causing you to retain water to dilute the salts in your blood, hence, extra weight. Bread isn't great for weight loss either- I've reserved bread for weekends and during the week I tend to eat more beans or oatmeal for carbs. Both of those have protein so they help keep you fuller for longer.

    3. You may have been right to up your calories, but it's WHAT you eat that really matters. I admit, my weekends are pretty horrible if you look through my diary and my one splurge is my after-work drink or two, but I try to reserve junk food for weekends- or at least Friday through Sunday. Looking back through your diary, I see fries, burgers, pizza, sausage, fast food breakfast sandwiches, chicken wings, chips, mozzarella sticks, etc. Your body needs good fuel to burn fat. You wouldn't put low-octane fuel into a Ferrari, would you?

    20 lbs by September is absolutely achievable, but you can burst through your plateau by eating healthy, lifting, and doing cardio. Pretty simple formula :)
  • cg57076
    cg57076 Posts: 16 Member
    Not sure but your exercise burns seem high. 30 min on the elliptical for 600 cal? Guess it's possible but seems high. And do you mix your protein powder with milk? I didn't see that logged.

    I mix my protein powder with water and ice, sometimes I will add skim milk. spara0038, I know but on that specific day I literally did not each much of anything that day and was in a calorie negative, plus add in a bad week I splurged heavily. Good advice though as I try to make everything I eat but it doesn't work out as intended sometimes.
  • spara0038
    spara0038 Posts: 226 Member
    Totally understandable. And I'm sorry- I was just reading through what I posted again and it sounded a bit harsh.

    With the sodium thing, though- try to focus on that first, since that can have some serious impacts on your health (high blood pressure, etc). Also, I know when I have high sodium days, I retain water like crazy, feel sluggish and bloated, and put on crazy amounts of water weight. Case in point: look at my most recent weekend. Fri-Sun I went over my sodium, and my weight on those days went: 131, 132.1, 133.1. That's even after 65 mins of cardio on both Saturday and Sunday! I'm hoping I lose that water weight again in the next few days.

    If you are just starting out cooking for yourself, there are plenty of canned items- soup, veggies, etc that have "no salt added" or "low sodium" options that you can season yourself. Garlic powder is a favorite of mine, as well as cumin. A really easy option would be to maybe get a plain rotisserie chicken from your supermarket, season it with no sodium spices (garlic powder, cumin, Mrs. Dash- whatever) and get a side of canned, low sodium veggies. Plate them up together, microwave, and voila! If your local supermarkets are anything like mine (I :heart: Wegmans), that'll work out cheaper too. Losing weight+saving money= win-win!
  • Nice2BFitAgain
    Nice2BFitAgain Posts: 319 Member
    Looking at your diary - it appears that you are not weighing your foods. This will make a huge difference in calorie #'s - using cups (baked potato medium .5) and spoons and inches (bananas)for solids doesn't cut it. You need to know grams and ounces for true calorie count. You are probably eating more than you thought.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    if you're not losing, you're not in a deficit.

    you're either eating more than you think, burning less than you think, or a combination of both.