cheron40 Member


  • Thank you for responding- I think my question was taken out of text, I do not want medical advice, nor do I need any, and I don't believe I asked for medical advice, the pediatritian and specialist both suggested I give him a high protein/calorie suppliment such as a protein powder I was looking for suggestions on a…
  • I have heard of it- I know people here are against cleanses- however I did the 12 deal wild rose cleanse and it has really helped check it out online, it really helps with the Candida issues-
  • Thank you all- I guess I have been focused on the 20 pounds I am trying to lose my menu is all over- starting to get frustraed and losing focus at this point however with everyones responces- I am back on the wagon! Thanks again
  • Pls add me! I am 40yrs and also have 40 pounds to lose- however my kids are older than everyone's- we have an 18yr old girl and 2 boys- 11 and 12yrs- I did lose all my baby weight- this weight that I have is from eating and mostly drinking- ( I can now that the kids are older :tongue: ) I went to to see a dietitian-…
  • OMG- I am laughing so hard that I am crying- I have body hatred and apparently I can forget diets, obsessive exercise plans or surgery – BDD is a form of emotional illness and requires urgent attention from a qualified therapist
  • When the kids were smaller, (I have 3 children) all I could do was walk with them in the stroller, as they outgrew the stroller I used a wagon it was heavy pulling it- but it gave me a work out- we would go after dinner- but mostly on weekends= now that they are out of daycare- I go right after work- and only do 30…
  • I am 40 and have some excess skin- mine is from having a very large baby- so its just in the belly- area, I have gone to 3 Dr's and they all told me that I need plastic surgery to remove the excess skin, if you find anything that helps let us know congrats on the weight loss!
  • I went to see a dietitian last week, and since then I have been eating what she suggests and have been having a dull headache since, I have really cut out sugars as she suggested so maybe that is it? I have been getting fresh air and taking advil, hopefully it will stop soon Good Luck!
  • I cut out soda- and replaced it with catbonated water- seemed to do the trick for me- good luck!
  • Sorry about the depression- I have suffered most of my life with it- the tips received are great I really have a hard time actually getting up and out to do anything- its hard to get motivated when you are depressed- you kind of get stuck, sometimes I force myself out- but its much easier said than done- I did get a dog so…
  • let me know what he says about the baby asprin-at the time I was told it will thin the blood to help prevent miscarriage as well as help my lining get thicker- my children are older now- 17 ,12 and 11 so things could have changed since then with my youngest I got pregnant on my own, we did not think we needed birth control…
  • issues here- healthy and not menopause
  • Hi Charlie I have PCOS, and can tell you I now have 3 healthy children! I lost some weight, and started to take metformoin- I took metformin for less than 6 months when I got pregnant sorry about the miscarriage, I also had one - and it was related to the PCOS and the lining in your uterus in not thick enough some…
  • I went to see s dietitian as I was in the same boat- basically she told me to eat: snack, breakfast,lunch,snack,dinner and 5x500mls of water per day snacks have to be 2 of the 4 food groups and meals have be 3 of the 4 food groups- portion sizes as mostly about the size of your fist or smaller hope that helped
  • I have the same problem as you- and because of it I have lost no weight as my body is hangin on to what it can I went to see a dietitian a few days ago and she gave me some good tips: I have to start my day with: snack, breakfast,lunch,snack,dinner the snack has to be from 2 or the 4 food groups- I eat a yogurt with almond…
  • I have PCOS- and stared to take it to help me get pregnant - I took it for a few months, and had no weight loss however I did have severe stomach crampss, and lived in the washroom- once I got pregnant ( after 5 yrs of trying) I stopped taking it..... those cramps were horrible keep us updated
  • I lost all my babyweight after having 3 kids- however I never drank when the kids were small as it was just not worth it the next day- when I had to be up early with them and I would tell people that- when they did not understand..I did not care, I would tell them- if they want to look after the kids for me then I would be…
  • Thanks for the advise everyone- I only eat a tablespoon of different foods as I don't feel hungry, and feel freaked out if there is to much food in front of me- I know its wrong ,and not feeling hungry makes it seem like its okay I suffer from depression so its pretty easy for me to not eat when I feel depressed- moving…
  • Thanks for the responces- I don't eat alot- this morning my western was 1 tablespoon- I usually just grab a tablespoon or 2 of different food- I generally go to a serve yourself salad bar during the week- so I can take just a bit of what I want. weekends I don't really eat much so I don't log- I will start to log this…
  • I was doing a cleanse and was told by people on this site to stop- which I did, and I feel much better I was having constant dull headaches-and was incredibly grouchy and crying alot and of course I lost no weight-
  • I use to drink about 3 glasses a night- everynight I have now stopped all wine for the past 3 weeks and am drinking tons of water and I have lost no weight or inches l- I am going to wait another week, if nothing comes off in weight or inches, I am going back to drinking my wine keep us updated!