1 week on Metformin

I decided that I was tired of not losing but busting my butt. I went to the doctor and asked about getting put on metformin. Today is 1 week on metformin. I have lost a couple of pounds in a week and considering it was my birthday weekend as well as valentine's day when I dieted on neither day... I would say I am pretty encouraged. Anyone care to share some metformin success stories and overcoming the weight loss issues associated with PCOS? :)


  • I'm curious to see what others have to say as well. My doctor put me on Metformin a year ago for PCOS (I'm insulin resistant). I took it off and on for a month, but didn't see results so I stopped taking it. At that point, I was 170 pounds. I slowly lost about 10 pounds on my own over the course of the year, and now I'm doing low carb. I started taking the Metformin again a week ago, after realizing that I really need to get my insulin levels under control. So far, I'm having no troubles... currently taking it 3 times a day. I feel like its helping me with my weight loss, but cant tell for sure just yet.
  • loveadrianna217
    loveadrianna217 Posts: 18 Member
    The first week I was to take it at breakfast. Now they told me to take it breakfast and dinner. The scale was not budging no matter what I did, before I started metformin. Time will tell.
  • cheron40
    cheron40 Posts: 31 Member
    I have PCOS- and stared to take it to help me get pregnant - I took it for a few months, and had no weight loss however I did have severe stomach crampss, and lived in the washroom- once I got pregnant ( after 5 yrs of trying) I stopped taking it..... those cramps were horrible

    keep us updated
  • akal0423
    akal0423 Posts: 9 Member
    I was diagnosed with PCOS when I was 15 and weighed 232 lbs. I was put on Metformin immediately, and lost 80 lbs within a year. The stomach and intestinal side effects were discouraging at first ,but the weight loss I was seeing every month was definitely encouraging. My dr told me to cut out processed foods, to avoid high carb meals whenever possible, and to incorporate exercise at least four times a week. I was 15, so needless to say none of that happened, but I did lose the weight regardless.
  • xxjoellexx
    xxjoellexx Posts: 78 Member
    Hi. I am on DAY 1 of Metformin. I think my stomach is going to explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • JuniperT
    JuniperT Posts: 394 Member
    My doctor put me on it after I had my 3rd baby to help with weight loss. The stomach cramps at first were discouraging and somewhat hard to deal with with 3 kids at home, so I went from 3 pills a day and somehow ended up at 1. I haven't taken them for a little while but I would like to start back on them soon to help things along, I'm eating a lot better than I was before, and excercising more than I ever was but I still like the way it helped curve my appetite, which is an issue for me (no matter how much water I drink). I plan on starting them next week so I'm curious to see how things go with everyone else.
  • gwhizeh
    gwhizeh Posts: 269 Member
    Hi. I am on DAY 1 of Metformin. I think my stomach is going to explode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Met can be harsh on the stomach. It definitively improves. Try different times of day and watch what your eating with it. I found fruit would make me feel like you do. Also, I believe there is an extended release form that they say is more tolerable.

    Type 2 here btw.
  • Splinter24
    Splinter24 Posts: 13 Member
    I've been on Metformin for about 5 years now. The first week S-U-C-K-S!! But it gets better! Try cutting your pill in half and working up to a full pill. It didn't help me lose weight, but it helped me maintain it. Considering the crap I was putting in my mouth everyday, thats pretty incredible! Now that I'm eating properly and exercising, maybe that will change.
  • rachel4304
    rachel4304 Posts: 115 Member
    Metformin for four years off and on. PCOS for four years with insulin resistance.

    I asked in July to go back on it. I've lost 44lbs since then. I requested the extended release this time to cut out a pill and the symptoms.

    I've found the symptoms lessen over time but if I miss a day it takes a day of bad symptoms to punish me for it.

    ETA: it's almost like aversion therapy. I know what sets the symptoms off and can evaluate whether its worth eating in regards to the side effects.
  • NualaTW
    NualaTW Posts: 205 Member
    My doc put me on Meformin last year when my fasting glucose levels began to rise a bit, but unfortunately I couldn't tolerate it. I swelled up like a balloon, edema in my feet and ankles and my fingers were swollen up like giant sausages. This started in week two, and since it was the only thing I was doing differently I figured it was from the pills. I stopped taking them and within a week was back to normal feet, ankles and fingers.

    I always seem to have weird reactions to many prescription drugs.
  • loveadrianna217
    loveadrianna217 Posts: 18 Member
    A week and a half now - Dr. has upped me to one pill morning, one pill evening. Wants me to start one morning, 2 evening next week. I'm losing weight!!!!! i am so encouraged by all your stories.
  • Caramel_24
    Caramel_24 Posts: 81 Member
    I was diagnosed with pcos 4 years ago. I was put on metaformin and then put on something else. I haven't took anything for it in the last 8 months, and have lost weight without it. The pill only made me have a period that was it, it didn't help me lose weight. But I am thinking about going back to the doctor to see if there's anything else they can do for me.
  • I'm starting my second week as well (though these posts are a few months old). I keep reading about people feeling sick everywhere, and noticed most of them aren't on a diet. With metformin, you really shouldn't eat anything high in carbs. It supposedly brings a lot of the pain and swelling so many people are experiencing. It's only been a week and without any exercize (yet) I dropped 4 pounds! Metformin totally erases my appetite and for the first time I actually have to force myself to eat though I'm not eat carbs. Plus, I'm only on 500 mg twice a day.