

  • I boil my eggs, and as soon as the water stops boiling I put the pan under the faucet and run cold water over them. As soon as they are coolish to the touch I peel them. I set them on the counter and run them under my palm with light pressure. The peel comes off easily and your egg doesn't get mushed.
  • Things that I only use seasonally, or less than once a month I put into large rubbermaid bins. I get the 30 gal, because its large enough to hold what I need it too, but not to bulky to store and move. I label the top and sides of each one with duct tape and a sharpie (so if I do need something, its super easy to find)…
  • I love veggies and hummus, because there's so much variety. Homeade soup, maybe? I usually make a couple different kinds of soups and snacks Sunday night and put them into small Tupperware containers (the dollar store has a great selection for a fraction of the costs of other stores) and keep them in the fridge. They're…
  • I just ordered a digital scale yesterday because my dial scale does this. The last straw was when I got on it 3 consecutive times and got 3 numbers that varied over 15lbs!
  • I just decided to switch, and if you go to PETAs website, they have some great information that I have found really really helpful. If you are going to continue consuming dairy products, Greek yogurt and cottage cheese have a decent amount.
  • I really like hummus with veggies or corn chips. There are so many possibilities for hummus flavors and different veggies/chips you have lots of options so you won't get bored with it.
  • If you go to PETAs website, they have a very informative section on becoming vegetarian/vegan with a lot of resources, recipes, etc
  • I'm so glad you posted this. I'm going to BJs today and was just trying to figure this out. I like the seltzer water cases they have. There cheaper than the grocery store and a yummy alternative if you get bored with plain water.
  • I have a long term/possibly permanent knee injury. It limits my walking/excersise, basically anything involving my leg as it makes my pain far worse, and I already have a lot of issues with the pain. Although I recently found a cardio in bed work out. I haven't tried it yet, but it's nice to find new things that I can…
  • Salt and pepper is yummy if you get used to/like the taste. Fruit. Especially pineapple is also good. If you google recipes with cottage cheese there are a ton out there ( is my fave) but that's a way to work it into your diet if you don't like or can't stomach it plain
  • Okay, that makes a lot more sense now :) thanks. And I think I really need to up my intake.
  • I've found that really watching what I eat and how much i eat and trying to eat more raw fruits and veggies over processed foods has really helped. I also cut out sodas, and juice, i dont get much excersice since i have a knee injury that really prevents it. but I've lost 13lbs in about 3 weeks. So it's definitely helped
  • I'd honestly suggest being diligent about logging/measuring you're food. I've tried other weightloss methods before deciding I just needed to be healthy and joined MFP, within the first week, it really helped me understand what I was consuming. I've always eating semi healthy I love fruits and veggies, I just didn't…
  • I think people wanting a magic cure has a lot to do with all the marketing of crazy ridiculous products. I got a flier the other day saying I could train my body to shed 60lbs in 30 days by sleeping....
  • I think people wanting a magic cure has a lot to do with all the marketing of crazy ridiculous products. I got a flier the other day saying I could train my body to shed 60lbs in 30 days by sleeping....
  • I personally would mind someone saying something, especially because mine occasionally dips really low, (and I honestly wish iI could eat more some days without feeling sick to my stomach) but if you see a person that is consistenly really low, maybe you can just bring it up subtly if youre really concerned. maybe "when i…
  • I have tried the patch in the past, and that didnt bother me, but some people have reactions to the adhesive they use. Ive been on the pill for over a year steady, and have no problems at all. And if you talk to your Dr., you can take most pills for three consecutive months as well. I have not gained any weight, have had…
  • It isn't always intentional to eat that little either. I have a fair number of days where I'm between 700 to 1000 calories. Even when I plan meals I just cant finish everything. I'm on pain medication, and it just really messes with my appetite.
  • I used to work at a grocery store in New York, and I had a man come up to me, 100% serious, and ask me 'Are we in Canada?'
  • I have been on the patch and gained weight, but switched to the pill(which I've steadily been on the past year) and had no problems with weight gain at all.
  • Once minimum, but twice in the summer or if I do crazy cleaning and feel icky. But dry shampoo is a miracle, so I don't always have to do my hair if I'm being lazy.
  • Thanks for posting. I was a having a hard time finding an index. All the ones I found seemed to contradict each other
  • Buffy the vampire slayer and NCIS
  • What about a mix? Try 3 for a bit, if it isn't what you need it to be add some supplements?
  • Thank you for the great suggestions. :) I'm only 19, and don't wanna let this determine my life. The drs have told me they can't do anything surgically, and this is long term, but I think losing the excess weight would help me at least a little bit.
  • My knee is unstable and tends to give out at random times, so i don't know if I could feel safe on an elliptical, but the rower is a good idea. What stretches do you do?
  • I tried the bike in therapy, and it made it worse, but the stretching may not be too hard on it. Any suggestions of good stretches that aren't too strenuous?
  • Thanks for the YouTube idea, I hadn't thought of that. I've tried therapy before but it didn't work and actually made it worse. I'd like to forces more on my diet, but if I wait for my knee to improve, it could be a while. The last dr that I saw said if it improved, it would be a long course, to the point he wouldn't even…
  • My biggest issue is the more that I use it, the worse it gets. I've seen multiple doctors, and I've been told there isn't much more than medication that can help, and its gradually getting worse every day (its already been 15 months) Even if I just do a moderate amount of housekeeping I end up very swollen and in terrible…
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