Weight gain due to birth control?



  • wbandel
    wbandel Posts: 530 Member
    I don't know if any of us can really help more than just sitting down and talking with your doctor. I have a genetic condition that keeps me from having most hormonal birth control. I was recommended the Mirena IUD and absolutely hated it, tons of side effects for three years before I finally got rid of it. I did a bunch of research online and found a ton of other women all with similar problems to me, so I thought it had to be the IUD.

    I saved up thinking I'd get the copper one, and checked around and I had a difficult time finding a doctor who was even able to do the procedure for the copper IUD. Finally got an appointment and she said since I had no insurance that she pretty much refused to give it to me as "most women change their minds and get it taken out within a month". So despite my better judgement, I gave in and got the Mirena IUD again. She said it's better to have a method I know works, even if I somewhat dislike it, rather than getting one she thought I'd definitely hate. Lesser of two evils sorta thing. Like I said, I personally have few options to work with. Strange thing is, this time I've had absolutely no issues at all. Last time it affected my cycle, I had horrid cramping, weight gain, breast tenderness, felt bloated, etc. Now I have no symptoms, and as you can see, I've managed to lose about 60lbs. I don't know if it's the placement, or if they changed how they produce them over the years, but it just goes to show you that everyone's body is different and can even act differently over time.

    Best of luck.
  • Ginger_Gal
    Ginger_Gal Posts: 18 Member
    Got mine out this week. Was easier taking out than it was putting in. I'll let you know if the weight loss gets better.
  • KMRose1788
    KMRose1788 Posts: 32 Member
    Weight gain and birth control can absolutely go hand in hand. I personally have the Mirena and have for about a year and love it. After trying SO many different things on the market this is something that is working for me now. Side affects from birth control come in all sorts of ways, one pill I tried left me with TERRIBLE night sweats, depo made me gain lots of weight, etc. If it doesn't feel right, change it. And don't feel bad you are struggling or questioning, bodies are fickle and need to be treated so. My mother acted like I was crazy for thinking something was wrong when I was in college saying I didn't feel right about the birth control... you know your body best and are in charge of it. Take care of yourself no matter what anyone else says!
  • usernameMAMA
    usernameMAMA Posts: 681 Member
    If you think the side effects from BC is unbearable, you should see the side effects of being pregnant! Oof!
  • missBrigina
    Birth control...The depo shot was the reason I started gaining weight to begin with, was only on it for 3 months and I gained 25 pounds.. 3 yrs later I'm still struggling
  • haephestia
    haephestia Posts: 11 Member
    Just remember that often the most vocal people about a certain products are the ones experiencing side effects, NOT the majority of users. I have used 3 types of birth control pills with different doses, multiple kinds of antidepressants, and now have the Mirena and have not gained any weight from them in 6 years.

    Only about 5-10% of hormonal birth control users actually experience significant weight gain (being more than 5lb in the first year of use). It all depends on which pill or method you use, but 5% is the norm and a very small percentage.
  • nicoled6842
    I have tried the patch in the past, and that didnt bother me, but some people have reactions to the adhesive they use. Ive been on the pill for over a year steady, and have no problems at all. And if you talk to your Dr., you can take most pills for three consecutive months as well. I have not gained any weight, have had less breakouts, and have a lot more regular cycle too.
  • stephaniemejia1671
    stephaniemejia1671 Posts: 482 Member
    I don't really want to put ALL the blame on my birth control (the pill- lo estrine) so I made an appointment with my doctor.
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    I say that every BODY truly is different and will react to things differently. I have been on Depo and actually got pregnant while using it. Shortly after my son was born, I had my first IUD inserted. I have to say that my only side effect is my hair loss but I think taking biotin has helped with that. I just had my 2nd IUD inserted last October. My weight really hasn't fluctuated much and I don't have a period.

    OP...hope you find something that works for you!!
  • rai8759
    rai8759 Posts: 296 Member
    I use Nuvaring and I have almost no side effects like I did with the pill. Plus I only have to remember to take it out once a month and put a new one in a week later. I love it! On the pill I was always missing and worried I'd get pregnant =(.
  • Infauna
    I gained 10lbs on yaz and other types of BC so I don't use any birth control anymore. It makes my moods all erratic and I'm a mess. I'd go from :happy: to :sad: alll the time. I'd rather not deal with that.
  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    Please, please, please consider taking your Mirena IUD out!! Do your research, look online for Mirena side effects, go to the forums and facebook pages put together just for this reason. I can't emphasize how much I wish I had removed mine before the major problems started. I plan on posting my story in a blog soon, but here's the cliffs notes version:

    I had two IUDs back to back, and it took me 10 years to finally connect the dots that this horrible device was causing all kinds of medical problems. The weight gain was only a minor side effect, but for me it was a sign that something was wrong. Over the past few years I was putting on approx 10-15 lbs per year (50+ lbs total), despite cleaning up my diet and increasing exercise. At one point, I was running 10-15 miles per week, doing Insanity 3-4 x per week, and eating very healthy (mostly organic fruits & veggies, lean fish & chicken, and very little processed foods). My doctors couldn't figure out what was happening either, as all of my bloodwork was coming back normal. Actually, my results were really good- low cholesterol, low blood pressure, no imbalances, etc. But they were concerned about the weight gain, especially because it was mostly around my stomach. I gradually became much sicker over a 4 year period, with symptoms such as hair loss, acne, joint pain, severe fatigue, brain fogginess, depression, anger and agitation, uncontrollable sugar cravings, swelling of my hands for no reason, carpal tunnel syndrome, ovarian cysts, vision problems in one eye, heart palpitations (despite haing very low blood pressure), increased inflammation and so much more... I was in and out of doctor offices, where I was diagnosed with everything from depression and hypothyroidism, to fibromyalgia and lupus. The only treatment options I was provided were narcotics, and I didn't want to start drugging myself to numb the pain- I wanted to know what was causing the problem. I started researching whether Mirena can cause hypothyroid problems, and what I found online shocked me. This isn't a random side effect that only affects a small number of people. I've connected with hundreds of women online who are dealing with very similar situations. Their stories helped me know what to bring up to my doctors, what tests to have ordered, and where to go for treatment. Ultimately, I discovered that I had silicone poisoning from the Mirena, which leaches the toxic substance into your bloodstream along with the hormones it releases, as well as a severe imbalance from Mirena malfunctioning and dumping four years worth of synthetic progesterone into my body at once. These two factors combined to cause adrenal and liver burnout, and nearly shut down my endocrine system and thyroid production. Trust me when I say that prior to figuring this all out, I really thought that I was dying. The symptoms may start gradual (like with weight gain), because the Mirena slowly poisons you. There are numerous lawsuits and class action proposals coming out against Bayer for the problems with this device, and not just for perforations. Please look into what this thing really does to your body! I have found endless info on Curezone (online forum) and the Ban Mirena facebook page. You can also contact me if you want any more info... trust me, I have spent more hours researching this topic than I would have liked!

    I just want to add that I am the last person to complain or ask for help- my family didn't understand what was happening for a long time because I didn't want to look weak or helpless, and I would push through and act like I was okay. Towards the end, I wasn't able to hide the pain or physical symptoms, and I know they were really scared for me. I am a single mom of two, I work full-time, and spend my days driving my kids around to endless sports, classes and groups. I have a great family and close friends, love my job, and an overall good life. I am not a hypochondiac who reads a list of symptoms on WebMD and diagnoses myself with a life-threatening illness. I do wish I had put the pieces together sooner and found out what this birth control actually does, instead of spending so many years (not to mention lots of money and energy) being frustrated and scared. Prior to realizing it caused my problems, I thought Mirena was great. No periods, no pain, 10 yrs of birth control. In hindsight, it wasn't worth any of it. Since having it removed 8 months ago, I'm about 80-90% better- losing weight, no acne, no hair loss, joint and muscle pain gone, fatigue and brainfog gone, vision problems nearly corrected... it's been a long road, but it's one towards healing. We can only do something about it once we know. I know everyone's body tolerates things differently, but there is a lot about the IUDs that is unknown long-term, so I really urge you to look into it and make the best decision for yourself!!

    Best of luck to all of you,


    I have the same issues and it is scary. I have had mine for quite some time and I am getting mine taken out in the next month or so. I'm ready to have my body back. If I had just done what I wanted to do after I had my last kid, I wouldn't be in this mess but I let the doc talk me out of it (tubes tied). Hindsight is 20/20 though right?

    I am hoping for weight gain improvement after it's out. If I could reach up there and take it out myself I would. LOL Try the Copper IUD. That is the one I think I will try next.

    Just keep in mind, not everyone reacts the same way. Not everyone is going to be "poisoned" by Mirena. People tend not to report or review a drug if they had nothing ut great things to say about it.
  • ToFatToBeSick
    I never had an issue with weight gain when I used NuvaRing