dkb228 Member


  • Yeah, that's what I'm worried about. I already do a lot of stretching, and my normal exercise is on a machine that is like a combination of an elliptical and a stair-master (same movement as an elliptical but shorter stride and a much higher incline). So I feel like my muscles are up to it; it's really the joints I'm…
  • Only lost .5 lbs, but I'm not surprised considering I only got one real workout in... On to the next week! Has anyone on here done couch to 5k, yet? I've always walked 5ks with friends and family but am thinking of trying to run one for real in February. I know a lot of people on MFP have had success, but I'm still kind of…
  • Staying in the green and the planks will be the death of me this week... Lol. Looking forward to the challenge! :smile:
  • Hi everyone! I haven't posted in a while (it's been a beyond crazy week) so I wanted to check in. I'm behind in my exercise (school and weather have NOT been my friends this week) but I should be back on track now. Oh! And I'm walking a 5K on Saturday! I don't have a babysitter, so I'll be pushing my daughter in her…
  • Ok, guys... I have to admit... I gave into my vice today and had Starbucks this morning. BUT, it was soooo a latte kind of morning. I was up super late studying for 2 tests (in my hardest subjects no less) and woke up late so I didn't have time to make tea at home. So pumpkin spice latte it was. Lol. But I did get a…
  • Walking through the bakery section of the grocery store... I never buy anything even though I want to, and the delicious smells taunt me... Why do I do this to myself?!?! Lol
  • Happy Tuesday, everyone! Today's been a weird day for me. Due to a test in one class and forgetting my keys in my car when I went to a different class (MAJOR blonde moment...), I worked out in the afternoon instead of in the morning like I usually do. And I think I discovered that I work out better in the afternoon! Maybe…
  • Good morning, everyone! Just wanted to drop by and say so far so good! I weighed myself (I weigh twice a week to make sure I'm on track) and I lost 1.8 lbs! This puts me officially past the half way mark to my goal. WOOHOO!!! Also, I've made an exercise schedule to make sure I get in my strength training. Cardio is easy…
  • Use your hurt and anger as a motivator! That's what I did when my fiance (also the father of my daughter) and I split up in June. I realized that first and foremost, I needed to get healthy. Being in or out of a relationship doesn't change how important your health is. So go to the gym and sweat out all the negativity and…
  • Oh, and for measurements, is it safe to assume that for arms and legs we are talking about the widest part of our upper arms and thighs?
  • This is great! I'd definitely like to join. I'll get my most recent measurements tomorrow morning. :) I've been in a rut for most of September (since I started back at school), but I am back in the gym and ready to buckle down. I've been hovering around 193 lbs for a while and it's making me crazy! Lol. I'd like to be at…
  • If I sweat, I log it. Lol. But seriously, choosing your daily activity (sedentary, lightly active, etc.) is supposed to cover your normal daily routine. So if you regularly clean the house, garden, walk to work, etc., and have therefore set your activity level at a higher level, then don't count it because if is already…
  • Did L2D2 today (yesterday, technically). I had to take a couple rest days due to a pulled muscle in my back. I was so bummed. Glad to be back in the swing of things! I'm planning to double up a day so that I cans till say I did all 30 "days" in August. :smile:
  • Just finished L2D1! It kicked my butt, but not as bad as my first day of level 1. I definitely prefer L2 exercises over L1. :)
  • What a great thread! I originally became more involved on the forums here because I'll be starting school back up in the fall and am a little worried about keeping up my weight loss. I'm another non-traditional student... I'm a single mom and will be entering my junior year at University of Central Florida (psychology…
  • I did L1D10 today! Starting level 2 tomorrow.
  • Brown lean pork chops in a saucepan (I usually use a little canola oil). Cover in diced tomatoes (canned or fresh), chopped onions, sliced zucchini, and any other veggies you like (I usually add green pepper and yellow squash). Add favorite seasonings and herbs (I recommend the usual S&P, and LOTS of fresh rosemary).…
  • Did L1D9 tonight and I'm feeling good. Last day of level 1 tomorrow and I'm nervous and excited for level 2. I STILL hate push ups and jumping jacks. I don't suppose those are gone in level 2... Lol
  • L1D8 done! Not easy after spending most of the day cleaning the house and having Chinese for dinner... Time to chug down some water and go to bed. Lol
  • My opinion is a combination of what everyone is saying... It's your body, so do what you want to feel good about your body. But I do also recommend therapy - I honestly think a certain amount of therapy should be required before any cosmetic surgery. Not because I think people should be discouraged out of their choice,…
  • I only mentioned this because it 100% worked for me. When I was only eating 1 or 2 large meals (healthy or otherwise - either way, always within my calorie range) I was gaining or maintaining weight. As soon as I began spreading out my consumption and changing when I worked out in relation to my eating, I began losing…
  • I agree that every body is different, but if you say you eat every couple of hours you are proving my point that to keep up your metabolism it is important to eat throughout the day. And I didn't just mean a large meal - I should clarify - I'm talking about how some people drink coffee when they wake up and then don't eat…
  • I got made fun of periodically when I was in school. But it was never bad. I think mostly because even though I was overweight, I've always been very active and confident. I played basketball, sang in chorus, was in the orchestra, drama, and most years I was the smartest and funniest girl in my class. So what did I care if…
  • So I was looking at your diary, and I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet (too many posts lol) but it matters WHEN you eat your food. You have your diary set so you're just tracking your total food - I highly recommend resetting it so you are keeping track of each meal as you consume them. Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,…
  • This is also super delicious... Buffalo Chicken Pasta I love this recipe because you can add/subtract spices to make it as spicy as you want. And the only ingredient that isn't a normal thing to have around the house (for me at least) are the…
  • Creamy Zucchini and Spinach Rigatoni I just use generic brand cheeses, like I use Publix brand reduced fat cream cheese instead of Philadelphia Neufchatel. And I usually add a little white pepper - between that and the crushed red pepper, it has a little…
  • I would have thought it was annoying, but I probably would have said something like, "I'd love to talk to you about this, but I really need to concentrate on my workout. It's hard for me to focus when I'm also having a conversation. Could I maybe swing by when I'm done so we can talk?" If your neighbor is genuinely…
  • That sounds so delicious! I'm going grocery shopping this afternoon so I'll have to add feta and mint to my list (cucumbers are a favorite so they are always on the list lol). Thanks for sharing!
  • Has anyone tried the bar versions?