LeeLeeLooLoo51812 Member


  • Thank you all for the replies! My gym has trainers, but I dont know how qualified they are. I dont want to hurt myself. The weight loss ive had so far has encouraged me to try harder. Ill look up youtube videos as well and see what I can benefit from that. I hope to achieve my goals, but need to learn the ropes first.
  • So, would it most likely mean off the bone for legs as well? I love HOT WINGS and was thinking about making my own, but ONE leg (With bone) weighs in at 4.5 ounces which is over 250 calories for just ONE :O
  • Well I just put it on a cookie sheet and cook it for 50 minutes. I keep the skin on. I usually pick it off the bone, than weigh it that way. Im just wondering if the calories on the package (4 oz = 240 calories) means ON BONE or OFF BONE?
  • So, Im not new to working out. I do cardio every single day. I can go pretty hard during cardio. I dont want to do free weights because to be honest, I dont know how! Im really afraid of hurting myself. I am trying to burn 3,500 calories a day (Im wearing a bodybugg) and only eat my regular 1,500 which is my reasoning on…
  • I LOVE MY BODYBUGG! The bodybugg link is what I have and I wear in everyday. Even if I have an off day and eat more than I should, I keep my bodybugg on and keep pushing. I love trying to beat my calorie burn each day! :D I got my husband using one and he's not even over weight! Hes using it to gain muscle and to make sure…
  • when set to maintain, my calorie consumed is 1,820 so, I feel like eating 1,500 is about what I should be eating to lose weight? I dont understand all that. I only understand that 3,500 calories burned = 1 pound lost. So, having 7,000 burned weekly should give me 2 pounds a week. No matter how much I eat, right? So like,…
  • Do you HAVE to follow the meal plan to get the results? Or if I just stay in my calorie budget (1500) would I still get the same results since I'm doing the workouts?
  • My wiifit IS on carpet. Ill have to start putting it in the kitchen as I weigh myself since my kitchen is connected to the room where our gym is. I think once a week will work for me. Im not sure I could go an entire month without weighing in :O
  • Thats what I've been doing too. I just wasnt sure If I should start over at midnight or what. I think I might just continue what Ive been doing :P Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • I have a bathroom scale which is highly inaccurate and than I have my wii fit (Which I cant hide because I use it for the biggest loser workout) I HAD to weigh myself today, I couldnt take it anymore. But I'm trying for once a week or at least every 3-4 days for awhile.
  • Im obsessor as well. I obsess over how many calories I've eaten and how many calories ive burned (I have a bodybugg for that) and I obsess over how much I weigh. Its tough, but maybe I can get myself to just weigh in once a week instead of every other day!
  • I feel like once a week is a great thing. I was weighing in almost daily :/ threw me off track when I didnt see the number I wanted to see. I almost decided to weigh in once a month, but I dont think thats a good idea!
  • Thats scary! I just got put on a stronger birth control like, a week ago. I hope it doesn't do the same thing to me! I've lost 44 pounds and will slap my doctor in the face if I gain it back! I specifically told her I did NOT want anything that could possibly make me gain weight! I'm 22 and just started using this…
  • I used to have CHEAT days where I didnt log at all, but honestly, so pointless. Now, even if I want to eat something I know isnt good. I log it so at least I know where my calories went. I dont log like others said, mustard (Which says 0 calories anyways) But yes, log EVERYTHING
  • Hi Mel! I'm Leanne :) I'm also tattooed! I dont cover them as much as I used to. Ive lost a grand total of 44 pounds and still working hard! I hope you can get control of your life :) Its so hard to do when you're used to a certain way of living! I really let myself go and I too, was a binge eater, sometimes I still am.…
  • im 22 and started my weight loss journey back in 09 right before I turned 19. A few struggles, lots of weight gain amd a friends recommendation lead me here :) I use this and a bpdy bugg. ive lost 44ish pounds and still gping strong! Good luck on your goals!