erikkmcvay Member


  • I can't argue with this really -- it's just that I've found when I eat bread it has the above affect. But then I also find the science doesn't seem to always work -- perhaps it's not the science but the data. Either way, I've lost more weight when not eating bread over the last 8 months so I'll stick with that belief :) If…
  • Thanks again everyone :) MFP has been a HUGE part of my success so far and while I might debate weight loss plans, ideas, info etc with some of the folks here I respect ALL of your opinions and as such have learned a lot! THANKS! This is a motivating group and you've helped keep me at it so if I can help any of you I'd be…
  • For those interested these are the measurements I took in February after losing 20lbs and today having lost over 50. I didn't take starting measurements for whatever reason so can't say what they were. Note: I measured my thigh at the top and mid-thigh because most of my fat was at the top of the thigh and I was curious to…
  • Thanks all :) I agree on the difference in my face! Amazing!
  • Nonsense. In the last 7-8 months I have noticed a trend and while I LOVE bread and I make it myself (often with home milled flour so it's the very best) I ALWAYS see poorer weight loss or even reversal whenever I eat bread EVEN small amounts that are WELL within my caloric intake range. This week is a good example: down to…
  • Thanks :) and yes I feel 100% better!!! And am very lucky to have such a great family! (my wife and I have 5 kids between the two of us and Sarah - above - is the youngest).
  • Bread: try dropping bread and all spreads. I'd suggest oatmeal (I eat cooked Rolled Oats -- Old fashioned oat meal -- with whole bran (1/4cup), some granola (1/4c-1/3c), chia seeds (1 scoop), honey 3/4TBS and cinnamon. Lunch: try whole grains again -- maybe 1 cup of whole grain brown rice or whole grain mixed rice and…
  • I've tried pretty hard to stick to 55/25/20 but find on workout days I'm 40/30/30 most often. You can eat as low as 15% of your cals in protein and MFP actually sets the default here. You don't need 1g per lb of LBM but for muscle retention that's what a lot recommend (I've seen lower like .85). For increased muscle size…
  • Another home made there you'll sometimes find here is mayonnaise though i try to avoid eating it as a rule but the home made stuff is also ten times cheaper and WAY better tasting then anything you can buy and only takes a minute or two to make ;)
  • Yup :) Cheddar mostly which is probably one of the hardest to make. My raw milk cheddar is VERY good and even after only 6 months of aging would stand up to a lot of the more expensive cheeses you can buy but here in WA it is VERY expensive to buy raw milk and it's illegal to transport across state lines so I can't buy in…
  • Understood. I use protein bars as a 'treat' on days I workout/ride/walk. It's tough though and while I try very hard to stick to my caloric deficit my losses are probably only 7+lbs a month because I too succumb to things like home made bread and butter or crackers and cheese now and again ;) But at 230lbs after not eating…
  • From the Land O Lakes site: Since Butter is made naturally with the fat skimmed off the top of the milk one has to wonder why their ingredients are as listed -- perhaps they water it down some and the additional 'natural flavoring' which could be anything, may also contribute to the softening under room temp vs real home…
  • The only problem with 'real butter' that you buy is that like most things, it's been processed if even a little. Recently, when making cheese I decided to skim the fat off my raw cows milk and make some butter, what surprised me was that it remained hard sitting on the counter when the store bought butter we had did not.…
  • Real butter is, well, Real. The rest is crap. Store bought butter is however, not entirely 'real' but at least it's the closest you'll get without making it yourself. I use it in limited qty mind you. One thing you can do is create your own soft spread by beating butter and olive oil together. Makes an almost whipped…
  • Stop listening to stupid people. You look great and are NOT that big.
  • ;) Try Upping that to 2g's and giving yourself plenty of rest (for the muscle -- meaning don't overtrain).
  • If I only eat within my budget and only ONCE in a day and not usually more then once in a week I have no problem with Pizza :) We make an awesome sourdough crust and make our own pizzas too. However, when I decide to have it for breakfast and lunch the next day I DO NOT lose weight that week! lol
    in Pizza? Comment by erikkmcvay July 2013
  • I might also add to up your protein. For muscle gain and repair you could be eating 2g's per lbs of LBM (Lean Body Mass) or even 2g's per pound of body weight. Note: When I was 232 and benching 350 I ate as much as 500grams of protein a day to facility bulking and muscle repair. I was also 10% bodyfat at the time. You need…
  • To increase your bench try this: 1st Exercise: FLAT BENCH 1st set: bare bar -- slow slow reps for stretch. Be sure to stretch well on the chest. 2nd set: weight to get NO MORE then 6 reps (looks like 140 for you) 3rd set: near max bench (your 140lbs for 6 reps looked like a good 2nd set so what's you max?) for no more then…
  • Why peel? Try cutting them. Once you've boiled them quickly rinse in cold water to make peeling easier OR just take a butter knife and cut them in half and use a teaspoon to scoop out the egg ;)
  • Yes but it looks like you want to gain. Most of us who've packed on muscle have stayed away from cardio for the most part. It's better to up your protein (try 2+g/LMB) and lift heavy with lots of rest between workouts. I've coached guys that were runners who wanted to bench their body weight and did that by having them…
  • I walk (514 miles since I started) and I ride (456 miles this year) and I believe both are good ways to help build your cardio and help you lose weight. I personally recommend alternating them so you can rest a little (riding kicks my butt so I walk on days I don't ride to give myself a break and mix it up). As for…
  • Water is H2O and nothing else can be water. Having said that a glass of water for hydration purposes is an expression not a specific. You CAN hydrate with any liquid almost.
  • I've spent a LOT of my life in the gym. I started when I was 17 (I'd messed around before then but got serious at 17) and gained a lot of muscle in a short period of time. Then over the years I was an on again / off again gym rat of sorts. I even had 700lbs of free weights in my living-room at one time. When I was 34 I…
  • Excellent post!!! Also 'measure' it. If it says 120 calories for 1/4 cup then darn sure use the measure and make sure you don't get 3x that.
  • If you feel like you are depriving yourself of foods you like then you may well sabotage yourself later. I think this is why people often gain all the weight they lose back, so don't do this. Just don't eat large quantities of the foods you like and exercise to burn them off before and/or after eating them. Tell yourself…
  • At 50 now. What are you doing currently to lose?