

  • Hi, thanks for this post, sometimes you think you are struggling on alone but from the messages I can see a lot of people are trying to loose weight and cope with health and mobility issues. I have a chronic autoimmune disease, psoriatic arthritis, I have had psoriasis since I was a young child but the arthritis part…
  • Hi, your story was just what I needed at this time. After successfully loosing 2 stone with the support of fitness pal , husband and friends life events then took priority, a good event, my sons wedding in Scotland which we were quite involved with. Now with the wedding over and back home I find not to my surprise I have…
  • When someone you think is older than you offers to pick up something you dropped on the floor When you start to say the same things as your mum used to say and the kids say you are turning into grandma When £8.00 a week was a good wage When the first house you bought cost £4000 and you thought it was expensive When you are…
  • You have done so well, you should be very proud of yourself. You look amazing.
  • I am feeling much the same as you at the moment, I have been doing so well, but the last few days have been very hard and I have been wanting to eat 'comfort' food and I don't know why. Although I have lost 2 stone I don't see any difference and am still wearing the same clothes. I know its not a good idea to think I have…
  • Thanks Paul, it was just what I needed to read just now. You have done so well.
  • What a brilliant question. I have lost 27 lb. and am still wearing the same clothes although they are a bit looser now. I must have been bursting out of them before but nobody ever said anything. I like the story of Al and thin Al and will remember that as I have a lot of weight to loose its not going to show as much as if…
  • Well Done, you look fantastic and so much happier, here's to the next 45.
  • Me too. More or less. I change the breakfast from crispbreads, cheese & grapes to cereal every now and again. Similar sort of lunches, salad or crispbreads or something on toast. evening meal different every day but more or less the meals each week. Snacks ditto. Very easy, know what I am getting from supermarket and don't…
  • No, we don't spend on confectionary, biscuits, sweets, fizzy pop, crisps, cakes, chocolate, salted snacks, pies and pastries. We buy only the fresh food we know we will eat that week. We don't eat as much meat. we eat less bread and less butter. There are only the 2 of us so its easier than if we had a family. So on the…
  • The first time I joined weightwatchers I was about 25 and weighed 10st [140lbs] and was considered overweight for my height 5'4" this was nearly 40 years ago. If only I hadn't started dieting as its been on an off dieting ever since, and gaining more after every diet. Finally I go so fed up with 'dieting' I got referred to…
  • I agree, you have to WANT to do it. Eating healthy food is not a chore nor a punishment. True its not always easy but its not hard either if you keep a positive mindset and just do it one day at a time. Watch your portion sizes, weigh the food if you have to rather than guess, you will soon learn what a portion size looks…
  • I would like to do this too, I have been hovering over the last 3 weeks, going down a couple of pounds then up a couple of pounds. I need the extra support and motivation of a group. Never been on a group like this before so do we log on daily or weekly.
  • I too have high blood pressure and take tablets for it. I have lost over 22lb slowly over the last 5 months or so and now do an exercise class once a week - aquamed - I do other exercise such as the walking at home Leslie Sansome and walking outside when I can but as I also have psoriatic arthritis so it depends on how…
  • Same here, I do very well during the day but between 7 and 9pm I always feel I could have something to eat. I generally try to stick to a cup of tea and a chocolate covered rice cake or a weightwatchers cake bar both about 80 calories then a slice of Danish bread toasted and a very small cup of tea about 10. If I drink a…
  • Hi, so glad I am not the only one who weighs daily. I find it very helpful in keeping me motivated. Although I sort of understand the fluctuations what I can't really get my head round is that one day I appear to be on the downward path and the very next day I will have gained 3 lb. I seem to weigh lowest in mid week and…
  • Hi, thanks for this post, I did the same thing - gained 4 lb overnight. 3 days later its not all gone but the scales are going down, then I will be back to what I was 2 weeks ago. I had no idea how the body can gain this amount of weight overnight - but I guess it must be water retention as other posters have said. It does…
  • My mum is 95 now and the best advice she gave me - which I ignored for a lot of my life - when you get tired have a little rest, then when you go back to what you were doing it won't seem half so bad. Now I am in my 60s I finally am taking this advice. I tell my sons, all in their 20s, and without children so far, that…
  • postive - optomistic - determined - cheerful - concientious lazy at times - careless - too trusting -
  • Well done everyone - these pics give me so much hope
  • eton mess - merangue broken up, fresh raspberries and cream - also ice cream if you want
  • yum fish and chips
  • Very interesting and will read this again
  • I love these progress pics - so inspiring - well done everyone :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Latest news is, all off duty soldiers ordered to 'cover up' i.e. do not wear anything that relates to help the heros. As if you can't recognise an off duty soldier no matter what they are wearing, they are fit, tanned and generally young and if there is a barracks nearby the likelihood of such a young man being is solider…
  • Hi don't even think about the final goal, just aim to loose 1 to 2 lb. a week, if you loose more think of it as a bonus, :heart: ou stay the same or gain, don't worry just stick with the plan, drink more water and do a bit more exercise. I have lost 22lb in the last 14 weeks and am very happy with this progress, even…
  • I can hardly beiieve its the same person, you look is if you could be the daughter of the lady in the first pictures. You have done so well and I am going to bear in mind your advice. Well done, you look amazing.
  • Thanks for posting this as I too am having trouble even noticing myself that I have lost 18lb. My clothes feel a little looser and I am still wearing the same clothes as I was at the start. The only person who has commented is my mother and thats only because I tell her each week how much I have lost. I have a lot to loose…
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