

  • I guesstimated my starting weight by using the last time I had weighed in. A month and a half prior to starting..da. Anyway I have been doing great for seven weeks..only I just weighed in Saturday and only saw a 3lb loss:( However, I have loss 31/4 inches off my waist:). I should have weighed in way earlier on in the game…
  • Migraine maybe? excedrine with caffeine works fast and you only need one pill.. no jitters.. blood flowing to quickly through the vessels can cause terrific pain. the caffeine will constrict the vessels a tiny bit and the flow will slow..emergency room suggested this and it works within 20 mins or so. feel better.
    in Headache Comment by 135sb January 2011
  • I was dumbfounded when a woman, who has dieted all her life, told me you can he whatever you want because your body will convert it into what it needs...the example she used was "twinkies". Yes, those little cakes are just loaded with vit/min and fiber. dah
  • Thanks for the input. It helps to hear about others journeys..to kinda know what to expect down the road.
  • you are right..I frequently went to bed hungry. I think it was because they never to tell you TO EAT any of your exercise calories or explain the reason behind doing so. They tell you you earned so many extra points from exercising and IF you want you can eat them.. I found that to be an important factor in sucessful…
  • the point thing is no different from counting calories..1 point equals approx 50 cals. if you do the core program it is basically high protien with veggies and your allowed x amount of points each day so you can eat grains..
  • I lost 30 lbs and regained 28..Not because of ww but because i lost time and focus over the last 4 years.. ww really is no different from this site except for the fact it can run into a lot of money. The meetings I attended really did not teach healthy eating. A lot of processed foods were the emphasis..one gal said she…
  • That is fantastic!
  • I was hoping to get more responses. it is encouraging to hear other's reports:)
  • i was hoping for 8-10 a month. is that not realistic. when peolpe set goals and do challenges how do they obtain those goals if the body only wants to do so much?
  • would that be because you are close to goal that you lose slower?
  • so when you weren't losing pounds you still lost inches.. I started mid December but have not been on a scale yet. I have lost inches for sure. I will weigh in Feb 1st. I am a little nervous.
  • sometimes with weightloss you do not get all the necessary vit/min. Typically a low cal diet can cause hairloss because the body is not getting enough nutrition to support normal body function. With high protein there is usually a b-complex defiency.
  • Did you lose all this weight since September?
  • earn some of those calories back by excercising.. so that you can eat guilt free later.. We went out for dinner the other night and the food was so delicious. I was so full. I came home and ran for an hour because I was sure I must have comsumed 1000cals. After sweating it out I sat down to log my cals..Soup 135 roasted…
  • Whew..thought I was doing something wrong. Thanks for the insight.
    in protein Comment by 135sb January 2011
  • how do you make turnip fries and what would the nutritional values be?
  • good question. I would like to know the same thing..Also all my cardio is running/jogging. I get a good workout is it really necessary to do other cardio programs?
  • half your body weight in oz.. 160 lbs would be 80oz
  • rebound..(mini trampoline) it is so much fun