jgablin Member


  • Hi Kathy & Robin, just joined this group and yes, hoping to see more people on here. just started back to losing weight.
    in Hello gals. Comment by jgablin May 2022
  • Well, I gained some back from last weigh-in. My own fault: ate out 3 x this week. had some wine. Didn't walk as much. And, didn't get my water in! SW: 178.0 LW: 174.0 CW: 175.5 Know what I did wrong & will be more conscious to stick to what works!! Water, portions, & exercise! :)
  • The past month I injured my upper back, neck and lower back. This stopped me from going to the gym classes I love (Zumba, Bodyworks Plus Abs) and prevents me from doing any weight training. So now I've just been walking. Today my doctor said no walking, but I can't just stop moving. It doesn't hurt me when I walk, only…
  • Great job everyone! Forgot to post my week's goals! SW 178 CW 174 Very happy with my loss as I really stuck to consciously eating right and preparing foods that are good for me (and the family). Biggest thing I stopped: alcohol. Not even a glass of wine. This week: plan on continuing on eating healthy, portion control and…
  • If you can, park far from the entrance to your building. Take stairs instead of elevator. Stand at your desk when on the phone. Do leg lifts, crunches while sitting. Walk during lunch. Do an exercise video after work at home (on the tv). Hope this helps!
  • Love the idea of thinking of calories as cash!
  • hmm... can you have a cheat day every day?! I just eat what I want but have limited the amount. I crave sugar.... gooey chewy candy specifically. So, I've found that if I allow myself to have a few pieces of whatever, I stop thinking about it. But first I do start with 'good' sugar like a piece of fruit. If I still crave…
  • hmm... can you have a cheat day every day?! I just eat what I want but have limited the amount. I crave sugar.... gooey chewy candy specifically. So, I've found that if I allow myself to have a few pieces of whatever, I stop thinking about it. But first I do start with 'good' sugar like a piece of fruit. If I still crave…
  • broiled halibut w/lemon & spices. boiled rice mixed with fresh spinach & onion. for dessert: sugar free chocolate pudding pack. i'm happy! ;)
  • QUOTE: QUOTE: Because of those flavor packs, I can drink 6-8 bottles of water a day, no problem. And I have got my body to actually crave water, so all in all, it was definitely a positive thing I gave up soda. Wow, what a massive achievement! I have never liked the taste of water, and am prohibited from artificial…
  • Tara, don't be so hard on yourself!! You're here now doing the challenge!!! Pat yourself on the back for taking that huge step!!!
  • forgot about the pictures... they def help in the weight loss. i keep a picture of me, when I was a better weight, in plain view so I see it every day and remember what my goal is.
  • Good for you!!! I would've caved.... and then worked out hard that day! :)
  • hey everyone! challenge for me yesterday was candy..... my weakness. but it's a new day and i've already walked, had my water. here's a tip that may help those having trouble tracking how much water they're drinking: get a water bottle and measure what it holds. i have one that is 3 cups, so I know I have to fill it twice…
  • Happy first day of the challenge! So ready to get back to being fit again! SW: 177.5 lbs CGW: 165 GW: 135 Changes I need to make: Eat leas sugar, bread, potato, rice, pasta. Watch portions. Drink more water. Eat more veggies & fresh fruit. And, of course, hit the gym at least 4x week. And log everything!! :)
  • Thx for the encouragement!
  • Thanks ladies! I'm getting my head in gear for this to be a success!
  • great! i have two i know want to start this! :)
  • for me, I'd like to post when I'm having a rough day or a great day just to have the feedback & support. That's what helps me go on. Hope that's okay and not overwhelming the board here but that' s the reason I wanted to join a group- for the support. :)
  • Got it. Post by Monday night. Not a problem.