

  • Yes I do, and have since my son was a baby. Part of the reason is for the nutrition, I want to know the sodium content and the ratio of protein to carbs...but also for safety. When he was very young my son was sensitive to food additives, and now I have developed a food allergy, so reading labels is just a natural thing to…
  • I am definitely doing this for ME! I consider it a fight for my life. I have multiple health problems, some genetic, some not...almost all of which will be improved when I get the excess weight off. Right now my every moment is filled with pain - and I am talking physical at the moment. Hyper-mobility syndrome has caused…
  • I've been on here for three months now and had a little over 100 lbs to loose back around Christmas. I had lost about 20 lbs before I joined MFP and have lost another 14+ since. I would be happy to help with support! This is a wonderful challange we have given ourselves and I believe being on this site shows our commitment…
  • I never have "cheat" days because I don't consider any food really Forbidden. To forbid something tends to make you want it more. That can lead to over indulgence. What I do instead is treat my calories like money. Living on a restricted income ( disability) means you have to have careful spending habits. I may see…
  • I am 4' 10.5 " as of last May. I word it that way because I am shrinking due to a scoliosis. My goal for now is to get down to about 130 - 135...eventually probably about 120.
  • I understand how you are feeling, I worry about my family getting tired about hearing me talk about it too,so often I just keep in in. I think in here you will find that no one will feel you are "complaining" as much as seeing it as a very much needed release of your feelings and tension related to them. It IS necessary to…
  • I know a lot of this is going to repeats but... First and foremost... Stop feeling guilty! You did not do anything "Wrong" - you did something Human. It is a human trait to desire something "Forbidden", and after depriving yourself of it for quite a while, what happened is not all that surprising. Like several others have…
  • One thing I learned from previous (failed) attempts to lose weight is to NEVER say Never to a food you really like. That is often the root of a craving. It's an unfortunate human trait to want what you can't have, so If you tell yourself it's forbidden, well...you get the idea. I always allow myself the Possibility of…
  • You've got me thinking. Maybe a sort of pain journal as well as this food diary might be good. That might make it easier to pinpoint any food triggers. My only real food allergy that I know of is to chili peppers (sucks, I love spicy foods!) and I no nitrites/nitrates can make my headaches worse but past that I've never…
    in Dang it! Comment by Kaddehawk March 2013
  • A high protein energy bar may help, I find protein helps me more than sugar. With Fibro a lot is trial and error, often (at least in my case) more on the error side. But over time you learn to listen to your body and find what works best for you. I also use an energy tab that I buy at the dollar store. Its mostly herbal…
  • You'd think so, but it's not really. Too low a calorie puts your body in starvation mode and it wants to hold on to everything it can, which makes it hard to lose weight. I had to increase my calories before I could lose. I was eating 800 or less calories a day.