Support Needed 100 lb weight loss goal!!!



  • carolmeade1
    carolmeade1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Sabrina,
    You have a good plan and lots of people supporting you here.. I love your motivation "to glorify God in my body and be an agent of change/example for my household." Bless your heart, that is the best motivation ever!

    I have about 55-60 lbs to lose - and have lost 15 so far. I started doing Dr Atkins lst week because it's the easiest for me and very effective. I eat mostly meats, cheeses, tomatoes , grilled onions & cottage cheese. Gave up soda, including diet pop. I work out 3X per week , ride exercise bike or walk the treadmill for 20-30 minutes for cardio and use various "gym machines." I'm getting stronger and I see the difference in my limbs especially.

    I just learned from my fitness pal partner that his secret is drinking lots of water. When I increase my consumption, I lose faster. My pal drinks 10 or more cups per day.

    I have read that your can stave off diabetes with diet and exercise so you are on the right path.

    You will do well, and reach your birthday goal, I just know it!
  • kamikostelny
    kamikostelny Posts: 7 Member
    I, too, am aiming to lose about 100 pounds, and I've lost nearly 15 so far! :) It's a huge goal but I think we can all do it if we keep our minds to it.
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I am here with you too. I set a goal to lose 35 pounds by July 10th. That is my love's birthday. I have lost 27 so far. I am always here too.
  • M4rineMom
    M4rineMom Posts: 7
    I have over 100 pounds to lose, but my immediate goal is to lose 25-30lbs by June 28th. I know that's a lofty goal, but being that I have so much to lose I think I can achieve it. I will of course slow that down, but I am going on vacation and would just like it to be easier to move around. I have a knee injury that prevents me from doing some things, but I have been living on my stationary bike...11.5 miles today! Anyone, feel free to add me!
  • mimiteh35
    mimiteh35 Posts: 486 Member
    Hi and welcome! Congrats on your loss so far! I too had to kick the salt habit, and I was reading labels like crazy and never realized HOW MUCH salt was in most items I ate! I have high BP and diabetes runs in my family, and my doc said I need to bring the BP down and lose weight or I will have to be on BP meds, so that was my butt-kicker to put me in gear!

    I did find with the salt, that I started using less and less in meals as I cooked, and I was surprised at how just that little change made a huge difference! Most of my family still adds salt and may not understand why I reduce the salt unless they were to hit the place in life where I was hit, they add salt to their meals now that I've cut down on cooking with SO MUCH salt, but now that I've made that change, i'm amazed at how I can eat salty foods and really taste HOW SALTY it is! So, just an FYI on what change I made in that aspect. I've also noticed a lot of packaged meals that say low fat or fat free actually has a TON of sodium in it, so I am trying to work towards more fresh foods and less processed, but sometimes I do eat salty things just try to reduce as much sodium from the meal as I can. I'm half Japanese and so we use soy sauce in a lot of meals, well I've changed to reduced sodium soy sauce, and just cut back on the salt on other things where salt is called for. I do have plenty of days where I still go over my sodium though! I just figure I will keep pushing! :)

    I also have a significant amount of weight to lose, I'm looking to lose anywhere between 85-95 lbs or so, we will see how much when I get closer to my goals! :) I also have a goal, I turn 40 on Halloween, oct 2013 so my short term goal is to reach 40 lbs lost by my 40th bday! So I love your goal! :) I've got about 25 more lbs to go till that first goal!

    Feel free to add me!! Good luck on your journey!
  • RonTheDon150
    RonTheDon150 Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on the lost! It`s a major accomplishment to lose any amount of weight. I started my journey in april of this year and lost 23lbs of 150lbs so far. The majority of that came from changing my diet. The main thing you have to do is change one thing at a time. In my opinion, it might not be a good idea to try everything at once(dieting, exercising,etc.), because it might cause you to give up. That was my problem, the whole process was just too overwhelming. For me now, it is replacing one bad habit with a good one and i started with the way i ate. I have now added an exercise regimen to my habits. As far as recipes go, i eliminated salt altogether and replaced it with different herbs and spices. I`ve gotten rid of the sweets and replaced them with natural sweets-fruits,etc. From my beginners experience, you just have to find foods that taste good to you and are healthier. I`m no expert, i`m just passing along what has been finally working for me after all of these years and i feel better!!! I`m with you on your journey. Good luck:smile:
  • Kaddehawk
    Kaddehawk Posts: 12
    I've been on here for three months now and had a little over 100 lbs to loose back around Christmas. I had lost about 20 lbs before I joined MFP and have lost another 14+ since. I would be happy to help with support! This is a wonderful challange we have given ourselves and I believe being on this site shows our commitment to ourselves!
  • BeckyH49
    BeckyH49 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome! Great motivation....and WOW....with support, encouragement, tips and all these smiling faces can we do anything but lose those extra pounds!?! :smile:

    Im here everyday and in it for the long haul...

    Please feel to add me...anyone! :flowerforyou:
  • boipoka72
    boipoka72 Posts: 8
    I'm new here as well, 10 amazing days in MPF so far. I have 30 lbs to lose, and all the MPF members have been amazing :heart: We are all here to support each other, don't you ever forget that! Anytime you need support/ motivation just let us know. :smile: