What is with these cheat days?



  • Autumnsun26
    Autumnsun26 Posts: 83 Member
    I am sure they ONLY feel guilty when they see the numbers go up on the scale LOL. I occasionally over indulgence with a meal but not on a regular weekly basis. Just every once in a while with a special event etc. I think about everything I partake in before I decide to make the choice to indulge. Is it really worth all the hard work to over eat and end up with a gain? For me.. no, no it isn't!
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I keep seeing posts of how guilty ppl feel during and after their "cheat" days. I understand the totally ridiculous justification that it prevents ppl from failing in their diet (as does self control) but seriously do you really need an entire DAY to cheat?
    I don't do "cheat days" myself, but it seems to work for some people. How do you justify bacon?
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I keep seeing posts of how guilty ppl feel during and after their "cheat" days. I understand the totally ridiculous justification that it prevents ppl from failing in their diet (as does self control) but seriously do you really need an entire DAY to cheat?
    I don't do "cheat days" myself, but it seems to work for some people. How do you justify bacon?

    I love BACON!!! But actually since my lifestyle change I switched over to turkey bacon. Why is turkey bacon bad?
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    I like the thought expressed earlier that if a day of indulgence is planned, it isn't cheating. Maybe call it an excursion day. I have had an excursion day every Saturday for the past 13 months. It does not make me feel guilty. As a matter of fact, I feel guilty if I don't cheat. It plays a vital role in MY (as in me, not anyone else) long term weight loss goals. I don't push it on anyone else and I grow VERY weary of folks judging me on this site. I let MY success speak for ME. I have no clue if it will work for anyone else.
  • JeneticTraining
    JeneticTraining Posts: 663 Member
    It's like a nice treat/reward for some. I haven't had a cheat meal yet.
  • OkieTink
    OkieTink Posts: 285 Member
    I get why people do it. I don't understand why they feel the need to post about it.

    I eat bacon. Daily. Sometimes more than once a day :)
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    I keep seeing posts of how guilty ppl feel during and after their "cheat" days. I understand the totally ridiculous justification that it prevents ppl from failing in their diet (as does self control) but seriously do you really need an entire DAY to cheat?
    I don't do "cheat days" myself, but it seems to work for some people. How do you justify bacon?

    I love BACON!!! But actually since my lifestyle change I switched over to turkey bacon. Why is turkey bacon bad?
    I was just riffing off your avatar. "Turkey bacon" isn't bacon. They just call it that since it's an alternative to bacon.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I like the thought expressed earlier that if a day of indulgence is planned, it isn't cheating. Maybe call it an excursion day. I have had an excursion day every Saturday for the past 13 months. It does not make me feel guilty. As a matter of fact, I feel guilty if I don't cheat. It plays a vital role in MY (as in me, not anyone else) long term weight loss goals. I don't push it on anyone else and I grow VERY weary of folks judging me on this site. I let MY success speak for ME. I have no clue if it will work for anyone else.

    Thank you I dont want to be one of those judgers I find myself in the same boat with the diet soda issue. It helps with some and others say it is pure evil lol I tend to just stay out of those convos now since I dont have anything to offer up as fact and can only go by what others testaments are on the subject. I dont do cheat days but who am I to say it is wrong I have no proof it is wrong for the most part I just need to better understand it.
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    I have Had a cheat day every week I eat 2000 calorie 400 extra calories. It' the day I eat the whole eggs or a sandwich on bread instead it being lettuce wraped.it's not all unhealthy foods.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    A cheat day for me would totally kill me. I do eat a few overly fatty meals, hello wiiiiiings!!! But I just have to be sure to exercise more to cover the extra calories.I think of it like paying for my food. I have to earn the extra cals to use them!! I suppose everone is different, but this way works for me.
    And to the OP, ♥ avenged sevenfold. M is my celeb crush. You broads can keep Tatum and Gossling just give me Shadows :blushing:
  • Kaddehawk
    Kaddehawk Posts: 12
    I never have "cheat" days because I don't consider any food really Forbidden. To forbid something tends to make you want it more. That can lead to over indulgence. What I do instead is treat my calories like money. Living on a restricted income ( disability) means you have to have careful spending habits. I may see something tempting, but not necessary, and I look at it and ask if that is really how I want to spend my money. I do the same with my calories. I may be tempted to indulge in something like the donuts that were brought home recently, and it was tempting... it's been a while since I have had any, but I decided that was not how I wanted to "spend" my calories. Then when I do splurge a few calories on a treat it is just a small amount. Enough to satisfy a craving or desire. Because it is never forbidden I am less likely to over indulge or to feel guilty afterwords.
  • carolynhart01
    carolynhart01 Posts: 73 Member
    I have never set an actual cheat day. I set up rewards for reaching goals but that may be splurging at the grocery store for the really good atkins bars that I normally don't budget or whole grain buckwheat pancakes with s/f syrup. If I don''t have them often, they are a special treat and still fit into my day.
  • 2FatToRun
    2FatToRun Posts: 810 Member
    I keep seeing posts of how guilty ppl feel during and after their "cheat" days. I understand the totally ridiculous justification that it prevents ppl from failing in their diet (as does self control) but seriously do you really need an entire DAY to cheat?
    I don't do "cheat days" myself, but it seems to work for some people. How do you justify bacon?

    I love BACON!!! But actually since my lifestyle change I switched over to turkey bacon. Why is turkey bacon bad?
    I was just riffing off your avatar. "Turkey bacon" isn't bacon. They just call it that since it's an alternative to bacon.

    It isnt bacon!?!?! WTF ..BRB....there is a deli worker behind the counter at Walmart I am gonna sock in the face ..... :laugh:
    JK JK but yeah I am new so I am watching everything that passes my lips. I am slowly incorporating my old favorites back just want to make sure I am ready mentally and emotionally to have enough self control so I dont land back to what got me here. Plus it is pretty darn tasty :drinker:
  • Trilby16
    Trilby16 Posts: 707 Member
    If I have a special treat in mind, I will work for it and earn it (i.e. exercise) in advance. Then I enjoy can it guilt-free.
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    It isnt bacon!?!?! WTF
    Trufe. Look it up. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turkey_bacon
  • Deipneus
    Deipneus Posts: 1,862 Member
    Every day is a cheat day for me. I cheat fat.
  • SJackson50
    SJackson50 Posts: 282 Member
    I call it a "spike" meal...never feel guilty about it. Whatever works!
    Good luck in your goals!
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Im coming down from a cheat WEEK high;) but i have no guilt as i am still within my goal range. There was little moderation involved. Now back to my usual goal of maintenance calorie...to prepare for my next week of delicious foods that are meant for me! Thankfully 4500 calorie days can be a useful reminder of places we've been but don't want to live at:)
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member
    Thankfully 4500 calorie days can be a useful reminder of places we've been but don't want to live at:)

    I never thought of it this way, but I think you are spot on. Interesting take on the topic.
  • rachpetersen
    rachpetersen Posts: 265 Member
    To each their own. If you don't like it don't comment about it. Do what works for you and let others do the same without judgement or criticism.