

  • No the effect is not the same.... once you get your heart rate over your Anerobic thresh hold your working cardio more than fat burn... the old school thought of going as hard as you can for as long as you can is old and inaccurate. When you burn processed sugars you do not get the effect nor results The lactate threshold…
  • Not true at all... HR zones are what is needed for Weight Loss.... certain zones your not burning fat your burning sugars already processed.
  • This area is the toughest and longest to see results. I change it up from ab twist - sit ups.. crunches..... torso machines and I also work in the P90x Ab CD.... Diet is also a huge part... There is no secret or tricks.... its changing it up and doing it and diet
  • Thats way too MUCH! Forget all the whinning comments. Thats just wrong. At that rate your not burning fat your burning sugars that already have been processed. Its not the zon you should be in for weight loss. I am 5'8" who was 265 last year. I am down 75lbs. It wont take you long to get up to that but start is just wrong…
  • Heres the thing with scales.... they can all tell you something a little different but as long as you use one then you its consistant. As for the weight loss each body is different and depends on your current weight .... I have lost 10lbs in a weel but I was really heavy.... its now slowed down. You will hit a wall so its…
  • I disagree with skipping the cardio ... Ive lost 75lbs and cardio was the main recipe to start... I turned to weights to tone up. Muscle is heavier than fat so if your building muscle you may not lose the weight your looking for. But for any exercise to really be effective you need to stretch that 15 to 30-40. Obisouly…
  • I have a Polar and love it. They are the bext because if you go to the majority of Treadmills only read Polars and not other brands. I got one that has all the bells and whistles and really didnt need it. Simple an they really help you tune your workouts.
  • I would def slow down. Also what is your goal? if its weight loss and you dont have one spend $50 on a Heart Rate Monitor. Something simple and keep within your zone. This will help you to not work out too hard and or too soft and you will see results much quicker