Best Ab exercises

So, I am training abs and still not really feeling them or getting results like other muscle groups.

Does anyone have any pointers, tips or advice? I have definitely hit a plateau.



  • jeffmineo
    This area is the toughest and longest to see results. I change it up from ab twist - sit ups.. crunches..... torso machines and I also work in the P90x Ab CD.... Diet is also a huge part... There is no secret or tricks.... its changing it up and doing it and diet
  • jimmie65
    jimmie65 Posts: 655 Member
    Big compound lifts, like squats and deadlifts, will work your core.
  • danekaagman
    Cheers guys,

    I have mild Cerabal Palsy so dead lifts are a no go. Hence my on going AB battle!
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member
    my faves for abs are medicine ball twists. i've since read that tennis players use them heaps for core strength.

    butt on the ground, sitting position, knees bent and raised so that your back and upper legs form a v shape with your feet and lower legs at right angles to your upper legs. hold a medicine ball and twist to one side and lower it nearly to the ground, raise, repeat on the other side.

    other fave - the reverse crunchthings. lie on a plank, hands over head, bend body into a right angle with legs pointing up, push your feet towards the roof, lifting your back as much as you can, lower back, lower legs (keeping them straight). repeat. killer, but awesome.