Court7898 Member


  • [/quote] Actually, it does work. I've tried the 500 cal diet with and without hcg. Without hcg, your body goes into starvation mode, thus making it harder to lose weight. I tried the diet before starting hcg for 4 weeks, and I only lost 3 lbs. I was also hungry all the time. But with hcg, i've lost a lb a day for the past…
    in HCG Diet Comment by Court7898 April 2011
  • HCG. It's a wonderful thing. Just stick to it lady. Everyone goes through a funk every now and then. Just look at how far you've come already =)
  • Better as a blonde = )
  • Water Water Water. You'll feel hungry but the water helps with this until you get used to the 500 cals.
  • Thank you for replying to this. I REALLY didn't want to type it again. Thank you so much!!!
  • And again.
  • This is exactly what needs to stop. That's not helping anyone. Act like an adult please.
  • Bahaha....'grown up'. Geeze, I meant grow up obviously.:laugh:
  • Oh my word you guys....seriously. How about we stop bickering about what's right and what's wrong and who needs more schooling and who's trainer is better blah blah blah... How about, just make a suggestion, and move on? There's no reason to be so ugly to each other. The attitude thrown around here is worse than most…
  • No, the weight didn't come back on, I just didn't continue losing. And since I hadn't gotten down to where I wanted to be, I wasn't ready to stop. At first, I felt hungry. But after the first week or so, your body gets used to it. The first time I feel off the wagon, I had a terrible day and ate a wendy's cheeseburger.…
  • This is my second round with hcg actually. My first one went wonderfully. I dropped 15 lbs in 2 weeks. But, then some crazy family stuff happened and I 'fell off the wagon', so to speak. It definately works for me, but it may not for everyone. You have to follow a strict calorie restricted diet (500calories) and take the…
  • Just one day at a time hun. Whenever you start to think of it, just immediately think of something else. For instance, after you've made up your mind that you're ready to move on, don't look at this blog anymore. The only reason you can't get it out of your head is you don't WANT to. It's totally possible to do. So, lets…
  • Now payback wont solve anything. That'll just put her 'on his level' so to speak. Best thing to do is tell him exactly how it makes you feel, get everything out. Everything that pertains to this issues, tell him. Then when the conversation is over, make a promise to yourself to never bring it up again. It wont be easy,…
  • By the way, I was being nosey and looking at your pics.... Lady you are gorgeous!! And you look fabulous! Before and after pic is incredible. Congrats on your loss =)
  • I'm sorry to hear about your situation hun. The same thing kinda happened to me, but felt like 100 times worse... When I was pregnant with his child, I had my (now) husbands phone and was going through it to find a number he had sent to his mom that I needed. Well, came across a lovely little text to his exwife that said…
  • I'm trying it for the next three weeks or so. No problems thus far, just tremendous weight loss. Loveitloveitloveit!
  • After a bit your stomach will shrink, so the 500 calories should fill you up. I've lost 7lbs on it, and I started last thursday. If you're considering it, I suggest you try it out. I don't think you'll be disappointed!
  • The hCG diet 'reset's your metabolism, so to speak. One of the main focus points of the diet is the 500 cal diet. Depending on how much you want to lose, the program is either for 23 or 43 days. During that time, you teach yourself to pay attention to portion sizes...most people don't realize that the potion sizes they're…
  • That's awesome! Congrats to you!!
  • IF you continue to eat right after you're done with the drops, the weight shouldn't come back. Of course, if you go straight back to your old habits, of course the weight will come back. Most people dont realize that potion sizes are out of control these days. Thats a big focal point of the hcg diet.
  • Which is where the HCG comes in. It's a hormone that burns off fat instead of muscle mass. Without it, in starvation mode, your body burns muscle mass before it burns fat. I've had wonderful results so far, and I'm only on day 3.
  • I'm on HCG drops right now and I'll be honest, I'm SUPER hungry all the time. But, instead of eating, I try to drink water to fill my belly up. It's true, you'll lose lbs on the VLCD, but without the drops, anything you eat will be stored as fat. Your metabolism will actually slow down without em, making you actually gain…
  • Thank you guys for your support. You're exactly right, to each his own. That being said, I'll appreciate it if you'd take the negativity to someone else's board. Thank you!
  • Thank you! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Grokette, thank you for your input. Finally something that's worth reading! Congrats on the loss!
  • Wow, so I didn't make this post to get bashed. I don't bash your weight loss techniques...please have some respect. I was simply asking if anyone else had tried it.
  • It's hard, I'm not going to lie. But I went and purchased the foods on the approved list, and just portioned everything out. In the morning, I'll cook my lunch and wrap it in foil to take with me, that way there's no temptation of grabbing a burger or something on the way home. Its like my co-worker tells me... Nothing…
  • Regardless of whether or not its real isn't the question. When your body goes into starvation mode, it stores away what calories you do eat, slowing down your metabolism, thus making it harder to lose weight. I understand its a hormone that's produced in pregnancy, but that doesn't mean a test would come back positive if…