Has anyone tried HCG drops?

lricketts Posts: 5
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
My BF and I are considering trying the HCG drops and I have done a lot of reading on them but just want to see if anyone has any personal experience with them. I realize it is a very limited calorie diet but everything I read on the HCG drops sounds like a good thing. Also, there are so many different kinds does anyone have some they have used?


  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I've considered it also but I'm just not sure about it. I think it's one of those too good to be true kinda things. Personal opinion, love.
  • kerriBB37
    kerriBB37 Posts: 967 Member
    I haven't considered it BUT several of my family members have (2 aunts and 1 uncle) and all three have lost a minimum of 20 pounds since just before Xmas. I wonder if it's the strict caloric reduction or the drops?! I wonder also if they will gain it back? They are all over 65. In HCG's defense, they all say that they are never hungry!! So that's good I guess! :)
  • RetiredChick
    RetiredChick Posts: 1 Member
    A friend of mine used it (monitored by a doctor). She had good success, but she stickly followed the 550 calorie a day diet required by the program. I think anyone would loose weight if they starved themselves like that.
  • On it right now. I am never hungry, even with a 500 cal. diet. I can't say what is making drop the weight, the drops or the diet, but am down 10 lbs in 14 days. I can't complain! www.diyhcg.com is a good place to go. I do not get my drops there, but have a friend that did, & knows the people. It should be a safe, reliable place to get them. Good luck!
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    I'm on HCG drops right now and I'll be honest, I'm SUPER hungry all the time. But, instead of eating, I try to drink water to fill my belly up. It's true, you'll lose lbs on the VLCD, but without the drops, anything you eat will be stored as fat. Your metabolism will actually slow down without em, making you actually gain weight....

    My advice, go ahead and try it. Why not? If it works, awesome! If not, well, that's okay too. At least then you'll know instead of wondering!

    Good luck!

    I've lost 3 lbs in 3 days =)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    A friend of mine used it (monitored by a doctor). She had good success, but she stickly followed the 550 calorie a day diet required by the program. I think anyone would loose weight if they starved themselves like that.

    Actually, when your body goes into starvation mode, it holds on to every last calorie it possible can to survive, so you don't actually lose weight. Eventually, you might, but that's when you're getting into eating disorder territory.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member

    Actually, when your body goes into starvation mode, it holds on to every last calorie it possible can to survive, so you don't actually lose weight. Eventually, you might, but that's when you're getting into eating disorder territory.

    Which is where the HCG comes in. It's a hormone that burns off fat instead of muscle mass.
    Without it, in starvation mode, your body burns muscle mass before it burns fat.
    I've had wonderful results so far, and I'm only on day 3.
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member

    Actually, when your body goes into starvation mode, it holds on to every last calorie it possible can to survive, so you don't actually lose weight. Eventually, you might, but that's when you're getting into eating disorder territory.

    Which is where the HCG comes in. It's a hormone that burns off fat instead of muscle mass.
    Without it, in starvation mode, your body burns muscle mass before it burns fat.
    I've had wonderful results so far, and I'm only on day 3.

    Precisely. HCG prevents your body from going into starvation mode, which is the biggest thing those who haven't done it like to "use against" those doing it. I had great success with it. Good luck to you!
  • My wife is taking them now. She's dropped about 9.5 lbs in 23 days. I'll admit, she initially complained of hunger pains all the time, but once she increased her water intake, that subsided. You must be strict in your diet. Cheating causes your system to store nutrients and water weight. She's taking an HCG supplement for $100/mo, but I've seen and heard of others that can be as cheap as $30-50. I'd say it's worth a shot if you have the discipline to follow through with the diet that comes with it. Good luck!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    My wife is taking them now. She's dropped about 9.5 lbs in 23 days. I'll admit, she initially complained of hunger pains all the time, but once she increased her water intake, that subsided. You must be strict in your diet. Cheating causes your system to store nutrients and water weight. She's taking an HCG supplement for $100/mo, but I've seen and heard of others that can be as cheap as $30-50. I'd say it's worth a shot if you have the discipline to follow through with the diet that comes with it. Good luck!

    Way to be supportive of your wife. I know my husband took to eating his meals in private so he wouldn't tempt me during the first week. Even if we don't say it, we really do appreciate the support from our loved ones. Especially since when you tell people you're on the diet, at least some of them will completely trash it to your face.
  • Stephanieb325
    Stephanieb325 Posts: 174 Member
  • JJeMitchell
    JJeMitchell Posts: 160 Member
    My best friend is in her 4th year of medical school, and when I asked her about this diet, she told me it wasn't safe.
  • The HCG diet isn't available in the UK - I wonder how long it will be before it is? I have read up quite a bit on this, having seen it mentioned on here a few times. There are a lot of conflicting reports - but if it works, and the person using the drops becomes healthy because of it, then surely that's a good thing?
    But is the weight loss sustainable once the drops are no longer used?
  • I have tried every diet "fad"/product/program on God's green earth! I have not tried the hCG diet, simply because I have had friends try it and fail. While weight loss is rapid at first--it simply is not sustainable over the long haul. You can only live on drops and 500 calories/day for so long!
    In August 2010 with my weight at an all time high, I started seeing a dietician and have come to realize the only true way to lose weight and keep it off is to eat less (monitor portion size), keep a food diary to stay on track of what you are actually putting in your mouth on a daily basis, and exercise more. Since August 1, 2010 I am down 32 lbs. and feel great! There have been times when I have struggled, but over all my "lifestyle change" has been a positive experience!
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    The hCG diet 'reset's your metabolism, so to speak. One of the main focus points of the diet is the 500 cal diet. Depending on how much you want to lose, the program is either for 23 or 43 days. During that time, you teach yourself to pay attention to portion sizes...most people don't realize that the potion sizes they're eating are WAY out of control. That being said, if you continue to eat right and pay attention to what's going in your mouth, the weight will not come back.

    Of course, if you go right back to your old eating habits, you'll go right back to your old weight.

    Just something to think about =)
  • mdaniella
    mdaniella Posts: 42 Member
    My mom right now is doing it and looks GREAT! Like a group of them who work at the salon are doing it and everyone is having great success with it. So far my mom has went from a size 16 to a size 10 loose in about a few weeks. I don't know if it would work for everyone but it really works for her and she says she likes doing it. She isn't even hungry even with only eating like 500 calories a day.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    After a bit your stomach will shrink, so the 500 calories should fill you up. I've lost 7lbs on it, and I started last thursday. If you're considering it, I suggest you try it out. I don't think you'll be disappointed!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    A friend of mine used it (monitored by a doctor). She had good success, but she stickly followed the 550 calorie a day diet required by the program. I think anyone would loose weight if they starved themselves like that.

    With the HCG you are not starving yourself as long as you are either taking the injections or the drops. Without the aid of HCG and consuming 500 calories you would be starving yourself.

    The truth about HCG is when taking the HCG, the HCG is aiding your body to mobilize fat and keep it burning fat stores for extra calories. While on Phase 2, it is not uncommon for a person on the HCG Plan to burn anywhere from 2,000 – 4,000 calories and that is pure fat. That is why there is so many inches lost and it resculpts the body.

    Personally, I have done 2 rounds of HCG (injections prescribed by my Naturopathic Doctor) and I have lost 38 pounds and kept if off.

    The key to keeping the weight off is following the protocol to the letter. Do not deviate from the plan what so ever!!!!
  • I'm on the hHCG pellets. In 18 days, I've dropped 17.5 pounds. I'm not hungry at all now, but the first few days were a challenge since my body craves sweets. I don't stick to protocol 100% (I've eaten up to 800 per day) and have still had great losses. I'm hoping to do 2 long rounds in order to reach my pre-baby weight before he starts 1st grade in the fall.
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    I had wonderful success! Go for it, you won't regret it :)
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