HCG Diet

Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
Is anyone trying the HCG diet? I started it on friday and it only allows 500 calories...its so hard! But, on the brighter side, I've lost 3 lbs in 3 days!


  • Corismom
    Corismom Posts: 23 Member
    If you want to know if your HCG is real...give it a pregnancy test...if the test comes back negative there isn't enough HCG to make a difference, and the reason you are losing weight is through the starvation of a 500 calorie diet, not the HCG.
  • MaySunrise
    MaySunrise Posts: 26 Member
    Spoke with my MD about this a month ago and he recommended this site instead of HCG. Too risky he said and there is too much unknown about lasting effects. As always good nutrition, diet and exercise is the best way. Unfortunately there is no Fast and Easy Fix.. ..You didn't gain your weight in a week, you can't expect to take it off in a week. That's my 2 cents... :)
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    Regardless of whether or not its real isn't the question. When your body goes into starvation mode, it stores away what calories you do eat, slowing down your metabolism, thus making it harder to lose weight. I understand its a hormone that's produced in pregnancy, but that doesn't mean a test would come back positive if you're taking the drops. There's a girl in my office who's been on it for 4 weeks and has lost 27 lbs, which is really all i"m looking to lose.
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    I have a friend whos doing the hcg diet and yes your only allowed so many calories a day which is crazy 500-700 and also she said that you cant wear certain oils or make up with oils in it! the things required were really weird, i wanted to try it but the calorie inake was way to low for me
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    It's hard, I'm not going to lie. But I went and purchased the foods on the approved list, and just portioned everything out. In the morning, I'll cook my lunch and wrap it in foil to take with me, that way there's no temptation of grabbing a burger or something on the way home.

    Its like my co-worker tells me...

    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!
  • julsdolphin
    julsdolphin Posts: 32 Member
    Regardless of whether or not its real isn't the question. When your body goes into starvation mode, it stores away what calories you do eat, slowing down your metabolism, thus making it harder to lose weight. I understand its a hormone that's produced in pregnancy, but that doesn't mean a test would come back positive if you're taking the drops. There's a girl in my office who's been on it for 4 weeks and has lost 27 lbs, which is really all i"m looking to lose.

    Then you're not really interested in true, sustaining weight loss and a better, healthier way to eat.

    Good luck. I'm sure you will be right back here soon enough trying to lose the weight you gain back. And perhaps next time you will take weight loss seriously instead of just looking for a quick fix.
  • BakingGranny
    BakingGranny Posts: 112 Member
    I don't think this is good. I have friends that lost like crazy on it BUT watch the hair. You may need a wig b4 too long.Not enuf protein.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Regardless of whether or not its real isn't the question. When your body goes into starvation mode, it stores away what calories you do eat, slowing down your metabolism, thus making it harder to lose weight. I understand its a hormone that's produced in pregnancy, but that doesn't mean a test would come back positive if you're taking the drops. There's a girl in my office who's been on it for 4 weeks and has lost 27 lbs, which is really all i"m looking to lose.

    Please be sure you have read, read and re-read the Simeons Protocol and follow all the phases to the letter.

    Phase 2 is the 500 calorie portion you are doing right now............

    Phase 3 is eating anything you want, no sugar, no starch.........

    Phase 4, slowly re-introduce sugar and starch in very small quantities.

    The good news is, when you get to Phase 4, your body will be used to clean eating and you won't want processed foods any longer!!!

    I lost 38 pounds between 2 rounds and I have kept it off since last October.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    Wow, so I didn't make this post to get bashed. I don't bash your weight loss techniques...please have some respect. I was simply asking if anyone else had tried it.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Regardless of whether or not its real isn't the question. When your body goes into starvation mode, it stores away what calories you do eat, slowing down your metabolism, thus making it harder to lose weight. I understand its a hormone that's produced in pregnancy, but that doesn't mean a test would come back positive if you're taking the drops. There's a girl in my office who's been on it for 4 weeks and has lost 27 lbs, which is really all i"m looking to lose.

    Then you're not really interested in true, sustaining weight loss and a better, healthier way to eat.

    Good luck. I'm sure you will be right back here soon enough trying to lose the weight you gain back. And perhaps next time you will take weight loss seriously instead of just looking for a quick fix.

    Wow, how can you say this when you clearly have not read the Simeons Protocol?

    Regardless of what anyone "thinks" they know about the Protocol - through the phases and the resetting of the hypothalamus you do learn to eat for your body and it is clean eating - so it is healthy eating.

    The HCG plan is good for those people that need structure and are over eaters.

    I would rather eat the foods off the list of foods for the Simeons Protocol than rationing out my calories so I could have a non nutritional food such as doughnut, cake or ice cream.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    Grokette, thank you for your input. Finally something that's worth reading!

    Congrats on the loss!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Wow, so I didn't make this post to get bashed. I don't bash your weight loss techniques...please have some respect. I was simply asking if anyone else had tried it.

    I am so sorry people are being so disrespectful to you.

    Here is a great group of ladies that will support you in your plan!!!

  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you!

    :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • VJ150
    VJ150 Posts: 453
    Hi Court,

    So sorry for the negativity about HCG. I agree with Grokette. I have done one round of HCG and lost 30 pounds. If anyone would bother to read the protocol they will understand the program. Please take a few moments to look at the thread Grokette listed. There you will find tons and tons of support.

    I'm on Phase 3 now and plan to start my second round at the end of February. Follow the protocol exactly and watch the pounds fall off.
  • julsdolphin
    julsdolphin Posts: 32 Member
    Regardless of whether or not its real isn't the question. When your body goes into starvation mode, it stores away what calories you do eat, slowing down your metabolism, thus making it harder to lose weight. I understand its a hormone that's produced in pregnancy, but that doesn't mean a test would come back positive if you're taking the drops. There's a girl in my office who's been on it for 4 weeks and has lost 27 lbs, which is really all i"m looking to lose.

    Then you're not really interested in true, sustaining weight loss and a better, healthier way to eat.

    Good luck. I'm sure you will be right back here soon enough trying to lose the weight you gain back. And perhaps next time you will take weight loss seriously instead of just looking for a quick fix.

    Wow, how can you say this when you clearly have not read the Simeons Protocol?

    Regardless of what anyone "thinks" they know about the Protocol - through the phases and the resetting of the hypothalamus you do learn to eat for your body and it is clean eating - so it is healthy eating.

    The HCG plan is good for those people that need structure and are over eaters.

    I would rather eat the foods off the list of foods for the Simeons Protocol than rationing out my calories so I could have a non nutritional food such as doughnut, cake or ice cream.

    Despite what the protocol teaches you, I refuse to believe that any fad diet that only allows you 500 calories a day is good for you. But to each his/her own. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Regardless of whether or not its real isn't the question. When your body goes into starvation mode, it stores away what calories you do eat, slowing down your metabolism, thus making it harder to lose weight. I understand its a hormone that's produced in pregnancy, but that doesn't mean a test would come back positive if you're taking the drops. There's a girl in my office who's been on it for 4 weeks and has lost 27 lbs, which is really all i"m looking to lose.

    Then you're not really interested in true, sustaining weight loss and a better, healthier way to eat.

    Good luck. I'm sure you will be right back here soon enough trying to lose the weight you gain back. And perhaps next time you will take weight loss seriously instead of just looking for a quick fix.

    Wow, how can you say this when you clearly have not read the Simeons Protocol?

    Regardless of what anyone "thinks" they know about the Protocol - through the phases and the resetting of the hypothalamus you do learn to eat for your body and it is clean eating - so it is healthy eating.

    The HCG plan is good for those people that need structure and are over eaters.

    I would rather eat the foods off the list of foods for the Simeons Protocol than rationing out my calories so I could have a non nutritional food such as doughnut, cake or ice cream.

    Despite what the protocol teaches you, I refuse to believe that any fad diet that only allows you 500 calories a day is good for you. But to each his/her own. Good luck on your weight loss journey.

    Well I know for a fact that HCG plan is not a fad. It has been around since the 1950's and thoroughly researched and developed for many years prior by a well known doctor...........

    This plan is not a fad, it is not unhealthy and is well endorsed by many doctors, many of these doctors being Naturopathic doctors who only believe in natural methods of the body healing itself.

    The reason you see the FDA approve the use of HCG for fertility purposes (prescribed in MUCH higher doses) and won't approve it for weight loss (very small dose) is because if people followed the plan and lost the weight we would no longer have an obesity epidemic on our hands in this nation.

    HCG can't be patented therefore it won't be looked at as a viable option because there is no money to be made off it.

    And a person using HCG is actually burning anywhere from 2,000 - 4,000 calories per day in FAT which has stored vitamin and minerals being released. That is why there is FAT loss and not muscle loss on this plan.
  • julsdolphin
    julsdolphin Posts: 32 Member
    Like I said. To each his own. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you guys for your support.

    You're exactly right, to each his own.
    That being said, I'll appreciate it if you'd take the negativity to someone else's board.

    Thank you!
  • Corismom
    Corismom Posts: 23 Member
    I wasn't saying it would make your pregnancy test come back positive guess I should have clarified that...if you drop the HCG on a pregnacy test stick, it should come back positive.

    Here is the news article:
  • amehrkens
    amehrkens Posts: 162 Member
    I am not doing it but I consider it as my coworker is doing it. She did the first round before Christmas and lost 30lbs and went off of the "plan" over Christmas but still watched what she ate....she gained back 25 of the 30 she lost in less than 2 weeks. She has now started again and is not losing like she did the first round. Good luck!
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