HCG Diet



  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    I'm starting injections through my dr. Friday! Very excited and he said the ladies in his office have had great results with it. Will be following you all closely.

    I tried drops over the summer -- did very well for the 2 or 3 weeks I did it.....but just didn't stick to it.

    Good luck! Looking forward to hopping on with ya!
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    I'm starting injections through my dr. Friday! Very excited and he said the ladies in his office have had great results with it. Will be following you all closely.

    I tried drops over the summer -- did very well for the 2 or 3 weeks I did it.....but just didn't stick to it.

    Good luck! Looking forward to hopping on with ya!

    Noneya you were missed!!!!
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    I'm also gonna have to disagree respectfully with those that say it doesn't work and it's unhealthy. If you do not follow protocol and you are not on the injections or drops and just following the menu than yes very dangerous. Otherwise read the protocol Pounds and Inches follow it to a T and you'll do well. Cheat or go back to unhealthy eating and yes you will gain the weight back.

    I've gone through 3 short rounds and periods of maintaining which yes after the rounds I do eat alot more, I exercise and I have not gained it all back. I'm losing the fat and not the muscle. If I were in starvation mode rest assured as soon as I started eating my 1800-2000 calories a day I would gain like crazy not maintain! I do not think it's for everyone but I do support everyone in their well thought out, planned and researched weightloss and lifestyle change journeys. I wish all of you lots of happiness on whatever path you decide to take and best of luck to you! God bless! :flowerforyou:
  • jhann16
    jhann16 Posts: 62
    Out of curiosity...what does the HCG diet do? Reset hormones? Teach your body to burn calories differently?

    I'm not trying to be negative, I really want to know. I have a hormonal disorder, so I won't be trying it, but I like to know what everyone is talking about. Especially since ppl seem to love it or hate it.
  • My husband's family is crazy about HCG. They've all done it, and lost the weight they wanted to lose FAST. Thing is, their weight always comes back on pretty fast too, and they go back on the diet. I keep watching them do it, and would never choose to do it myself. You will lose the weight, and you will lose it quick, but I don't think it's very healthy, and you'll probably put it back on. I don't say this because I think you're an unhealthy person or anything like that, I'm just speaking from what I've seen in my life with people I love on this diet. If you're just doing it to lose weight super fast for a reunion or cruise or something, it will work for you. Just be warned that it probably won't be a lasting change. Good luck.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    IF you continue to eat right after you're done with the drops, the weight shouldn't come back. Of course, if you go straight back to your old habits, of course the weight will come back.

    Most people dont realize that potion sizes are out of control these days.
    Thats a big focal point of the hcg diet.
  • azmomof2
    azmomof2 Posts: 714 Member
    Yep just like anything else you will put the weight back on if you go back to old unhealthy habits regardless of how you lose it! I've kept it off so they (all these people/family/friends who keep gaining it all back) must be doing something wrong.

    For those interested here's the free online manuscript of the original diet. Pounds and Inches.

  • I lost 41 pounds on HCG & has successfully kept it off. The VLCD is hard but totally worth it in the end. I'm healthiest I've been in a long time. :smile:
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    That's awesome! Congrats to you!!
  • Hi, I am thinking of trying HCG but don't know much about it. Can you offer advice on using it and most importantly where can I get it. Can you tell me what else are you using with it..like B12, vitamins, etc. Thanks!!
  • Hello everyone,

    today is day 3 of starting the HCG diet, I am giving myself injections, and it is doctor supervised. I'm excited to find this forum to help me along. also to share in the journey with others, how have either completed or are also on the same journey.
  • Osdor
    Osdor Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on day 32 of my first round of hcg! Have lost 25 lbs. so far. I was, (of course!), hoping it would be more, but I am SO happy to be down 25 - still a long way to go, but it seems so do-able now.
    Keep it up. It DOES get easier!
  • I've lost 20 lbs in a month on HCG drops. The only time I stalled was when I wasn't following directions. (I didn't start at the right time with my cycle in mind, and I was cutting protein due to low appetite and started retaining water.)

    It's a brutal regimen to get used to but it absolutely works. It forced me to become mindful of every ingredient I cooked with, and every single thing I put in my mouth. I also had to cut out sodas and drink more water whereas before, I was chronically dehydrated. Now I'm not.

    Hidden financial incentive: I've saved a ton of money by not eating out because frankly, I can't without it being a big hassle. Easier to make the clean stuff at home.

    If nothing else, I'm creating healthier habits. But 20 lbs off is a nice perk! :)
  • blueyesdmg
    blueyesdmg Posts: 3 Member
    I just started HCG 9 days ago so I'm a week into VLCD and I've lost 8lbs and I feel great!! The 500 cal diet is a lot easier than I thought it would be. Using the HCG is a huge help to curb the hunger. I'm doing the injections too and as much as I hate needles, I'm not having any issues. So, I'm super proud of myself for doing this. I know that if I continue eating like I was prior to this it will all come back and that's with any way you lose weight. It's a lifestyle change and you have to change your eating habits. Some of us aren't lucky enough to eat junk food and not gain a pound. I'm confident that I will continue to get to my goal weight and keep it off once I'm done. It's a lot more encouraging watching my scale go down every morning rather than once a week!
  • noneya2010
    noneya2010 Posts: 446 Member
    Thanks! I have missed MFP friends! I left here and gained like 20 more pounds! Stress of life, finances, holidays. I have my act together now and working to get healthy this year.

    By the way, is there a current forum for those of us using hcg? I found the old ones but they don't look very recent.

    Oh and to update, since my first VLCD on Friday to this morning (Monday), I have lost 5 pounds. Both yesterday a.m. and today's weigh in were the same with no loss. I am not a water drinker and finding it really hard to drink water. I'm lucky if i have 2 glasses a day!! Today I have a goal of at least 80 oz. Still working on the same 20 since the morning!
  • Starting the VLCD today. Fingers crossed! I've tried the tablets the first time around and didnt have good results. I'd have to leave them under my tongue forever to dissolve and even then I didnt feel like I got the real benefits from it so I got discouraged and quit. This time around I'm using the drops. My Mom has switched to the drops as well and started a week or so before me. She dropped 7 pounds the first 5 days! I'm hoping that making the switch to the liquid drops works for me as well. Good Luck All!
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I've never heard of this diet, what is it and is there any peer reviewed evidence supporting it? Thanks x
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I am really curious about a couple of things:

    What does a 500 calorie a day meal plan look like? I'm guessing not too many fruits in there considering the apple I'm planning on having for my snack is 1/5th of the daily caloric intake!

    Losing weight that quickly -- will it result in a huge amount of excess skin? My skin keeps up with my weight loss because I'm keeping it within 1-2 lbs a week, but can't imagine how skin could keep up with a lb a day.

    Does the plan seriously not let you exercise? I understand that on 500 calories there isn't room for burning calories while exercising, but I don't think I've ever heard of a plan that not only didn't encourage exercise but actively discourages it.

    Really interesting plan. Not sure if it's for me as I tend to find pregnant women completely unsufferable so I couldn't imagine injecting myself with their hormones, but I like to hear about different things. Not sure if I'd rate it above or below emersing yourself in ice water every day, but to each his or her own.
  • I am really curious about a couple of things:

    What does a 500 calorie a day meal plan look like? I'm guessing not too many fruits in there considering the apple I'm planning on having for my snack is 1/5th of the daily caloric intake!

    Losing weight that quickly -- will it result in a huge amount of excess skin? My skin keeps up with my weight loss because I'm keeping it within 1-2 lbs a week, but can't imagine how skin could keep up with a lb a day.

    Does the plan seriously not let you exercise? I understand that on 500 calories there isn't room for burning calories while exercising, but I don't think I've ever heard of a plan that not only didn't encourage exercise but actively discourages it.

    Really interesting plan. Not sure if it's for me as I tend to find pregnant women completely unsufferable so I couldn't imagine injecting myself with their hormones, but I like to hear about different things. Not sure if I'd rate it above or below emersing yourself in ice water every day, but to each his or her own.

    The eating plan is simple: 2 pieces of chicken, steak, or certain kinds of fish, 2 servings of certain types of vegetables, 2 whole fruits (again, only certain kinds), and if you like, 2 pieces of melba toast or grissini. Doesn't sound like very much does it? It's not! But the HCG is releasing 2000-3000 calories of pure fat per day (and you're BURNING that fat), that's why you lose weight so quickly and are rarely hungry at all. Check out the free ebook mentioned in an earlier post for the exact amounts of each serving.

    When you lose weight with HCG, you do not get the typical skin sag. At least I never have. I don't know how it keeps up with the weight loss, but it does. Yet another reason why HCG weight loss is better than the "normal" way.

    Exercising too rigorously can cause water retention and inflammation, thus making it seem like you're not losing weight. And because your protein intake is so low, it's just not a good idea. However the ebook clearly states that if you've already been exercising routinely, you can stick with it, it just recommends not to start a new exercise routine.

    HCG is just one of dozens of different hormones pregnant women have coursing thru their bodies. It's not the cause of the mood swings, estrogen is the primary cause. HCG's primary purpose in pregnancy is to release the woman's fat stores so the baby has a constant food supply. And this is why it's so good for this diet plan.

    Immersing in ice water is a great way to treat inflammation of muscles after exercising. Pro Athletes do it often. but I have no idea how you'd lose weight from it.

    I hope this answers your questions.
  • Court7898
    Court7898 Posts: 37 Member
    I am really curious about a couple of things:

    What does a 500 calorie a day meal plan look like? I'm guessing not too many fruits in there considering the apple I'm planning on having for my snack is 1/5th of the daily caloric intake!

    Losing weight that quickly -- will it result in a huge amount of excess skin? My skin keeps up with my weight loss because I'm keeping it within 1-2 lbs a week, but can't imagine how skin could keep up with a lb a day.

    Does the plan seriously not let you exercise? I understand that on 500 calories there isn't room for burning calories while exercising, but I don't think I've ever heard of a plan that not only didn't encourage exercise but actively discourages it.

    Really interesting plan. Not sure if it's for me as I tend to find pregnant women completely unsufferable so I couldn't imagine injecting myself with their hormones, but I like to hear about different things. Not sure if I'd rate it above or below emersing yourself in ice water every day, but to each his or her own.

    The eating plan is simple: 2 pieces of chicken, steak, or certain kinds of fish, 2 servings of certain types of vegetables, 2 whole fruits (again, only certain kinds), and if you like, 2 pieces of melba toast or grissini. Doesn't sound like very much does it? It's not! But the HCG is releasing 2000-3000 calories of pure fat per day (and you're BURNING that fat), that's why you lose weight so quickly and are rarely hungry at all. Check out the free ebook mentioned in an earlier post for the exact amounts of each serving.

    When you lose weight with HCG, you do not get the typical skin sag. At least I never have. I don't know how it keeps up with the weight loss, but it does. Yet another reason why HCG weight loss is better than the "normal" way.

    Exercising too rigorously can cause water retention and inflammation, thus making it seem like you're not losing weight. And because your protein intake is so low, it's just not a good idea. However the ebook clearly states that if you've already been exercising routinely, you can stick with it, it just recommends not to start a new exercise routine.

    HCG is just one of dozens of different hormones pregnant women have coursing thru their bodies. It's not the cause of the mood swings, estrogen is the primary cause. HCG's primary purpose in pregnancy is to release the woman's fat stores so the baby has a constant food supply. And this is why it's so good for this diet plan.

    Immersing in ice water is a great way to treat inflammation of muscles after exercising. Pro Athletes do it often. but I have no idea how you'd lose weight from it.

    I hope this answers your questions.

    Thank you for replying to this. I REALLY didn't want to type it again.

    Thank you so much!!!
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