michelleborman50 Member


  • I am a Type 2 taking 4 insulin shots a day. But I was able to lose about 50lbs and then I was able to go off the shots. However, Once I got the first 50 off I was not able to lose any more even though I was in the 250's. Now the weight is slowly coming back and my insulin levels are starting to show it.
  • I'm back. Not going to bore any one with why I have been MIA but I have removed my head from my butt and am ready to start again. I am back to 262 and need to update my page. I doubt I am on here nightly because I am overwhelmed right now but I am back. Miss so many of you. Hope everyone is doing well. I need to sit down…
  • Just dropping by and checking in on everyone. I see no one has froze to death yet. Looks like tomorrow and Tuesday are going to be rough. A high of 1 with wind chill at -15....but looks like we will have a warm up coming soon. Never thought I would be happy to see 30 degrees
  • Just stopped in to see how everyone's New Year was. I came home from work, started a fire and fell asleep by 8;30 last night. I snored my way straight into the new year. :blushing: My Wednesday wish is for all of our hopes and dreams to come true.
  • I want to apologize to everyone. I know I haven't been very active on here. I jump on to read and get motivated but haven't offered much support in return. I really don't know what my problem is. Even though I haven't been sleeping well I get up ready to tackle the day but the longer the day goes on the more emotional I…
  • Getting back on track. Started today logging food again and exercising. Gained 5 lbs back over the holidays.
  • Merry Christmas everyone! My family is getting together Friday so I went to look for a new truck. Figured I could look without any pressure from sales people. Hoping to get one Friday. I am also planning on getting my first piece of exercise equipment so I took down the Christmas tree....I know its still Christmas but the…
  • Thanks everyone for the tips on keeping my fruits and veggies fresher longer! Sometimes it takes a while for things to sink in but it finally hit me. I have only lost 3lbs this month. Which is a huge let down from the 2-3lbs I was using weekly. But the fact is, I stopped logging, I started having a goodie here and there,…
  • @vickie--I am a mint fan too! That and pumpkin spice. :blushing: @laurie- I hope you enjoy your break from school. Get rested up...it's a long way until spring break! @susan-It seems many of us our struggling with that dang scale....hovering or slight gains. Keep on staying strong! @toots-Just think that even with small…
  • Thank you to ladies for sharing how you got through the plateaus. I think each of you hit on something that I have been lacking in doing. Bottom line is I need to start logging again, get moving more, watch portions and keep on keeping on. I needed to hear how you all got through it and know that I can to. AFM-My jeep…
  • @Robin-So happy to hear that your speech is improving! and hopefully no more high pain days. @alupinsk-It feels good getting back into clothes that haven't fit for a while. Good for you!!! @lauriek70-who knew someone working inside an office would need to dress in layers because they don't know what the temp in going to be…
  • @lauriek70-i am struggling with blowing off exercise too. smart move on arranging time with the trainer @skinnyjean and grandma-I think working to get through these holidays is a great goal. its so hard this time of year. @robin-your right about the logging. I haven't been doing that either. glad you reminded me of how…
  • I am thankful for all of you. Your support, sharing your lives, successes and failures is so meaningful to me. I enjoy sitting down and reading about what is going on with each of you. Sometimes I get reminded of the small things I should be thankful for, sharing successes and everyone is struggling with something and yet…
  • @lives2travel- support is a two way street. glad you are standing your ground. @jnettie- sitting around waiting on someone with no call just sucks. too bad you cant charge him for your time @kah68-that was a lot of weight to lift. great job! @believeth64- amazing weight loss. It feels so good doesn't it! AFM-My brother…
  • Saturday Success-After a two week plateau I have started losing weight again. Lost 3 #'s. The dark cloud hanging over my head has moved on and I am feeling like myself again. Question-Have any of you tried the ItWorks body wraps and if so, what did you think? @karenleona-Hope you get some relief from your insomnia. I have…
  • I've been missing in action this past week and to be honest I almost completely stopped this whole thing. On the 5th it will be a year since my brother died at 44...been dreaming a lot. I did fine on just eating one plate at thanksgiving but then over the weekend I lost my mind...lol Anyway, I got back on track today. Too…
  • Thanks ladies for your input on loose skin. It is a huge fear of mine. I am exploiting nightly, lotions, trying toning exercises and just added a weekly seaweed wrap (that I do on my own) I will research the coconut oil idea. So guess I am doing everything possible to avoid it. Just seems so crappy for someone to work so…
  • So, for Thanksgiving all of us ladies volunteer for who is making what. Since I am doing so well with my new lifestyle, my sister in law who is doing desserts is only making pies just because I really don't care for pie. It is really nice when you get support from family! @kah68-Thanks for the info. So far I am lucky that…
  • Just dong a quick drive by to shout out I LOST THREE MORE POUNDS! Which is 51#'s down from my heaviest and 32#'s since joining MFP.:happy: And to ask....While I am not having any issues right now, I am concerned about having folds of extra skin just hanging around. I have done a little research and I there is a lot of…
  • I've been absent for a few days...with my long work hours Mon-Thurs I only have two hours in the evening before going to bed...just to get 5 hours of sleep. Anyway, I am staying on track and can't wait to weight in tomorrow to see what I lost. I'm not worried about the holidays. I have already planed now to help conquer…
  • @MB-This thread is wonderfully supportive and the best I have found on here. I hope you join the thread. We would love to have you. @susan5314-Welcome to the group! @Robin-I am happy to hear you are getting some relief with the pain and am hoping it goes away completely very soon. @Alupinsk-56#'s and 37 inches in 90 days…
  • I ate 620 to many calories today. Baking with my nieces and well...it happened.
  • @susan can't think of having a better thing to be obsessed about. I struggle with exercise. @nettie- I don't have the fitbit. But my page is still doubling my meals so after I post everything I have to go back and remove the duplicate. I am actually having several glitches this week but I don't mind. I just have to pay…
  • Just stopping by real quick to share: Lost more 2lbs this week. Putting me at 47lbs lost total and 29 lbs lost since joining MFP!!!! This puts me 6 lbs away from my short term goal of 260 (which I want to reach before Dec 1st).
  • @sjacobs-I hope your back is better by now. It's amazing how one small movement can create a huge back issue! @nettie- I love the suggestions you gave. Thanks for sharing! As far as being over calories I had the same thing twice this week and when I went back and checked my food diary I found it was doubling things.…
  • Feeling better today and after reading Susan's post about enjoying our good qualities hit home too. Tuesday Goals: Still pushing to be at 260 by the end of the month. Looking pretty good so far. Adding more water to my diet and wanting to get 3 days of exercise in. I know the exercise isn't much but I am still babying my…
  • Monday check in: Still staying within or under my calorie goals that mfp set for me. I did start drinking water even though its only a glass or two. Not my favorite thing to do :) I only exercised once over my four day weekend but I justified it with all the cleaning and scrubbing I did this weekend. I need to get back on…
  • I am officially over my fall cleaning spree but not done. My entire house is ceramic tiles with the exception of the bedrooms. I have hand scrubbed all of it and to be honest, my body is hurting a little. But now I am down to just the normal house cleaning which will only take an hour or two. I will be glad to be…
  • I am spending this weekend doing my fall cleaning and some deep cleaning on this house. I truly do not like the smell of bleach. :grumble: Saturday Success: I was the lady who would drive around the wal-mart parking lot a dozen times to get a parking spot close because I certainly didn't want to walk. I am very happy to…
  • @sjacobs I just hit 268 and feel like I just won a million dollars. I am so excited you are under the 270 mark too! @nettie-Great job with the Gilad. I tell myself "just move"...as far as the big girls getting in the way; good luck. It's amazing how boobs can create so many issues...lol @Alupinsk-Offering something at the…