Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    Pyro- i also have insomnia. sometimes due to stres and sometimes due to pain. Night before last i did not sleep at all so last night i took half a sleeping pill and did not get up till 11 am :grumble: I need to sleep but also need to get something done during the day. I tend to be nocturnal anyway so it is a fine balance

    My DIL texted me this morning that they were out of milk for her coffee but it was too cold to take the kids out to the is -35 C.
    way too cold!!!
    gonna hit the gym this afternoon then have a pampered chef party at my niece"s new place. Gonna make sure i eat before i go so i am not tempted by the goodies they make
  • 100over
    100over Posts: 53 Member
    Hi all, I'd love to join this thread. I pretty well have exactly 100lbs I'd like to lose. My exercise program is starting off slow because I want to start to enjoy it rather than hate it after 3 days lol. So I've been doing around 20-25 mins on elliptical and 20 mins of weight training.
    My husband's going away for the weekend so it's just my boy and I which will hopefully make it easier for good eating. Except we're supposed to do Christmas baking. I'll have to keep lots of caramel rice cakes on hand lol
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!

    I did okay at school today with food, but came home to Chinese take away--definitely my downfall! So yummy, but too many calories. :ohwell: I didn't end up going to the Christkindl Fest--it's way too cold and my friend who planned it couldn't stay out long, so we just went to our regular Friday bar and had few drinks.

    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    Friday fitness:
    Nothing new for me. Only lifted once this week, but I at least did cardio on wednesday. Will hit the gym hard this weekend in between grading. At least Bears are Monday night so I don't have to fit in football this weekend too.

    Today I'm thankful that I got to share this earth with the great Nelson Mandela--
    "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

    Grading goals:
    1. 32/72 AP essays
    2. 73/73 AP journals DONE!

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner (shorter meeting) NOT DONE (too dark) BUT + gym (cardio) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--going to Christkindlmarkt after school
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 80
    Dead lift = 85
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 50

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90 :
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today my food log really looks pathetic but I did stay under my new calorie goal. Fitness is really hard when it is so cold outside. I did do the pedaler yesterday, but it isn't much of a workout.
    I agree with Karen that Mandela was a remarkable person.
    I am grateful for a warm home. We may get some snow tonight but just don't get ice storms around here. The wind chill factor was bitter today, though.
    Have a great weekend. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    The cold and stormy weather is on it's way to me. We are looking for winter's blast starting Sunday and going into Monday. Who knows, the freezing rain/sleet could close schools on Monday. Yes, schools in MD close for snow so there are times we just want a snow day. I have plenty of grading to do during the bad weather. I took Monday off because my Dad had a doctors appointment and Mom did not want to take him alone. Then she washed the weather forecast and opted to cancel/move the appointment to next Monday. I opted to keep the day off that ways I can get some shopping done for the holidays and a novel idea of just relaxing.

    Tomorrow is the Jingle Bell Hayride so I will be busy and moving from 8 to 1pm plus a trip to the grocery store with everyone and their uncles.

    I will catch up more tomorrow, when I am not sleep walking.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Friday Fitness: I'm really pleased with this weeks activities and the scale is going down FINALLY!!!!!

    Sunday - great 4 mile walk outside
    Monday - doubled up due to Thanksgiving eating. HIT elliptical in the AM and trainer in the PM
    Tuesday - elliptical/treadmill
    Wednesday - HIT elliptical/treadmill
    Thursday - rest day
    Friday - elliptical/treadmill

    Tomorrow Cyrus and I are supposed to do the Great Santa Run 5K down on Freemont Street, but we're having super cold weather too. We're not negative of course, but our high this morning was in the 20's. For Vegas, that's COLD. I'm still debating. I already paid the registration and gave a donation. It's going to a great cause, Opportunity Village, which helps adults with special needs. My uncle has cerebral palsy and cannot hear or talk. I've always tried to support organizations who help those special people.

    Today I'm thankful for those workers like Nettie who have such a big heart and work with folks (young and old) with disabilities. I know the people in my life have such big hearts and just want to learn and be loved like the rest of us.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Saturday success - I made it through the new week of my routine. I just have today's workout to do. I ended up calling in sick to work yesterday because I was having really bad stomach pains. It felt like my stomach was on fire and I was so uncomfortable. I spent most of the day lounging on the couch and watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel. Around 5 I was feeling completely lazy and gross so I decided to workout. I felt better after the workout so I ate dinner with the hubby. Shortly after my stomach began to hurt again so I ended up just going to bed. I hope I am not coming down with a stomach virus. So far this morning I am feeling ok. I hope it stays that way. Last night started ****ens Festival in town. It runs the entire weekend and is so much fun. I would really like to go tonight. :smile:

    Brian asked for a weight set for Christmas so I bought it for him. It was delivered yesterday. Someone hand wrote on the box "VERY HEAVY!!!" - they weren't kidding. I couldn't pick it up to bring it into the house. I had to open it up outside and bring it in piece by piece. I got creative and wrapped it in several separate bundles so I could lift it and put under the tree. While I had the wrapping paper out I decided to wrap the few gifts that I had already bought for my mom and brother.

    Mnwalking - I actually like what I see when I look in the mirror. To me I look smaller. I can see a difference in my tush and hips. I can also see a slight change in my arms if I flex. When I take a selfie and look at it, it seems like a completely different image than what I see in the mirror. :huh: I can't wait to get to the point when I don't hate pictures of myself.

    Karen- Wow that is really cold. Where does she live that it gets that cold?

    100over- Welcome. I think it is great that you are starting off slow. I did the same too. I find when I try to make too many changes at once it is too overwhelming for me which leads to frustration and failure. I gradually added more goals in as I progressed. Best of luck to you.

    Skinnyjeanz- I love the Nelson Mandela quote!

    Laurie - I hope you enjoy that day off and get a lot accomplished. Schools in NY close for snow too depending on how bad it is. Last year's blizzard had us closed for a few days, it was a really bad storm. It took the town 3 days to come plow my street. :noway:

    Susan - I hope it is not too cold for your Santa Run. That sounds like a lot of fun. Does everyone dress of like Santa? In NY we have Santacon. I have never been but I have a few friends who go every year.
    Thank you for the gratitude post for people working in the field like I am. It means a lot to me.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    KarenLeona - wow 35 below - that is incredibly cold! I sympathize with your DIL's running out of milk for her coffee - I keep both powdered creamer (hate it) and cans of sweetened condensed milk on hand for such winter emergencies I love my milk in my coffee so bad!

    100Over - welcome - and you're going to do just fine on your journey - its not a race. Its a slow, comfortable stroll. Don't worry if you trip over a few things. Good luck with your Christmas baking!

    Skinny - great quote from Nelson Mandela.

    Kaye - it is tough to exercise inside. Maybe its time to explore some mild exercises on You Tube, but I'm not the one to recommend any except Leslie Sansone - who does walking in place.

    Laurie - I hope you own long underwear - you're going to need it. The cold is here and I wore mine to my Drs. appt yesterday - it took me forever to get undressed there! Hope you have a great time relaxing Monday.

    Susan - whether you go on the run or not, at least you contributed financially - thats wonderful! (And I think 20 degrees is cold too!)

    Jeanette - I hope your stomach pains go away and you are NOT coming down with a virus! I love what you did with wrapping the weight set individually. That same thing happened to me when I ordered my weights - they were delivered outside my door and I couldn't lift the box - had to open it right there and bring in one weight at a time. Boy did I feel puny!.

    AFM: Got my mammo yesterday and will have the results in a week or so. Thought I was going to get them the same day - darn it!. Well good things come to those that wait, right?

    I am grateful for the cold because it symbolizes the changes of the seasons and that means the earth is doing what its supposed to be doing and everything is right in the natural world.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Day 2 of being stranded at home due to the ice and extreme cold (22 at my house, extreme for Texas) - I wanted to venture to the store for a couple of things to make some soup but my alley is a sheet of ice and I have an incline out of my garage/driveway, so decided it was a bad idea (don't want to end up going through someone's garage). None of the neighborhood roads have been treated so they are a sheet of ice as well, its too dicey to risk. There are some people that have been stranded on one of the highways for 12+ hours, hopefully there will be a rescue effort today. Things won't have a chance to start melting until tomorrow afternoon. I was without power for several hours yesterday, so I'm grateful today to have power and heat back. Some are still without power - say it won't be fully restored in the area until Monday. Thank goodness for lots of warm blankets yesterday and kitty that loves to snuggle!

    One problem I've found is that I've made pot of coffee after pot of coffee, so I've been drinking coffee all day long. I'm drinking it more than water. I guess its good that I drink it black at least. :tongue:

    @Susan~Hope it wasn't too cold for you to venture out for your 5k today.

    @Nettie~Glad you are feeling better today.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Today I am grateful to have the necessities of life. We are not, and never have been wealthy, but we have what we need. There are so many who don't.
    I've got to help DH dig through the storeroom and find the Christmas decorations. We need to get the outside lights up, but I'm not going to put up the inside decorations until DD is out of school for the holiday. I don't want to battle the kids over the Christmas tree. Just lazy I guess.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Saturday Success: Well, I was not successful in doing the Santa Run. I completely wimped out. Between the cold, wind and dark skies (chance of rain), I decided not to chance it. Oh well. I did go to the gym though and did an hour of cardio. I'm glad I got some exercise in, but like I said at least I supported a great cause. As far as success, I'm so excited that I lost the water plus Thanksgiving weight and a "little" more. Finally, the scale budged and that is what I'm thankful for today.

    Enjoy your weekend!!!

  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Saturday Success-After a two week plateau I have started losing weight again. Lost 3 #'s. The dark cloud hanging over my head has moved on and I am feeling like myself again.

    Question-Have any of you tried the ItWorks body wraps and if so, what did you think?

    @karenleona-Hope you get some relief from your insomnia. I have never done well with sleeping pills unless it was something like Advil PM.

    @skinnyjeanzbo-I love Chinese food too!

    @Lauriek70-Hope you survived the storm. I was pleased that the roads here were only bad over night.

    @susan-Glad that scale is going down again for you. It can be very trying in the mean time.

    @jnette-Hope you are liking the new routine. I am hearing about stomach flu is going around. Hope you don't get it.

    @robin-I hope good things come to those who deserve a break!

    @kah68-We are only expecting one day in the 22's this week. I feel so bad for you. Once the temp drops below 30 it just torture.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Saturday success: I did my yoga for seniors dvd this afternoon and I could do it. I bought it quite a long time ago before I starred to lose weight and I couldn't do enough of it to even get a decent workout.
    One success at a time.????. Kaye
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Susan- Yeah for going to the gym. It is not easy to run in the cold, dark skies and the chance of rain. Congrats on losing the weight from Thanksgiving.

    Kaye- Yeah for the yoga. Those moves are not easy as I am learning from my trainer. That is a great success.

    Kelley- Glad you got power back and I hope the roads get plowed soon.

    Jeanette- Glad you are feeling better.

    The Jingle Bell hay rides went well today. We kept things moving even when the tractor decided it didn't want to work for one of the run. They turned off the engine then it wouldn't start up again. So we had to unload the people shift the wagons around to get the ride off. Then the tractor we thought could handle a tandem wagon could not make it up the hill so they had to unload at the bottom of the hill and reload. That is the one thing we are concerned about when it comes to the tractors many of them are antiques but they still work well. We just need to account for the weight on the tandem wagons. It was funny when it happen but we handled it with ease. The best part was that the county exe was on the wagon with the tractor that decided not to work. It was a county tractor that causes the problem. Luckily they got the big tractor running again. When the wagons came back, we had to switch the tandem wagon again. Everyone who attended was very understanding and had a wonderful time.

    My exercise consisted of walking around the event area and eating to many doughnuts at the event. Tomorrow, the weather is suppose to be nasty so will not make it to the gym tomorrow. It will be a good day to bake and grade papers.

    Exercise plans for next week 12/1 to 12/6
    Sunday- Rest ( shopping and decorating day) Done
    Monday- Trainer Workout DONE
    Tuesday- Gym- Cardio NOT DONE
    Wednesday-Gym -Weight NOT DONE
    Thursday- Rest NOT DONE GYM
    Friday Climbing DONE
    Saturday- Rest (Jingle Bell Hayrides- will be outside all morning lots of walking around) DONE

    12/8 to 14
    Sunday- Rest due to weather
    Tuesday- gym
    Thursday- Rest
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Gym

    Grading goals
    x/65 formative assessment
    x/95 8th grade labs
    x/32 7th grade labs
  • KristaDPedsRN
    I am new to this site, but want to give it a try. I have been struggling with my weight most of my adult life. Since my pregnancies I have been gradually putting on weight. I need to lose 80-100 pounds but have to remind myself to do one day at a time! I have had some successes in the past but somehow I always fall back. I am a success in my job, have two great kids and husband. Yet somehow at 36 years old I am still trying to learn to take care of myself!
    We went out with my BFF and hubbies to celebrate my birthday. I know I did horrible with the calories. I did track everything today and that helped me realize the weekend is not a total loss.
    This week my goals are to track everyday and get exercise in 3 days this week.
    Thanks for all the encouragement :-)
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    Well, I've had a weirdly busy and disorganized couple of days. My mom's (she lives w/ us) car wouldn't start. So she has been swiping the second vehicle to go to work ( she works 11-12 hr shifts). It has had it very difficult to move the kids to everything and my husband and I to work and what not. I'm getting a bit angry that she is in not that much of a hurry to get it fixed. Whenever my husband suggests anything that might help it start she blows him off. I watched her do it on 4 different times. I'm going to have to talk to her. I'm not looking forward to it, because she always talks about how she is picked on. (grrr... she comes home just before dinner or bed and starts offering the kids treats (icecream/ cake) and then gets insulted when he says no). I've been playing a balancing act w/ her for 2 years. sigh.

    I have been doing great with my diet and exercise this week. Knock on wood. I've lost about 2..5 lb. :glasses:
    I got my christmas tree up today, I think my house is finally done... for now. I promised my husband I would start Christmas baking next. Wish me luck.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Been reading, but not taking the time to do personals. But I wanted to get my thankful note in. I am thankful for my kids. There are plenty of times that they are frustrating, but overall I am very blessed. They are both healthy, smart and loving.

    Emma shows so much excitement for life. Her energy is staggering at times, but when she focuses on something, she puts her all into it (we are working to steer her toward good :ohwell: ). She's always aware of her surroundings and has a good heart. When you need a hug (even before you know that's what you need), she pops in for a quick hug and a kiss and an "I love you!"

    Jacob is hitting that age of wanting to be "older" and while we struggle with some boundaries, he's kind and respectful to others. And usually during one of those frustrating times that he's pushing boundaries with his father and I, he steps up and shows his kind heart to a total stranger or a quiet child in the corner. I'm thankful that we have the type of relationship that he knows he's safe with us and that we love him no matter what.

    As life gets busy, you tend to take those wonderful people around you for granted. GrandmaKaye...thank you for suggesting this daily reminder. What a great way to focus on the positives in life! :flowerforyou:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    @p1xy--sorry for the struggles with your mom. I can relate considering the drama going on with my MlL. I guess I should be thankful she doesn't live with us. :wink: Great job with the loss and the decorating.

    @krista--welcome--yes, tracking (even when you're over) is key--it can really help you see where you are struggling when you look at reports over a week or month.

    @laurie--the hay rides sound like a slap-stick comedy! :laugh: Glad it all turned out okay. Good luck with all of those labs.

    @kaye--congrats on doing that yoga DVD. I do a few yoga and pilates moves for core strengthening and they can be so difficult.

    @michelle--congrats on the loss and glad your mood has brightened. Yes, I had more Chinese food for breakfast and lunch today, but DH finished it off for dinner, so it's gone!

    @susan--great job getting to the gym after missing the 5k. I had a similar experience on Thanksgiving. :ohwell:

    @kelley--sorry you are stranded, but happy your power wasn't out for too long. Hope that ice melts quickly!

    @nettie--it cracks me up when the site censors words like D-i-c-k-e-n-s. :laugh: Our Santacon here in Chicago was today--I didn't go, but some friends who were there posted pics on FB.

    Saturday Success:
    I made it to the gym and did my lifting and cardio. I had kind of hit a wall with the 5x5 lifting so I switched to 3x5 and was successful at increasing weight on most of my lifts. :smile: Also got 15 papers graded today, so only 25 left for tomorrow.

    Today I'm thankful for my puppy-dog. I slept in this morning, and then started grading on my couch. It would have been so easy to stay here all day--especially considering the bitter cold temps. However, gunner was insistent that we go for a walk. We made it a short one, but once I was up and dressed for exercise it was much easier to head to the gym. So although I love the big hulk for many different reasons, today it was for getting me off the couch and out the door.

    Grading goals:
    1. 47/72 AP essays
    2. prep prose prompts for Monday
    3. prep for my domain meeting on thursday

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner DONE
    Tues--rest day (meeting)
    Wed--walk gunner (shorter meeting) NOT DONE (too dark) BUT + gym (cardio) DONE
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE
    Fri--going to Christkindlmarkt after school
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (cardio)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 55

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90 :
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sunday share: Yesterday was a bust. I am still having pains in my stomach. :frown: Today is day three. I am starting to think something is seriously wrong. My doctor isn't in tomorrow, so I will either have to see a different doctor in the practice or wait until Tuesday to see him.

    We never made it to D i c k e n s Festival yesterday. I am bummed because a friend of mine was performing in one of the plays in town. It would have been nice to see him. I am very uncomfortable today so I doubt I will get to it today either. D i c k e n s Festival is a lot of fun. The local theatre in town has their actors and actresses walk around town dressed as characters from Christmas Carol. They randomly walk into the restaurants and stores. Walking up and down the street are choral groups who sing songs. The local churches and halls have free plays that you can watch. The town hosts a Fezzywig ball and so much more. It is really a great event!****ens-festival/

    I am grateful for my husband. I laid down and slept for a bit on the couch. While I was sleeping he did the laundry and then went to the store to get me more peppermint tea and ginger ale.

    Robin - I realized yesterday that they didn't send the entire set. They set one dumbell, the weights for it and the resistance bands. I still have another 50 lbs coming. I thought it would arrive yesterday so I was on alert as Brian was home. No such luck Maybe it will arrive Monday. If not, I will have to contact them and see where it is.

    Kaye - Yoga for seniors sounds like so much fun!

    Krista - Welcome.

    Laurie - The jingle bell hay rides sound like fun, one the tractors were working properly.

    p1xyn1xy - Sounds like an uncomfortable conversation to have. I hope it goes well and your mother gets her car fixed soon.

    Skinnyjeanz - I can't believe they censored my post for D i c k e n s Festival. Oh my goodness, have they never heard of Charles?!!!!
  • Believeth64
    Believeth64 Posts: 469 Member
    Good morning I know I am lost on keeping up in group, there are so many I don't know. I have to get back to posting and staying up with everyone. I have had a long road with this ankle, still under doctor care however I am getting better. At least I can say I started back exercising last week and did good. I hope this year brings greatness on this journey because I surely needs it. On bed rest I am constantly gaining weight. Brighter days to come and better updates. Wishing everyone a great day, keep moving and keep believing.
