Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Helena, my prayers are with you and your family!
  • GrammyWhammy
    GrammyWhammy Posts: 484 Member
    Thanks for the kind thoughts. I WILL try to be a good patient...even though I'm worrying about losing all the fitness strides I've worked so hard for.

    I practically fainted when I got on the scale and saw a 10 pound gain since my hospitalization!!!! In panic I fasted for half a day yesterday (only 350 calories and lots of water). Yes, I know that's not smart. As I've been feeling bloated, still fighting my pre-procedure cold, and achy, my vivid imagination was wondering how I could have consumed enough cals to gain 10 pounds--blood clot, slow internal leak from the femoral arteries, aliens taking over my bod pod? I got up this morning more than 5 pounds lighter. So--it's either meds & the IV (?!), or some sort of inflammatory reaction to the "assault" on my ticker. Truly--I did not gorge on 35,000 extra cals. :noway:

    Today I'm eating more--just not all 1400 cals--especially since I can't work out.

    Helena: Your mom is lucky to have a supportive daughter/family and I'm sure, with medical intervention and lots of love and prayers, will recover completely. Hang in there. We're listening. (I'm channeling my inner Frasier Crane.)

    Robin: Ouch! Sorry. That was for your pocketbook! Don't you hate it when home repairs begin to snowball?! I hope the good luck fairy visits you soon.

    Re the obesity discussion: I started out pitifully skinny...but once I was a stay-at-home mom, I became a "foodie," using food as a cure for boredom, anxiety, smothered creativity, sadness, lack of self worth and a host of other maladies that should have been handled more productively. Food became my drug of choice. Knowing that still doesn't "fix" me, but helps me to understand the whys. Now if my super-famished, over-used and abused fat cells would just quit clamoring for MORE, I'd be better off. However, my grandmother, who had 9 children AND gestational diabetes, was always more than plump and lived to her mid 80s in spite of her weight. Genetic? Don't know--though I was a gestational diabetic with the twins. Rambling here, not sure this makes sense.
    Think my blood sugar is dropping. :tongue:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Just wanted to say Hi.

    Been so busy at work that I go home and nap everynight.

    Truth- my eating is not good and eventhough I walk over 3 miles a day just at work. I am not losing any weight recently started gaining. I am starting to feel bad about myself and wondering if all this fitness and trying to eat right is worth it if the scale never moves and clothes are getting tighter. Part of the problem is no one around me needs to be healthier in there eyes so I don't have a lot of support other than here. Moving down town by all eating spots has been bad for my wallet and my health because all co- workers want to try new places to eat.
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Marsha~Welcome back! I’m quite sure your body was just rebelling after your procedure and it’s just an inflammatory response. Glad 5# of that was gone this morning. On my off days or days I can’t make it to the gym I always eat a bit less that day, I especially watch my carbs intake.

    @Robin~Sorry for the house repairs, it irks me when I have money set aside for other stuff but then get hit with a house or car repair bill.

    @Holly~I’m sorry you’re struggling. Of course, you know it’s worth it – take a look at your diary and see if you are staying within your macros. If you are eating too many carbs, sodium, or sugar that can sure derail your efforts at the gym. The pressure from co-workers is hard – people here order out all the time and there are cookies, candy and the like around for snacking. I just have to avoid it and my friends/co-workers are pretty understanding – I bring my meals and snacks to work every day except Friday, I still try to make a healthier choice that day though.
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    @Toots~I’m in agreement with what others said. I’ve read similar studies, I think there is a certain percentage of people that are predisposed to obesity through genes – as a result, it can become extremely difficult for them to lose weight and keep it off. The other percentage of people are just lazy – I believe it’s in our mindset, which really follows other facets of life. If we set our minds to it, the weight can be lost and kept off – I know people that have done it. WW is a great program, for some people – I know people that have done it and kept it off, but for every person that has done it and kept it off there are probably 2 that haven’t. While I followed WW for a number of years and have them to thank for getting the ball rolling on my weight loss, I attribute most of my success to watching calories/fat/protein and making sure that the calories I expend are greater than the calories I consume. It can be done, I think people just need to want it bad enough.

    i think it's definitely all in the mind. WW didn't really work for me. and despite their claim of ease i find it very confusing. oh well. anyway, agreed. your brain is the most important muscle in weight loss.
    Re the obesity discussion: I started out pitifully skinny...but once I was a stay-at-home mom, I became a "foodie," using food as a cure for boredom, anxiety, smothered creativity, sadness, lack of self worth and a host of other maladies that should have been handled more productively. Food became my drug of choice. Knowing that still doesn't "fix" me, but helps me to understand the whys. Now if my super-famished, over-used and abused fat cells would just quit clamoring for MORE, I'd be better off. However, my grandmother, who had 9 children AND gestational diabetes, was always more than plump and lived to her mid 80s in spite of her weight. Genetic? Don't know--though I was a gestational diabetic with the twins. Rambling here, not sure this makes sense.
    Think my blood sugar is dropping. :tongue:

    the propensity towards diabetes is definitely genetic. my family has this very strange thing, i know it has to be genetic, there's no other explanation. we don't all hit 25 and decide our looks don't matter anymore and start eating large pizzas by ourselves :laugh: every woman in the last three generations is super thin until exactly 25 wherein we all start getting extremely fat. i think, in our case, our metabolisms just quit working the same way earlier than most women who have the same experience between 30 and 40
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Still trying to get the baby used to the new schedule, but it is going better. A friend of daughters picked Keith up this morning and took him to the park with her kids for 2 hours. That was a nice break for him.
    I'm counting down to my dr appointment and trying to keep my calories low until I can start walking again.
    Helena--sorry about your mother. I know that you will be a good support for her. Speaking from the perspective of a mother of adults, I can tell you that it really means a lot to me to have the support and help of my children.
    To all who are struggling--this really is worth the effort. (And it does take a lot of effort.) Even with my knee hurting, I feel so much better than I did 6 months ago! Hang in there.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Thursday Truth: I haven't been doing very well health wise lately...both hubby and I are sick. Add to that vertigo and other things...I couldn't stand it, so went to a naturopath. He's wonderful. He 'saved' my health about 5 years ago. Now, I'm on his 'regime' and trying hard to get on track with his directions. It's a little over whelming and the truth is that I feel awful right now and hardly have the energy to figure this all out. Going to the Organic grocery store tomorrow to get a few things and then I'll feel more in control. It's not about weight with him, but he said I'll lose doing his plan. Here I go.
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    Totally blew my sodium out of the water today. A thousand calories to go and I'm already over. Shoulda known even an otherwise healthy chicken wrap would be pickled in salt coming from the Great Boobs of America (aka the Golden Arches). Blah.

    BUT I just cranked out my 75 squats in sets of ten w/ the five to spare. Usually I have to spread them out over the day in fives.

    Tonight and the next couple of days are gonna be a bit crazy. Lotsa baking to do, music to practice for Saturday & Sunday.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Just had to shout..... I lost 2.25 lbs this week!!!! Another 1/2 lb. and I will hit my 10 lb. mark!!!! I am SO happy!!!!:bigsmile:

  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member
    @ Marsha, no worries about the fluid gain. Any time we do surgery-type things to our bodies, we retain fluid. And the surgeons add fluid during procedures. It takes 2-3 weeks to lose it all. No, you did not gain 10 (or even 5) lbs of fat! Glad the procedure was a success!

    @ Toots, there's a lot that's mental. Doesn't help that losing weight just empties the fat cells. They're still there and it's a lot easier to fill empty ones than it is to empty full ones. When you gain over your highest weight, though, you are building and filling new fat cells. There's also the dopamine release we get from simple carbs, especially processed sugars (dopamine release in the brain hits our brain's "pleasure center", which reinforces all sorts of behaviors). So there are a lot of biologically useful processes that, in times of overabundance, work against us.

    Truth: I really enjoy hubby's newest hobby: backyard movie theater. It's been warm all week and tonight was especially pleasant. Sat outside and watched a cartoon with dinner, then a DVD after the kids were in bed. Too sleepy to do any more personals, but am reading them. 'Night!
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 894 Member
    Friday: getting ready for the weekend. I've made up my mind to stick to my healthy eating plan even though going to two barbeques this weekend. I'm working on making a meal plan that covers about 7 days. I used to do this years ago and it helped me a lot when I was working full time. I'm retired, but think it will really help me focus on healthy eating.
    I feel very positive about this plan. My (little) naturopath inspires me so much. I feel elated when I leave his office. (He looks about 17 years old, but he's Asian, and smaller so he looks young). I've known him since he started his practise, about 6 years ago.
  • annaldora
    annaldora Posts: 19 Member
    Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend!!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Good Morning - I'm so happy I got through my plumbing and air conditioning repairs for under $500 yesterday! I was referred to a great plumber who did 3 hours of work and changed the seal on my toilet and he only charged $53.! Do ya think he's a SAINT??? :love: :love: :love: Where did this man come from??? He was about 83 years old and the size of a gnome and I hope he lives forever!!!

    Still staying under calories and looking forward to getting on the scale and hoping to post a loss by Monday! This would put me under the weight I have been maintaining since October since I started on the Prednisone- I would be so happy. Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Last week's fitness: not sure I had a plan. Anyway:

    Friday/Saturday/Sunday -- at Center Parcs so lots of walking, cycling and swimming. And went to the nearby parkrun on Saturday morning to do a parkrun in a lovely lovely forest.
    Monday -- 'plastic Mayday' -- the early May bank holiday, so we were dancing at the Bocking May Fayre. Lots of dancing and also walking around carrying my instrument (which is tiring).
    Tuesday -- walked to the park for circuits class, and home again! Also did some strength on the new outdoor gym. Yay for outside!
    Wednesday -- walked up to the hospital for a blood test.
    Thursday -- ran to the Lido (5 miles) and then swam for an hour. And then took the train home because that was plenty.
    Friday -- badminton (twice). And a bit of cycling.

    Next week:

    Saturday: parkrun
    Sunday: badminton
    Monday: morris dancing plus I want to run
    Tuesday: circuits again maybe?
    Wednesday: badminton (I haven't done Wednesday morning badminton for weeks)
    Thursday: run
    Friday: badminton.
    And three lots of strength... (did two this week so that's not so bad)

    @Helena -- thinking of you and your mum. It sounds like she's getting excellent, urgent care. Do look after yourself.
    @Kris -- I reckon 500 cals of exercise per day is doable, but quite hard. I've done nearly 5000 this week, but it's been a particularly busy week with a holiday in it. More importantly, I find that when I'm exercising at that level I can't keep my calories down *as well*; I have to eat back at least half of them and often more. Is there some reason why you can't just stick to the 500/day overall deficit, lose a pound a week, and carry on from there? it will be more sustainable in the long run.
    @MommaRobs -- I find logging really helps me even if I'm eating loads -- because it reminds me that even if it's the difference between 2500 calories and 3000 calories, it still matters in the long run! It's also good when I'm having a difficult day, because often when I look at the log it turns out not to have been that bad.
    @Tammy -- you're really rocking it with the exercise at the moment! I have a long list of things for the house too.
    @Karen -- my boy's a complete slacker (we had parents' night last night and it was one teacher after another saying 'he's so clever and capable, but he just messes about in class...'). But his English teacher has given him a reading list and he's currently devouring Ender's Game at high speed.
    @Marsha -- so glad the op was a success and you're on the mend! Do the walking and pilates, and look after yourself till you get the all clear to do proper exercise again.
    @Caramel -- yay for the cute linen pants and the new Someone! If your bra back size has gone down then the same cup size will be smaller cos that's how they work. But I have gone from a 40G to a 34J over the last year and I'm now seriously worried that I'm going to end up needing something like a 26TripleQ which does not actually exist.
    @Toots -- I think what often happens with people who lose a lot is that they gain *some* of it back. I have a friend who had WLS about five years ago and he's gained perhaps 20% of the weight back -- but that's still a ton better than where he was at before. And another good friend did sensible diet and exercise about three years ago -- she's gained about half of that back and is now getting back on track again. Gaining some of the weight back is still a ton better than where people are when they start. That 98% figure includes a lot of people who are dieting to lose ten pounds -- and obviously a lot of those people lose the ten pounds, gain twelve, and so on. There are *lots* of people here on MFP who've lost a lot and maintained. I mean, there are definitely ways to do this that don't work. And I think there's an issue where people lose a certain amount and then obesity stops being such a driving force in their life, other priorities take over, and it's hard to maintain the focus that caused the weight loss in the first place. The National Weight Control Registry looks like a good resource -- because it makes clear what successful control appears to take (continuing careful attention to what people eat, and regular exercise).
    @MaryPoppins -- I love baking too!
    @Marca -- ooh, not logging odd things is a bad habit. I do that occasionally and I always try to check myself and get back in order as quickly as possible. But well done on hitting that ten pound goal!
    @Robin -- fingers crossed for a good weigh in and breaking your long long plateau!

    All you horse riders -- I have a good friend who bought a horse last year, and has dropped three dress sizes! From a UK 16 to a UK 10. She's not been dieting *at all*, but she rides most days, and then there's a measure of mucking out and so on as well. Funnily, the doctor doesn't count riding as exercise, so the NHS system shows her as doing one hour of pilates a week and that's all. She also said I'm light enough now to ride her horse (benefit of being short) so I've got that to look forward to. TRY ALL THE EXERCISE, that's me...

    I hope you all have a Brilliant Weekend!


  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Hi everybody



    I’m creeping back towards 270lbs. again.:frown: I must do something different and start losing again!

    Hope you all have a healthy Weekend

    • Quote of the day: - It doesn’t get easier, you just get better at it.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I took a health screening today and my Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol are all at normal levels. My Cholesterol use to be in heart attack range. I was told that I should lose about 14 inch from my waist.
    I am sharing this because I guess eventhough the scale never moves and I am not getting thinner what I am doing is improving my health. I guess on funny note I can honestly say "I am a healthy fat chic" hope I didn't offend I was just trying to be funny.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    I took a health screening today and my Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar, Cholesterol are all at normal levels. My Cholesterol use to be in heart attack range. I was told that I should lose about 14 inch from my waist.
    I am sharing this because I guess eventhough the scale never moves and I am not getting thinner what I am doing is improving my health. I guess on funny note I can honestly say "I am a healthy fat chic" hope I didn't offend I was just trying to be funny.
    No offense at all!!!! I think that is WONDERFUL that your health has improved so much.... and just think, one of the byproducts of good health is less weight!!! It WILL happen if you just keep your focus on fitness!!!

    Cheers from a fellow fat chick!!!
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    UGH!!! After a great week... I hit my exercise goals quite nicely... I am having a REALLY dizzy/sick day. But then that is how my life goes, you pay for the good days with some bad days. But my fitness goals remain the same: 5 days of SOME sort of movement!!! Hoping to start out (if the drugs kick in well enough) to get some gardening done today! Fingers crossed!!!

  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    I don't know what is wrong with me this week. Some days it is really hard being so vigilant about food. Some days I am hungry all day and have terrible cravings and the some days the cravings aren't bad. I know this is a lifestyle change and for the most part I do ok but do those skinny girls NEVER want a cheeseburger? Anyway I hope everyone is doing well and has a good weekend.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Robin--We all need a plumber like that!
    Walking Queen--Good job on such good health readings.
    Friday Fitness--Still have to be satisfied with a little light housework and walking the baby. My knee was feeling a lot better until I accidentally caught my foot in the vacuum cord when I stepped back. UGH!
    I had a fun NSV today. I was picking up a few groceries before dinner. The lady in front me commented, "It looks like you are eating a lot healthier than we are." When 39 cents a pound sounds high for watermelon, I remind myself that chocolate costs a lot more than that, $5 or more per pound.
    Have a great night. Kaye