Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    @RobinsEgg - It's always great when repairs come in cheaper than we thought, isn't it? :) Prednisone is a bugger for weight loss... my mother was on it for several years. But you know what? You CAN do this! :)

    @mnwalkingqueen - The scale will move eventually. Your health is so much better! Something that helps me a lot is changing my goal/focus a bit. My Goal/Focus is a new, healthy lifestyle. Weight loss is a *side effect* of that healthy lifestyle, and that's why it will be permanent.

    @Marca - Gardening ROCKS. We got payed for the boat we sold (finally) so I get to spend enough $ to actually cut and put in a decent food garden this next week, and I'm really looking forward to it. I have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (connective tissue disorder, I have a lot of joint pain), so I hear ya on moving being HARD sometimes.

    @suzee71 - Of course the skinny girls want a cheeseburger sometimes. And they even eat them! This is why I love the IPOARM threads... literally nothing is illegal, it's all about hitting that calorie goal. I've never (NEVER) been able to lose weight beyond the first 15-20 pounds (which always reappears and brings friends). I'm 9 pounds beyond the largest weight loss I've ever achieved before, and I'm not hungry or feeling deprived. And before anyone says "Yes, but you're young!"... my activity level is pathetic, people. The Ehlers-Danlos really limits what I'm able to do as far as cardio, anything with more impact than an easy walk is pretty much out. I can bike & swim, but not hard or for long distances. My activity consists largely of baking in my kitchen, gardening, and keeping up with my toddler, I don't get a lot of "real" exercise. So it can be done!

    @Kaye - That's so awesome when the grocery-snoops notice all your healthy food! :) Chocolate is awesome, but indeed spendy!

    Saturday Successes - this week has been BUSY, and I"m busy today... I'm bringing bread, cookies, and herbed dipping oil to an event at my church this evening. I get a display table & can sell anything I'm able to bring, so I've been baking like a madwoman for two days. Busy is a good thing... there are a lot of non-church folks at this event tonight, so it's a good opportunity to get my business info out beyond the church and hopefully generate some business for the summer. I cleared off the kitchen junk-trap masquerading as a buffet yesterday afternoon, and now it's the neatly organized home for all of my business baking supplies and tools.

    I totally bailed on my squats yesterday, but today was supposed to be the "off" day, so I'm doing yesterday's 80 squats... 60 down, twenty to go, and it's only 9am! It always stuns me a little how much better my hips feel after I crank those squats out, even if I've been on my feet all day and have to get them in before bed.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi everyone. Hope ya'll had a great Friday and are enjoying your Saturday so far:bigsmile: . I have been doing just fine. Just a lot more of the same going on in Tammyland right now. This is a good thing since I dont really care for a lot of excitement or change. I spent the morning get the yard work done for the week. I am pretty sure my weedeater is secretly laughing at me. I couldnt get it to work right and then my neighbor gave a quick tutorial on it so I went to work and the string broke. Well today after getting done mowing I got it out put on a new string and hacked my way through the backyard ( slightly better job then before the tutorial) and then went to the front yard which is really the more important one since people can see it and the @#@# string broke again:grumble: Oh well I guess I will just go out with a pair of snips and clean up the front yard. Thats the way I had to do it as a kid. My dad didnt see any need for something like a weedeater when he had three able bodied children:laugh: I have been having fun shopping in my closet for this last week. Alot of shirts I had stuffed in there are starting to fit me. Its nice to finally be able to wear them:happy:
    Well ya'll have a great day. I am going to go soak up as much sunshine as I can since the rain is moving back in tomorrow.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi guys!
    Still super crazed and now I'm sick on top of all the running around. :ohwell: Not terribly ill--just a sore throat and very tired. Trying to keep up on posts.

    @alison--I've not read Ender's Game, though a student just mentioned to me how much he liked it. Glad your son is enjoying it!

    @holly--I think it's awesome that your health has improved so much! Congrats!

    To everyone struggling--I'm feeling the same way, but I know I can turn it around if I just try to get on track each day. Even if it takes weeks for me to get back to losing, I know it will happen if I keep working at it. On the other hand, if I just give up I am sure to gain weight and be unhappy about it. So really it's a no-brainer for me.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    I am back from New York. It was a great two days but very busy. Thursday, we spent walking all around the Time Square and the Broadway area. We finally stopped walking after seeing Wicked. We had been going from 6 am that morning to 11;45pm. We were then up at 6:15am on Friday to take a tour of the New York Harbor- saw Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty plus the Brooklyn Bridge. It was a an hour long cruise. Then we spent the rest of the day on the bus taking a tour of different movie locations. It was interesting but I really wanted to spend more time walking around the city. We started heading about 3.10 it took about 40 min to get out of the Lincoln tunnel. Finally, made it back home at 10pm. It was two very long days with little sleep.

    :happy: :happy: The best of the trip was getting to meet up with GorillaNJ. :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :drinker: He works in Battery Park near the cruise area so he was able to come down and meet me. He was a very nice guy and has been working very hard to lose weight. He is doing great and is getting ready for a 5K run in June. It was great to put the name with a face and actually meet one of my friends from here. Maybe some day I will have the opportunity to meet more of you.

    Today, I forced myself to go to to the gym for some exercise. I have been dragging all day so I needed to do something active otherwise, it would have been nap time. I just walked and did the Elliptical. I did nap a little once I got home but at least I did something today. Tomorrow will be a better workout.

    Shrink- I know those "Come to Jesus" talks by trainers. I am sure mine wants to have the same conversation with me right now however, I am not willing to listen to him right now. Last week he had me hopping up, skipping a step on the stairs, needless to say I was not happy since it combine two activities that I don't like- jumping and stairs. Anyway, we all need those reminders in our life and good for you making your goals positive and I hope your trainers has more luck than mine will.

    Holly- Glad your health is improving and that is whole point of changing our lifestyles. Weight loss is a bonus.:flowerforyou:
    Tammy- Have fun shopping in your closet!!!
    MaryP- Hope you sell all your baked goods at the event.
    Kaye- Hope your knee feels better soon. Good luck with the doctors appointment.
    Suzze- Skinny Girls do eat cheeseburgers. I still enjoy a good cheeseburger-if I am eating out I order it without the bun, if at home then the skinny buns work well otherwise I go bun less.

    Goals for the week
    Sunday- exercise of some kind (gym, pool or bike-depends on my friend)
    Monday-Trainer workout
    Tuesday- rest
    Wednesday- gym
    Friday- rock wall
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I am a little behind from the weekend so I will catch up tonight while the snow is falling....Yes more snow ugh!

    I wanted to share this tho...someone put it on my profile but I think it fits everyone in this group so I am sharing it with everyone.

    BEAUTIFUL PERSON AWARD! Once you have been given this award, you are supposed to paste it on the wall of other people who also deserve it. If you break the chain you nothing will happen because it's just for pure fun, but it’s always sweet to know that someone thinks you’re beautiful inside and out!

    I feel your pain! It is freezing here and it snowed north of here...I was out walking and praying it wouldn't snow.

    Sunday sharing: I've become a lazy person and have to force myself to get up and move! I'm proud of myself for going out in the cold weather today. Happy Mother's Day to everyone who is a mother. I'm very lucky that I have 3 grown children who live nearby. One of them is throwing a Mother's Day barbeque for everyone in the family who is a mother. It should be fun. I'm going to make a healthy quinoa salad to bring to the party.
  • lmackbethl
    lmackbethl Posts: 156
    @robin - hope you get the loss you're expecting this week!
    @holly - glad your health report was so good!!!! that's probably just the motivation you needed to keep going!!
    @tammy - you always make me smile!
    @marypop - hope your event went well and you sold, sold, sold!!!
    @kaye - sorry you're still limited in your activities, but great job continuing to eat healthy enough for others to notice it in your cart!
    @helena - sending positive thoughts for you and your family...
    @marca - congrats on the loss and the movement!
    @tom - you can do it!!

    Well, I've been sick for the past few days -- managed to catch both of the ailments going around school - a sinus thing plus a digestive thing. lovely. spent pretty much all of yesterday in bed, after two days of already limited activity, but i'm hoping to get out on the water today, since I'm feeling a bit better and need some movement. hope to have enough energy to take the dogs for a nice walk too. i'm happy that after a month-long plateau in april, the scale has started moving again. i should hit the 4-pounds for may this week and have updated my look with some bright capris... also planning a new hairstyle, since i am overdue for a cut... think i'll go short and sporty for all my summer activities. Hope everyone has a lovely Mother's Day. :flowerforyou:
    Keep on keepin' on.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Good morning everyone! :flowerforyou:

    @beth--hope you get better quickly! I've got a bit of a cold this weekend, but at least the sore throat seems to have gone away overnight, so no worries about strep. Feel better!

    @all of you moms and grandmoms--Happy Mother's Day!!! :flowerforyou:

    @laurie--glad your trip was fun and that you got to meet GorillaNJ! That's really cool!

    @tammy--congrats on shopping in your closet--that's always fun!

    @tom--my weight has also been creeping up for the past month and this morning the scale read 10 lbs above my lowest weight--yikes! :noway: I'm pretty sure some of it is water weight from all of the terribly high-sodium, processed foods I've been eating this week, but it's still a wake-up call. Need to get back on track and nudge the numbers in the other direction!

    @robin--glad your repairs weren't too terribly expensive!

    @marca--congrats on the loss!! :drinker:

    @marsha--glad your surgery went well--don't push yourself too hard too soon! :flowerforyou:

    @helena--sending good thoughts your way for your mother's treatment. :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share:
    As I mentioned to Tom above, the scale had me back in the 190's this morning which was a total slap in the face that I need to stop eating all of the crap and get back on track. Last week was Teacher Appreciation Week--which means lots of cake, cookies, ice cream, etc. Did I have to accept all of those treats? Of course not, but I did and now it's showing up on the scale. :ohwell: I'm currently 10 lbs above my lowest weight, but starting today it's back to making better choices. I made my favorite healthy egg white wrap for breakfast. I will have a Mocha Frap Light this afternoon while grading at Starbucks, but I will make sure it's well within my calorie allowance. It's also the last day of Frap Happy Hour--so no more half-price fraps which will make it a lot easier to resist them after today.

    I have 40 essays left and would like to get through most of them today. Needless to say, I will not get much else done.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 7/47 AP Essays
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Hi all. Just wanted to pop in and wish everyone a happy mothers day. I am going to a brunch at my sister-in-laws with my mom and then spending the afternoon doing whatever I feel like:laugh: Have a great day everyone.:heart:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I haven't introduced myself for awhile, so here goes. I live in a small community in Western ID with my husband of nearly 48 years. We have 7 children with spouses, and 14 grandchildren. They are the light of my life. I love needlework, and sewing. I take care of my youngest daughter's children, ages 5 and 2.5 months, everyday while she works. I have fought my weight most of my life, and am the queen of losing and gaining it back. NOT THIS TIME. I started this journey with MFP at the end of September 2012. I feel so much more in control now than I ever have before. The encouragement that I receive here is huge factor in my success. I have a whole new wardrobe and a whole new outlook on life. I had a total knee replacement in October, and now the other knee is complaining. I am hoping to get it replaced in June so I can be active and walking again by fall.
    Happy Mother's Day to my MFP friends who are mother's. Some the kids who live nearby are doing a cookout today, 8 adults and 6 kids. Should be fun. I'm just staying out of the way.
    Have a great day. Kaye
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to all the mother's and "would-be" mothers. I'm not a mom, but I got wished Happy M-D twice already today - and I'll take it because I've done a lot of mothering in my life. So I salute all the women who are not natural mother's too but do a lot of parenting along the way in their life!

    I went golfing again Saturday but had to quit on the 5th hole because I got to feeling a bad pain in a rib and I think its broken - will be seeing my doc about it. I don't think I broke it golfing - I think I broke it earlier this week moving furniture by myself - and I'm not very happy about it. Its up in my right armpit and it really hurts. I HOPE its a rib and not anything worse :smokin: Damn this prednisone I'm on - I seem to have ALL the side effects! :wink: Lucky me!

    I'm glad to see so many positive posts! Keep up the SV and NSV's.
  • MaryPoppinsIAint
    MaryPoppinsIAint Posts: 157 Member
    @Tammy - Weedeaters are evil. Just sayin'. Shopping in the closet, however, is awesome. I put on one of my favorite skirts this morning, one I haven't worn in a couple of years because I got too fat, and realized I'm going to have to take it in soon or I won't be able to wear it anymore!

    @Laurie - Oof, my goodness, what a busy exciting trip! I'm insanely jealous you got to see Wicked live!

    @beth - yucky, get better soon! Post pics of the new hair! :)

    @skinnyjeanzbo - those weeks sneak up on all of us... I have the problem of forgetting to eat when I get too busy, and end up stalling out or even gaining because I'm eating too little and what I do eat is salt-heavy. Just takes getting your head back in the game, usually. You can do it!

    Sunday Shares - The concert/networking event last night went GREAT, both in the music (which I was part of as well) and in the getting my name out there & selling stuff department. I sold 4 loaves of bread, 2 dozen sugar cookies, 2 bags of butter buttons (1-bite tea cookies), and 4 half-pint jars of my dipping oil. This morning after church I moved another dozen sugar cookies, four sets of butter buttons, and another oil jar. I had $11 to put in my tithe envelope when I bought back all my change this morning, which means I've done $110 in sales since last Sunday, which is H.U.G.E.!!! My best week prior to this was $30 in sales. Saturday one of the guys from the church was at the event with his spiffy pro-quality camera and he took several pictures of my display that he's going to email to me so I can start putting up better quality images on my website. :)

    My son did really well at church this morning, despite the service happening right during his usual nap-time. Lucky for me he's an equal opportunity lap-baby. If he's in the mood to be held, it doesn't much matter who is holding him, he's happy as long as he's got a lap, which means I was still able to grab my microphone and rock out with the band while he sat happily in the front row and babbled at me. By the time we got home it was 3.5 hours after when he usually naps, so he's still zonked out... I'll probably go get him up at 4 if he doesn't wake up on his own, just so it's not 10pm before he's willing to go to bed, but he is SOOO much happier when he takes a 2.5-3hr nap. Now that I know he can do it though, I have an attack strategy for the days I know we're going to be out late and I NEED him to take a longer, later nap than he's been doing.

    I'm wearing my capris today... I have two pair, they're both CJ Banks 18W, but this pair feels loose-ish. Not falling-off-my-hips loose, but definitely on the roomy side of comfy. All of my actual shorts, I need to either take in or donate somewhere, because they're too big to be comfortable. Wow... I think that's the first time in my adult life I've gotten to write that sentence!

    Been a long few days... but it was worth it. I have new orders, new customers, and a whole bunch of people from outside the church got to taste my stuff. We finally got paid for the boat, which means I can afford to actually register my domain and get some real business cards made. Oh, and buy JJ's toddler car-seat and get his 18m pictures taken and ... where's my list... LOL

    Squats for the week -

    Sun - 90
    Mon - 95
    Tue - 100
    Wed - Rest
    Thurs - 110
    Fri - 115
    Sat - 120

    Holy schnikes! Two months ago the very idea of squats made me cringe!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @mary--thanks! I know I can get back to it, it's just a really stressful time of year for me which makes it that much harder. :ohwell: Love that your clothes are too big--there are a lot of really great "firsts" that happen with this process! :flowerforyou:

    @robin--Ouch! Really--a broken rib? Get thee to a doctor!

    @kaye--is your knee appt. tomorrow? I hope so--I know you want to get it taken care of sooner rather than later.

    AFM--I didn't eat the best foods (again :blushing: ) but I did stay under calories with the help of 2 walks with gunner. My focus today was grading, so just ate leftovers as well as some Popeye's DH brought home from work. I didn't even make it to the grocery store to update the fridge with healthy fare. On the good side, I made some fish and quinoa salad for lunch for the week, so I feel a bit more comfortable going forward with my food for the week.

    I'm not out of the woods yet--I still have 20 essays to grade, so I probably won't make it to the gym or grocery store tomorrow either. However, I'm in the home stretch now--the end is in sight.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 27/47 AP Essays
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My dr appt is tomorrow morning. I am very anxious to get this done!
    Yesterday and today were very difficult food days for me. We ate out last night with daughter and son-in-law, then saw Ironman 3. It was lots of fun, but I'm sure I didn't stay under my calorie goal. This afternoon they did the cookout, and grandson made chocolate chip cookies. I think that the food that I ate was probably okay, maybe even within calories, but I indulged in cookies, too. They probably pushed me over, and I can't do anything about getting in a walk to balance things out.
    I have been so successful and had so few "bad" days, that I have just decided to move on and not beat myself up over this.
    Have a great evening. I'll report tomorrow after I see the dr. Kaye
  • BohemianCoast
    BohemianCoast Posts: 349 Member
    Monday check-in -- well, my weight is a little bit up, at least in part because I moved my scales, triggering an immediate gain. I've also done lots of strength work this week so I'm probably holding a bit of water. Anyway, hoping next week is a bit more orderly.

    Expecting a big NSV this morning -- I have my annual checkup with the rheumatology nurse this morning. This is the woman who said, last year, 'you know, I really think you need to lose some weight; it's taking a terrible toll on your health. I bet you'll find you can if you try.' So I think she will be *quite pleased*.

    @Holly -- so good to hear that your health is improving! But I'm with you there on the waist; my waist remains stubbornly thick.
    @MaryPoppins -- I had a spell of doing squats every day, and it did wonders for my backside! Now they turn up periodically in the dumbbell routine I'm doing. I think they're really good. I agree wtih you on not feeling deprived; I'm now back to the weight I was in my early 20s and I'm still eating pizza and drinking beer.
    @Laurie -- sounds like you had a really fantastic time in New York! City breaks always have lots of walking, don't they?
    @Robin -- ooh, I hope your rib is ok. That's scary.

    Good luck to everyone who's trying to get back on track. This spring weather should make it easier to get out and get moving, and eat lots of salad. I went to the market on Saturday and it was really the first time this year it's felt like our market 'should' -- huge bowls of beautiful produce for very little money. We bought oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, avocados, bok choi, peppers and cherry tomatoes.

    It's the start of another fantastic week, everyone!

  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Monday check in:

    This past week has been much better...I'm eating better, moving more and feeling better. I saw my naturopath again this morning and I think he's helping me make the difference.
    It's weird, all of a sudden, I don't want pop (my addiction-diet coke), and I don't what junk food . I'm looking at life differently. I want and enjoy eating healthy foods and going for walks. I feel it's been a successful week in my attitude change. Tomorrow I'll find out if I lost weight at Tops.

    Ok, I was unsuccessful this morning at the gym...I got up early, dressed, arrived at the gym and the girl told me I wasn't welcome there anymore as it was taken over by a new owner and they wouldn't honour my old membership..(I guess I don't pay enough). So, I drove home. She wanted me to talk to the manager, but I declined as it's a losing battle. I haven't felt welcome there for the last couple of months (not that I've been much). I just don't want to fight about it. I have another branch that I can go to, a little further away. So I still want to get in some exercise today childhood friend is coming down this afternoon from Peterborough (it was supposed to snow there last night) and she loves walking along the lake and doesn't care about the cold. She skiis all winter long on the cross-country trails by her house. I do mind the cold, but will force myself to bundle up again and go for a walk with her. She's a very physical person and inspiring.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    Monday check in. I've been gone since Thursday at 3:30 and had quite the weekend. 61/2 hour drive on Thursday

    Friday: Started with helping my best friend get her house ready for a graduation open house. That got stopped within an hour because my son was driving the four wheeler and had a semi-rollover. Going too fast and tried to take a corner. Luckily, he was thrown clear of the ATV but after being checked thoroughly by the ER, walked away with four major road rashes. I grew up on a farm and we all had some type of incident on a three/four-wheeler. I know some people disagree with kids riding them, but my husband and I both enjoy driving them and letting Jacob drive it. He's been doing it for two years so it wasn't even his first time. Again, thanking God it wasn't worse and he did find a new respect for the vehicle.

    After the hospital, we kicked inot high gear and got everything ready for graduation. It was a wonderful part and my eyes saw 3 AM.

    Saturday: Graduation ceremony and a friend's graduation party. Not quite as late, but still saw 2 AM

    Sunday: Slept in a bit and then headed home. Long 6 1/2 hour drive with a six year that was over tired and an 11 year old that was overtired and aching from his road rash. Not my ideal way to spend Mother's Day, but we made it. Then stayed up until 2 AM with my husband since we hadn't seen each other since Wednesday.

    Today: Mother's Day supper with my mom and two sisters. My plan is to go to bed when my daughter does -- 7:30 :yawn:

    I have to get back to work so I don't have time now to read everyone's entry, but got as far as Helena. I'm so sorry to hear about your mother and will be sending prayers/good thoughts your way.

    I drank too little water, ate too much food and drank too much alcohol this weekend. My hands and ankles are swollen so my plan today is to drink lots of water and get back on track. Hope you all have a great Monday!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Laurie~Although sleep deprived, sounds like you had a good trip to NYC – it’s hard to see all the city has to offer in a couple of days, you saw some great sights though. How awesome you got to meet GorillaNJ in person too!

    @Mary~Sounds like your bake-sale was a success – and looser fitting pants are a bonus!

    @Karen~Hang in there, the end is in sight!

    @Alison~I bet your doc will be pleasantly surprised, you’re doing awesome! Good luck!

    @Beth~Hope you are feeling back to 100% soon.

    @Kaye~Good luck with the ortho appt this morning.

    @Meloncholy~Wow, what a weird thing to deal with at your gym. Is it a small gym?

    @Robin~Broken rib?! Oh, no! I hope you can get in to see a doc – quick.

    @tlh~How scary, I’m glad your son is okay. I grew up riding those things and small motorcycles too, with grandparents that had a huge farm that’s just what we did – I learned how to ride motorcycles before I learned to drive a car. :wink:

    Sunday Share~Since I missed it yesterday. I’m struggling a bit myself these days, I think it’s mostly because my Achilles tendon is taking so long to heal. I’m not a very patient person and the doctor tells me this tendon just takes a long time to heal. I’m doing everything I’m supposed to do, but still am not pain free. It’s debilitating to be in pain all the time and really frustrating so it’s been hard for me to stay focused – I haven’t lost anything in a few weeks, but I haven’t gained either – guess I should look at that as the silver lining.

    Monday Check-In~Not much to report, I gave myself a few days off from workouts to see if I could give my Achilles a chance to take a turn. I didn’t workout Thurs-Sat, but had workout with trainer yesterday. Aside from doing some running around and deep cleaning on Saturday, I took it easy over the weekend. Still have a few more deep cleaning projects around the house to do – may tackle one each night this week so that this weekend I’ll just have shopping for vacation to do.

    Things should start to slow down for me now, the manager I was filling in for returns tomorrow. Hopefully I won’t get pulled in a bunch of different directions today, I have so much to do and only 6 working days left until vacation to basically meet my May deadlines. I leave for Colorado on the 22nd – I can’t wait to see my nephews!

    Have a great day.

  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    I'm not a mom, but I got wished Happy M-D twice already today - and I'll take it because I've done a lot of mothering in my life. So I salute all the women who are not natural mother's too but do a lot of parenting along the way in their life!

    I sincerely believe that anyone who mother's deserves plenty of praise. Giving birth most certainly isn't the only path to being a "mother"
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Kelley, It not a small gym, but a really old one, that has changed hands recently and I could see the writing on the wall. I joined the original gym years ago and was supposed to be a lifetime member. Even though it's a chain of gyms, each one acts differently about membership. At this point, I don't really care and am almost glad to be free of them. They've never been inviting there.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I was the orthopedic surgeon this morning. I have significant arthritis in my left knee, particularly behind the knee cap. I have scheduled a total knee replacement for July 2. I was hoping to get it done in June. They are going to look at the dr.'s schedule and see if they can tweek it to get me in on June 13 or 20. I will just count on July unless I hear from them.
    More later, Kaye