Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Mo11yT
    Mo11yT Posts: 12
    Well, my weekend was self destructive. I ate a bag of marshmellows after I accidently hit a parked car. I also ate doritos for the only meal I had yesterday. I know mother's day is a cool thing but I have a long story that makes me dread it and hate it. A very painful day. Glad it is over. Now I need to get myself on the straight and narrow. I did walk for two hours this saturday and hurt all over because of it. (arthritis and fibromyalgia) . No cheese for me... I will just sit here with my whine.:ohwell:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,356 Member
    Hello friends - having some laptop problems. :grumble: I think this old device is probably about done for. I've had multiple instances where the screen either goes to the blue screen of death or just goes black. :angry: The power plugin only works part-time and one USB port is totally non-functional. :huh: So I haven't been doing much on this laptop lately. :grumble: :angry: :grumble:

    I've met my May challenge. :wink: I'm using the new make-up just about every day. And I finally did the Shaun T. rockin' body DVD. :bigsmile: I haven't scared anyone enough with the makeup on to cause any screaming or running away. :noway: Ha.:bigsmile:

    I also seem to have a pulled muscle in my back which is driving me totally NUTS! :explode: :explode: :explode: The only way to alleviate the pain is to just go flat on my side for a while. Anyway, pain really tires me out and makes me GRUMPY!:devil:

    Wishing everyone a good week.:flowerforyou: I'm on the road again tomorrow.......

    See everyone later.


  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Not feeling so great today.... I think I may be dealing with allergies. But, come hell or high water, my garden is getting planted TODAY!!! Here I come drugs!!! LOL!!! But at least there are meds that help!

    I did not stick to calorie limits yesterday.... I gave myself the day off, but not permission to go hog wild, and I didn't!!! I am really proud of hitting a deficit even though I did not hit my target!!! I also had a good talk with a couple family members about how they can use their health issues to actually HELP them live a healthier life!!! Health issues can either be seen as stumbling blocks or stepping stones to better habits. I felt encouraged and I hope they did too!!!

    NSV- my niece bought some bras on clearance and after trying them on found out why they were marked down... they were miss sized and way too small. We wear about the same size. She gave them to me hoping they may fit one of my daughters (with band altering) and lo and behold, they fit ME!!!

    Scale NOT a victory.... weight was up quite a bit even with not going wild w/ calories, so it is time to shed the water weight!!!
  • Momieof2girls
    Momieof2girls Posts: 79 Member
    I ran accross this and thought it was a great idea. I don't have that to loose, but wanted to offer my support to anyone who wants/need it, friend me!
  • Mo11yT
    Mo11yT Posts: 12
    Well, my weekend was self destructive. I ate a bag of marshmellows after I accidently hit a parked car. I also ate doritos for the only meal I had yesterday. I know mother's day is a cool thing but I have a long story that makes me dread it and hate it. A very painful day. Glad it is over. Now I need to get myself on the straight and narrow. I did walk for two hours this saturday and hurt all over because of it. (arthritis and fibromyalgia) . No cheese for me... I will just sit here with my whine.:ohwell:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Update: Okay, so I saw the orthopedic doctor today. (Unlike my previous post which says that I "was" the orthopedic doctor today.)
    They called me back and he is going to open up a spot for me on June 20. He ordinarily only does total knees on Tues. and outpatient stuff on Thurs., but he's making an exception for me. I am so glad!
  • Helenavee42
    Helenavee42 Posts: 175
    Monday check-in:I really didn't feel like logging this weekend. I didn't eat badly I was just so busy and exhausted. Saturday my bf was off so we went to the zoo which was super exciting and a good exercise.

    My mom met with the surgeon and oncologist on Friday. She has 2 different forms of cancer and they are not sure how far it has spread. They plan to do a PET scan this week. They want to start treating her with aggressive chemo to try to kill all of the cancerous cells then do a radical mastectomy where they remove her lymph nodes as well. They are going to put in the chemo port on Wednesday.

    Thank you all for your kind words and support. I appreciate every one of you.

    Robin: Hope that rib is ok and you get it taken care of.

    Kaye: I hope that they can get you in earlier and that it all goes well.

    I can't remember anymore than that for right now. I'm just so tired. I have been doing all the cleaning around the house and have taken on the responsibility of getting my sister to school which means I have a 5:30 am wake up.

    Have a good day.
  • TOPSmarca
    TOPSmarca Posts: 187 Member
    Well, my weekend was self destructive. I ate a bag of marshmellows after I accidently hit a parked car. I also ate doritos for the only meal I had yesterday. I know mother's day is a cool thing but I have a long story that makes me dread it and hate it. A very painful day. Glad it is over. Now I need to get myself on the straight and narrow. I did walk for two hours this saturday and hurt all over because of it. (arthritis and fibromyalgia) . No cheese for me... I will just sit here with my whine.:ohwell:
    I understand those days that everyone else celebrates but you mourn. It is even harder to deal with than if it were just a normal day. We have a few of those in our lives as well and everyone wants us to "someday see this day as a GOOD day". Sometimes you can do that, sometimes you can't. But you CAN decide that a really bad day is not a good reason to make yourself feel WORSE!!! So, today is a new day and a new chance to do what is good and healthy for YOU!!! We are here for you!!!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Today has been a challenging day in many ways. School was busy and non-stop but I did finish grading some papers from last week and they are in the grade book. My trainer and I fired each other today. It is for the best but I don't like the way it ended but it was partly my fault. This all stems from his lack of follow through with the rock climbing and me not letting it go. I did take his failure to show up personally. Needless to say, I am now looking for a new trainer who will NOT be a male, 20 something ex-jock. Instead of working out with a trainer tonight I went rock climbing at my gym. In reality, I put more energy into the workout since I was determined to reach the top of the walls and take out my frustration. I did reach the top of 2/3 tonight. I went up the third wall but stopped at the halfway point, I could not find my footing to complete it successfully.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    I just caught up reading posts, but am too tired to do personals. It's quite clear that I have some sort of spring cold--scratchy throat, sneezing, and sniffles; plus, very low-energy. I'm sure in part it's due to stress and a lack of sleep. On the bright side, I'm almost done with those AP essays--only 3 left which I will finish during my opens tomorrow morning. :happy:

    I really tried to do better with my food today, and for the most part, I did. A few pieces of candy here and there, but almost no processed foods. However, I'm still hungry. :grumble: Normally, I would be ok with going to bed with a rumbling tummy, but I hate to do so when I'm already sick. I think I will have a spoonful of peanut butter and call it a night.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 44/47 AP Essays
  • vickimieth
    vickimieth Posts: 333 Member
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Well I think I am back on track. I don't know what was wrong with me. Maybe it would be TOM if I wasn't on continuous birth control. I did go over yesterday bit when hubby cooks I eat. I will make up for it.

    Robin-- hope your rib is not broken and you feel better soon!
    Laurie--you deserve better in a trainer! Besides you paying them, they should be there to inspire you, not undermine you.if he didn't want to go a simple no thank you would have done.
    Mary--loose pants-- woohoo
    Kaye-- you are going to feel so much better! Hope you are ok until they can get you in.
    Helena-- prayers for you and family. Make sure to take care of yourself too.
    Molly-- completely understand.. Just regroup as often as you need to
    Skinny-- almost there!
    Kah-- have you tried KT tape to aid in the healing process? It has worked wonders for me.
    Tlh-- glad your son is ok. It's always scary when they get hurt.
    Alison -- hope you doc was pleased. Would love to chat with you sometime about the differences across the pond.

    Hope everyone has a successful, peaceful week!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Good Morning.

    @Karen~I’m sorry you’re coming down with something, the end-of-year stress is probably making you run down. I’m glad you’re almost finished with your grading, I hope you can get some extra zzz’s. Feel better.

    @Laurie~I’m sorry it came to that, but really think it was for the best – he really was a piece of work, you deserve better.

    @Suzee~Funny you should mention KT Tape, I actually looked into it (saw it at CVS) – I thought the price was kind of high so before I bought it I asked my trainer. He was pretty skeptical. Thanks for mentioning it though, I’m glad it worked for you – maybe I’ll think on it some more. In the meantime, my doctor gave me some inserts for my sneakers that take the pressure off my Achilles, it does seem to be helping.

    @Helena~A PET scan is an excellent diagnostic tool in helping oncologists figure out exactly where the cancer is and helps them make the best decisions in treatment. It sounds like she is in good hands. Best wishes for her through her treatment and recovery.

    @Kaye~Terrific! Glad they were able to schedule your TKR earlier, you should be good as new by the end of the summer.

    Tuesday Goals~Just to keep on keeping on. Lots to get done in the evenings around the house prepping for vacation, but should still be able to get to the gym.

    Monday~Off Day
    Tuesday~HIIT on Elliptical
    Wedesnday~Training Session
    Thursday~Arc Trainer/TM
    Friday~Off Day
    Sunday~Training Session

    Have a great day!
  • caramel1920
    caramel1920 Posts: 271
    Under the weather over here! Allergies/sinuses have wiped me out, I slept most of the weekend, zero energy...absolutely despise feeling this way! But hey, I've felt worse :ohwell: Tuesday goal: To get through the day without feeling like wet paper towel!:bigsmile:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Kah said it so well I'll just ditto her remarks for personals - so my best to all of you. I'm pulling for all of you!

    I'm pretty miserable today and eager to see the Dr. about my rib pain. Also disappointed in that I was to weigh myself yesterday but didn't because I am bloated more than a dead whale - sorry for TMI but haven't had a BM in 4 days :noway: despite hefty servings of veggies, so will seek recourse with the Dr. about that too. Have had thrush in my mouth too. So tired of side effects of prednisone, its getting every part of my body, and my joints still ache! I am one crabby patty.

    Have done excellent in keeping calories below my limit every day - wish I had a SV to show for it!
  • suzee71
    suzee71 Posts: 46 Member
    Robin-- sorry to be so personal but is the prednisone for RA? My mother has RA , and I think some of the other options have fewer side effects. If it is RA you might talk to the doc. Mom is in great health and can out perform me at the gym. She is on methotrexate. Whatever the case I hope you feel better soon.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I have to echo what has already been said for the personals. It seems that its kind of a mixed bag around here, but there are some positives.
    Robin--Sorry things are going so rough for you. At the risk of TMI, have you used suppositories? They work wonders for me. I have to use them often because a hemorrhoidectomy years ago kinda changed my anatomy and gives me problems.
    My goals are much the same. Just keep on keepin' on. I am looking at the calendar and realizing that I am only 8# away from my 3rd 25# goal and 5 weeks from surgery. I would really like to reach that before my surgery. I don't know how to make it happen, except just stick with the program. The doctor hadn't seen me before, but was pleased when I told him how much weight I've lost. He said it will really be to my advantage.
    Have a good day.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone.
    Helena I am praying for you and your family. It sounds like the Drs are being very aggressive so that is good.
    Robin I hope the Dr is able to help you find some releif. Broken ribs are no fun I have had a couple through my clutzy life.
    Kaye I am so happy your Dr made an excpetion and got you in earlier. You already know after the last knee how much better you will feel.

    Well I refused to record my weight yesterday because I knew I had not gained 6 pounds overnight. I dont think my body liked the pizza my daughter bought for dinner so neither of us would have to cook. Got on the scales today and I was down 2.5 pounds. Not the 4 pounds it showed on Sunday but I will take it. I love when you lose enough and mfp asks you to update your goals. It is like a congrats from the computer:laugh:

    Well we had super wet and stormy weather yesterday and I thought the rain would knock the pollen out of the air and I would feel better but so far no such luck. I am used to living with allergies so no big deal but if I dont get rid of this headache soon a dog or kid might die:angry: I have been taking allergy sinus and ibuprofen and sucking down caffeine. The combo usually works but no luck so far. Oh well life goes on:ohwell:

    Well friends I hope you all have a wonderful day. :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Suzee - it is RA but not the kind methotrexate helps. Thanks so much for your input and putting your thinking cap on! I will be on the prednisone for 3 years then off it hopefully, its a kind of RA that runs hot then ends its course, hopefully.

    Kaye - I know you can lose some weight by your surgery. I'm so glad he moved it up, that's the plus side of it. No long wait. Get it over and heal up fast!

    jt - I love reading your posts - you are always so funny - thanks for brightening my day with your humor! Hope your allergies get better!

    Well I'm back from the Dr. and no broken rib - just a bunch of pulled muscles and a few weeks for them to heal, and no golfling until then, and use hot packs on the muscles to help heal. As far as the no BM problem he recommended a healthy dose of Milk of Magnesia which I have already gulped down and am excited awaiting the results. BOMBS AWAY!
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Suzee - its called Polymyalgia Rheumatica if you want to google it. :flowerforyou: