Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @robin - Sounds like you're on the mend at last. I'm sure that hamburger tasted like heaven.

    @susan - What a lovely tribute to your parents! Thank you for reminding me that they were our first teachers and role models and that we owe them, in large part, for the people we have become.

    Today, I am thankful for my friends. I have a close circle of girlfriends who have my back as I have theirs. Once of them in particular is the person I call in times of crisis or when I'm having a great day or when I just need a good laugh. She's the person I can say anything to and know that I won't be judged. Have you ever seen the eCard about a friend who if they showed up and you had just murdered someone would ask no questions, but just grab a shovel and help you dig? Yeah, that's her. We've been friends for years and we often joke that we'll be old lady roommates when we go to the home. What a blessing she is in my life.

    Goals Update: 3 lbs away from the halfway point. Yay!

    Edit: Just realized it's Wednesday, not Tuesday. My wish for today is for a friend. Her granddaughter has leukemia and is about to under go yet another round of chemo. I wish for strength for her and her family, for wisdom to guide the doctors and that she will respond to the treatment and be well.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Wednesday wish: On my news feed this morning I noticed a lot of my friends struggling. I hope anyone who is struggling to meet their goals this time of year find the strength to stick with it and get over their hurdle.

    Yesterday was such a waste of a snow day. When all the local districts made the decision for early dismissal the snow was coming down pretty hard. The weather reports were all saying it was going to be bad. So naturally all the districts made the decision for early dismissal. Around noon however the snow seemed to ease off. It changed to rain for a bit then back to snow flurries. By 2 pm the roads were perfectly cleared and I could see parts of my lawn. I am all for snow days and enjoy the extra time off, but being home yesterday made me feel a little guilty. There was no reason why my program had to be cancelled as the roads were not bad at all.

    I did made good use of my time off though. I did my cardio and abs workouts, straightened up around the house, cut up my remaining two pumpkins and made a pot of spicy pumpkin and lentil soup. It was a new recipe I was trying. I thought it was just ok. I didn't hate it but didn't love it either. It has potential for being a really good soup with some tweaking. I was so busy yesterday that I didn't get around to wrapping more Christmas gifts or writing cards but I did get a lot of other things accomplished! :smile:

    Kah- I wish I had pictures of all the birds on my feeders. I had a lot of blue jays, cardinals, juncos, and chickadees. The bright coloring of the cardinals and blue jays looked so pretty against the snow. Unfortunately the zoom on my camera isn't that great so if I took some they would have just looked like little specks. :ohwell:

    PyroJones - Welcome. I suggest you focus on one thing at a time. Maybe just focus on logging all of your food you eat no matter how good or bad. Get into the habit of logging everything first. Once you do, then begin to focus on staying within your calorie goal. The more you keep at it, the easier it does become over time. Focus on one goal at a time. Once you are able to maintain that goal consistently add in another. Best of luck to you!

    MNwalking - I hope things work out with your son. I agree that having an education is very much needed in today's society. I agree 100% with what Susan said. What did your son's teacher stay in response to you cussing him out?

    My stomach issues have left. I had not pains yesterday at all and so far no pain today! I am feeling pretty great now. :happy:

    Michelle- I am glad I can check in on you and encourage you to keep going rather than giving up on yourself.

    Laurie - That is funny that you mentioned that about the pumpkins. Behind my house I have woods with a lot of wildlife. I am always throwing scraps of fruits and veggies in there for the little critters. After I cut up the pumpkin yesterday I put on my boots, grabbed the scraps and threw them deep into the woods. We have a ton of wildlife living in there. Since moving in I have spotted squirrels, chipmunks, raccoon, opossum, woodchucks, field mice, rats, snakes, box turtles, owls, hawks, woodpeckers and a bunch of other various birds. I have yet to see deer or foxes but they have been spotted in our area.

    Sounds like we were in the same boat as you with the snow. I was disappointed. I wanted to get outside and do a bit of shoveling to burn a few extra calories. Plus I love the way everything looks around me covered in the snow. It's just so magical, calming and peaceful.

    Robin- Sorry about the gain. But that was great you were able to eat a hamburger!
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    Laurie, I looked at, but there's not a whole lot around me. :( Disadvantages of country living!

    Robin--That gain sucks...but I'm sure you'll be right back to 206 in no time! Just work on getting healthy!

    Happy hump day all!

    Wednesday wish - I wish it would warm up here. Ohio is so bitter cold right now :( I'm not a fan. I also wish that every one has successes this week! :) I'm having a decent week so far at the gym. Went 3.25 miles last night on the treadmill in about 45 minutes. (Not all running, or walking. It was a mix). It's still better than I had been doing. I just can't seem to get over that hump from 4.5 to 5.0 mph. :\ Practice makes perfect though.

    How's everyone looking for December/holidays eating-wise?
  • PyroJones
    PyroJones Posts: 4 Member
    Wednesday Wish: Ugh, I wish my sinuses weren't infected. I wish my kids didn't collect cold germs at school and bring them home to share. I want to breathe through my nose again!

    I didn't manage to get my measurements yesterday; although I sew and there are easily 14 stupid tapes in this house, of course I can't find one. If necessary, I'll grab one at the dollar store today and actually get my measurements. That is terrifying for me, but I'm gonna do it. I also weighed myself this morning after an epiphany and the 4 extra pounds that were freaking me out Monday are gone.

    Lesson learned: Do NOT weigh yourself the week after your period, Pyro. You're bloated. Calm down.

    I have to tell myself to calm down a lot. ;)

    Robin - I hope now that you're starting to feel a little better you can take a breathe and start focusing again. It's so hard when I'm sick to remember to take care of myself.

    Holly - I would just flip out if a teacher said something like that. I spend a LOT of time in meetings with teachers, emailing them, calling them, managing my daughter's homework and assignments and fighting both for her and against her. Sometimes I feel like I'm seriously the only one who cares if she does well. I hope you can get through to your son.

    After trying weights for the first time yesterday, I took it a little easy at the gym today, just treadmill and elliptical. What I really sincerely need to do is be vigilant about logging my foods. I want so badly to just have 5 good days in a row. I also realize I HAVE to keep logging over the weekend, even though I don't go to the gym Sat/Sun. Must make better choices. Must be honest.

    Everyone stay warm! It's not too bad here, but I'm in NH so my idea of "not too bad" may vary from yours. ;)
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    @Alupinsk...congrats on being lower than your Driver's license!

    @Kelley...did you get that Christmas bonus? Did it make it worth having a bad day on the 9th? I used to get Christmas bonuses, but they got changed. Still very nice, but not just before Christmas :sad: Now I get three a year...February, March and August. I leave for my Disney cruise on the 14th of February, so I'm hoping the bonus is paid the week before (usually is).

    @Pyro..."I’m learning to talk to myself instead of listen to myself. When I listen, I hear only negative things, but when I talk to myself, I can make it all positive." This is a paraphrase from Jon Gordon, but he was actually quoting some he heard, but I think it toatally applies.

    @Holly...I am appalled by what the teacher said..did you tell the administration at all? I agree with others. Jobs don't last forever and to get him to understand that a diploma will help get future jobs is very important. Good luck!

    @Laurie...I calculated everything last night. By next Wednesday, I am only suppose to be at 80% of my max weights, so I did the math and know where I should start tonight. The thing is, I hurt my back on Thanksgiving and hadn't lifted since the Monday before. I think I twisted it while packing/unpacking cars. Oh well, since I haven't lifted in two weeks, it'll be a good place to start. Also, if you love clearing sidewalks, you could come out here. My apartment complex and the neighbor on the corner decided they weren't going to do a section. That section is on the way to where my daughter's bus pick up is. I have to walk on the street (really safe when it's icy out). I called the complex on Monday. Today it still wasn't clear, so I called the city.

    @Robin...sorry to see the loss, but like you've commented know how to do it now and you've already proven that you can. Get feeling better and then you can take care of those 10 pounds. It sounds like you have a good game plan.

    Christmas gifts. I watch QVC for these and try to mix it up. Between bus drivers, mail delivery, teachers, sunday school etc, a person could go broke, but I want them to know that I think of them and they make my life easier and/or they are important to my kids. This year I found small LED flashlights. They come in camo and other prints so they work for both sexes. I'm always losing flashlights (or my kids are stealing them), so it would be a useful gift to me, hopefully they all think so too.

    Wednesday Wish. That I get these darn Christmas letters in the mail by the end of the week. My plan is to go to my Mom's this Friday and get her all set for Christmas (one of my sisters can help me). Then Saturday is my big baking day. Jacob has his saxophone recital on Sunday so I'd like to have those three Christmas items off my to do list by then.

    Today I am thankful that we have found a buyer for our Sioux Falls house. We were able to negotiate a price. We also were able to compromise on the items that were found during the inspection. While we are going to have to take out significants amount of money to get out of our mortgage, this signals the fact that we will be able to move on eventually. We will be able to put the money we spent on the house towards debt reduction and savings for a new home. We close on December 23rd, but since they've asked us to rent the home starting Friday, it seems like it is actually going to happen this time (4th time is the charm!!)
  • cassidysmommy
    Wednesday wish - i wish that i could get off my butt and do more with the girls. i feel like my weight is stopping me. i also wish for will power to not go crazy with holiday snacks
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    Happy Hump Day!

    @Nettie~You had a very productive snow day yesterday. I can remember times in upstate NY where the school district would still have school on days there were really dangerous road conditions but then call it off on days because the threat was so big, it was baffling – I always thought it was a waste of a snow day since a limited number were factored into the schedule every year.

    @Robin~How great that you were able to eat real food! How about chewing sugar-free gum instead of lozenges? Bailey’s is one of those spirits I stay away from, just not worth the calories/carbs – instead I drink whiskey or wine – I can certainly understand using it for medicinal purposes though, maybe find something you like equally as well that isn’t as calorie heavy?

    @Karen~My goal also is to maintain through Christmas, lots of parties coming up. A loss would be great but as long as I don’t gain anything I’ll be happy.

    @Holly~I’m sorry for the school situation concerning your son and what a terrible and unsupportive thing his teacher said. :explode: I hope you can convince him to at least get his diploma, he is so close – I’d hate for him to regret that later on, most companies require a high school diploma or GED. I can’t remember, but isn’t he working at an auto repair shop? If so and he likes it, he should consider going to a trade school (after finishing high school of course :wink:) for auto repair – it would open up some doors for him.

    @Tracy~Yes, the bonus was nice, I wasn’t sure we were going to get them this year as they’ve frozen salaries in 2014. :frown: It comes in handy as the final payment for my March cruise is due 12/30. Hooray for finding a buyer!

    AFM~Work is slowing down again, so I have some relief until auditors arrive in mid-January. I’m glad to have the downtime so I can spend some time on projects around my house and spend more time at the gym. I’m looking forward to session with my trainer tonight.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, running drills (Didn’t happen) :mad: :frown:
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, training session
    Thursday~Gym, Arc Trainer
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 892 Member
    Wed. Wish: that it stops snowing and the roads are clear so I can drive home tomorrow. (Up north on vacation, Ont.). I Am snowed in today.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Wed wish i wish june would hurry up i am going on a cruise to Bermuda and i cannot wait !

    I am thankful that i help with the kids at my church on Wednesday nights its kinda crazy at time but i love the kids and i would not trade it for anything !
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    @lauriek70-i am struggling with blowing off exercise too. smart move on arranging time with the trainer

    @skinnyjean and grandma-I think working to get through these holidays is a great goal. its so hard this time of year.

    @robin-your right about the logging. I haven't been doing that either. glad you reminded me of how important that is

    @lives2travel That was a beautiful wish. shows just how beautiful of a person you are

    @jnettie- I need to develop your dedication to working out

    @alupinsk- I live in ohio too and in the morning they are saying wind chill is going to be below zero..ewwwww

    @tlh407-your advice to pyro is so true. I am just now starting to work on that myself

    @kah68-Glad you are finally getting some much needed downtime

    @Cassidy getting started is the hardest. Maybe try just walking in place for 5 minutes a day during one of your favorite shows. I am so out of shape I can't do much at one time either but it does work.

    AFM-I am happy and learning to love myself and know I am valuable!
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Robin- Try sucking on chipped ice or no fruit pops, what about frozen fruit?

    Cassidy- Try the walking for 5 minutes in the house or outside depending on the weather. You will be amazed at how quickly you can build endurance. You can do this a couple of times a day or start with the commercials about 2 minutes.

    Mel- Hope you are able to get home tomorrow.

    Tracy- Yea for finding a buyer. Good luck with the lifting, it sounds like you have good plan in place.

    Wish- That they get the heat in my building fix correctly this time. It is either to hot or freezing cold. On Monday, there was no heat in the building temps in the 40's (luckily, I was off) Today, was too hot I actually had my windows open to let the heat out and it was in the 30's today. I wish that I can avoid getting sick from the change in temperatures.

    I also hope that a quick trip to the car dealer ship will allow the automatic start for my car to work again. I think it is my lack of ability to figure out how to turn on my car by remote start.

    12/8 to 14
    Sunday- Rest due to weather DONE
    Monday-trainer DONE
    Tuesday- gym NOT DONE
    Wednesday-Rest DONE
    Thursday- Rest may hit the gym
    Friday- Climbing
    Saturday- Gym with trainer

    Grading Goals
    8th grade unit tests 30/95
    7th grade unit test x/32
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    My computer just froze up on me and I lost my whole message. GRR!
    Here goes again. Today I am thankful for the special friends that I have in my church family. We attended the annual Christmas party this evening. It was so fun to spend an evening with friends.
    Robin, I think that it is entirely unfair that weight is so much easier to gain than it is to lose. So sorry. I know you can get a handle on this again.
    Tracy, congrats on selling the house. I know that is a big relief.
    Holly, I'm sorry that you are not getting the support you should be getting from your son's teacher.
    Wishing that we can all enjoy this season and not feel too much stress.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Thursday truth: I came home from work last night and Brian was already home. He asked what I was thinking for dinner and apologized for not having something started already. (We have an unwritten rule that one nights I get home later than him he starts dinner.) My response was "I don't know. I have something ridiculous like 1000 calories left." Brian then said "Pizza?!!!' I love how we are so in tune with each other. I was thinking pizza all day. I ended up eating 2 slices and 2 garlic knots. (I have a not so secret obsession with garlic. I LOVE it and put it in almost everything I cook with.) I have to say, I have not had pizza since starting MFP at the end of October. It was soooooooo tasty and well worth those calories. I have no regrets about last night's dinner. I woke up this morning looking forward to eating leftovers for lunch today too. :blushing:

    Gratitude: I had a great day at work yesterday. One of my boys was a little over-stimulated and I was concerned he would become behavioral. I worked 1:1 with him yesterday to get him under control utilizing behavioral supports and it worked. When we brought the children out to the buses one of the other teachers said to me "I guess we all are in the same place and had one of those days today." I just looked at her and raised an eyebrow. Then exclaimed "We had a great day today! My students were amazing." I am grateful for wonderful students in my class. Especially when the rest of the program had a rough day. :wink:

    NSV - Yesterday was my chest workout and I was able to do the 16 push ups that Gilad was asking me to do! I am going to stick with the modified push ups for a bit. Once I am able to do them with ease my goal is to attempt non-modified ones. We will see how that one goes. :laugh:

    Alupinsk - Sounds like you are doing FANTASTIC at the gym. Stick with it, eventually you will get over that hump. Keep up the great work.

    PyroJones- I always keep my measuring tape in the same exact spot. Ironically when it is time to measure I always feel like I am digging through my desk drawer searching for it. Isn't that funny how that happens. You do know once you buy the new ones your other ones will magically show up. I think it is a secret law of life just to mess with us. LOL :laugh:

    Tlh - The flashlights are a good idea. I feel bad but in the past I could not afford to get gifts for my mail carrier and sanitation workers. This year I can afford it so I am going to give them each a little something. I felt especially awful the other day when the mail carrier brought some packages to my front door and I had not gotten out there and removed all the slush from the snow rain. He laughed at me and told me not to worry about it when I apologized. Still I felt really bad he had to walk through that to get to my front door. Congrats on your upcoming closing. I hope all goes well

    kah - I was actually just discussing the same thing yesterday with my aides. A few years ago when I was doing my student teaching in one of our more wealthy districts something similar happened. The superintendent made the decision to either close the schools or an early dismissal (I don't remember the specifics). Many of the parents in that district were doctors and lawyers. It turned out the storm wasn't bad like predicted. All of the parents flooded his office with complaints. When the next snow storm came and he kept the schools opened. It ended up being a pretty bad and they had to do an early dismissal. I am not 100% sure but I want to say half days don't count in those allotted snow days because technically the children did go to school that day.

    Michelle - My dedication is rather easy for me because I enjoy working out. For me it is like a drug I am addicted to. I love the feeling that working out gives me. I have so much more energy, feel stronger and feel like I can conquer the world after a good workout. I suppose I am blessed that I enjoy it so much.

    Laurie - The same thing happened to me with the heat in my classroom. There were a few days that it was so hot I had to open the windows, turn on my fans or air conditioning. Thankfully, they fixed that for me right away. I hope that is fixed for you soon as well as the automatic start for your car.

    Kaye - UGH about the computer freezing. That has happened to me a few times.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Happy Thursday everyone!

    @Nettie - Pizza and garlic knots.... sounds heavenly. You earned it and I'm glad you enjoyed every bite. And I'm with you, garlic should be in almost everything.

    No confessions today since I did mine earlier in the week. DH wanted to talk about his Diabetes 2 situation last night and started off with an apology for his earlier overreaction. He said he'd done some reading online and realized that total avoidance of sugar is not necessary and that he realized he needed to learn to deal with temptation instead of expecting me throw out things he should avoid or only have in moderation. Now I remember why I married this guy!

    My "Holiday Party" eating plan has gone extremely well, but I realized I need a "Cookie Plan". I usually bake a mess of cookies right before my kids get home including Toll House, Snickerdoodles and those yummy, savory cheese straws. I typically put them in large tins which makes it way too easy to eat a bunch at a time. This year I'm going to make the dough, roll it into balls, freeze the balls on cookie sheets and then put them in Ziploc bags. When you want/need cookies, you're gonna have to heat up the oven, put them on a pan, bake them and wash the pan afterwards. And you'll know exactly how many you've baked and eaten and not just be mindlessly plucking them out of a giant tin of cookies.

    Anyone have any other strategies planned for eating Holiday treats in moderation? If so, please share!
  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Lives2Travel~Good cookie plan. A friend of mine does that with dough all the time and just pulls out what she needs, seems to work well for her. Glad your DH came around a little and realizes it is all up to him.

    @Nettie~Glad you enjoyed your pizza, I have a love for garlic too – think the garlic knots would have been harder for me to resist. :wink:

    AFM~Not much to report. Busy morning, had appt with dentist first thing to set my replacement crown. Our administrator showed up to work today with type A influenza, he’s been feeling sick since Monday and finally went to the doc yesterday – we’ve all already been exposed when he handed out bonuses on Tuesday. We’ve had flu vaccines so hope it’s enough to keep us healthy – I don’t get sick so hope it stays that way. My body just wasn’t responding to my workout with my trainer last night. I did fine with the cleans but the prowler at 180# (less than usual) was like trying to push a truck - I can usually run with that weight. :grumble: Not sure what the problem was, I may have just been tired. Hopefully cardio goes better tonight.

    Exercise Goals:

    Sunday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Monday~Gym, running drills (Didn’t happen) :mad: :frown:
    Tuesday~Rest Day DONE!
    Wednesday~Gym, training session DONE!
    Thursday~Gym, Arc Trainer (or running drills)
    Friday~Rest Day
    Saturday~Gym, running drills
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Happy Thursday.....

    It is confession day, so my confession is "I have been eating alot of fast food again" eventhough I am under goal food choices are bad.

    @Everyone that showed concern for my son- First the dean of students was there and heard the whole conversation she didn't speak up til I did but she did agree with me. Second, MN was on the new 2 days ago for how they deal with black kids in the school system and being my son is mixed he has been treated the same way at time. The teacher tried to defend and back pedal but when the dean spoke up he just changed the subject. I have told Kenzie that he will go to summer school to get his diploma if needed and I will drive him to school and walk him in but no diploma is not an option at our house. I also agreee with Susan college not for everyone but some days he is interested in trade schools. Yes, he works at a car repair place and he has talked about being a mechanic.

    @New people- Welcome
    @Michelle- I want you to know God made you a queen and you always deserve the best. I struggled with those same feelings of what I deserved but I know now it is the best.
    @Robin- Great milestone to accomplish and I will be praying for more of them. The weight issue will resolve once your are feeling better.
    @Alupinsk- So far 1 x-mas cookie but I have a cookie exchange Saturday and I haven't baked my stuff yet.
    @Laurie- No heat ugh! Hope they get it fixed soon.
    @Tlh0407- Yay! for a buyer what a great x-mas present even if there are some down sides.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good Morning everyone. Hope you are all havng a great Thursday morning. Yesterday was fun and terrible at the same time. Spent the whole day with my middle daughter running errands and making christmas goodies to hand out to neighbors, co-workers and friends. We had a lot of fun but with all the tasting my diary was not pretty. I am not sweating it hough. These are the times memories are made of and I wont let anything interfere with that. I am super excited that my oldest daughter is going to come for a large family dinner and gift exchange with her on Sunday. Our relationship has been very strained the last couple of years and I have been trying to give her space to grow up a little bit and realize that you cant live in the mistakes of the past and family is more important then anything. She reached back out to me a couple of months ago and now she is coming to visit. The whole family is very happy to fold her back in with us:bigsmile:

    Robin I am so happy to hear you are on the mend. Dont sweat the gain, you will get it right back off and definitley savor the real food again:flowerforyou:
    Nettie you and my mom would make a great pair. She has been switching out the hummingbird feeders every morning because they are freezing over night and now has almost a flock of grateful birdies flitting around her yard:laugh:
    Pyro I feel your pain on the sinus infection. I get them pretty regularly and they aren't fun. Hope you feel better soon.:flowerforyou:
    Holly I cant beleive that teacher. There are so many good teachers and schools out there. I had Some of the same problems with my oldest and the school district she was in. It ended up getting pretty ugly. Hope you can find a way to give him the motivation he needs to finish up.
    Tracy congrats on finally finding a buyer for your house. I am sure that is a whole load of stress releif.
    Laurie I had to laugh out loud about your car comment. My car has the automatic start as well and I have been trying to get it to work with the freezing temps and just finally figured it out in time for the warm up:laugh:

    Today I am grateful for my children. I started my family way to young and gave up a lot of things people do in their late teens and twenties but I have no regrets. My three kids are the center of my universe and my husband and I couldn't be prouder of the adults they have grown into.

    Well I have one goodie treat left to finish up and then time to get everything packed into tins to hand out so I wont be tempted anymore:laugh: Have a great day everyone.:flowerforyou: :drinker: :heart:
  • tootsanderson
    tootsanderson Posts: 1,636 Member
    Options of luck with the adoption process. We adopted Emma domestically so we didn't have quite as much red tape to get through, but she is 100% Native American, so we had to get approval from both tribes and there was added stress, time and money for that. And congrats on the books!

    Wow, I'm surprised they gave you permission. Here in New Mexico they won't even talk to you about it if you aren't a member of some recognized tribe.
  • briebuck
    briebuck Posts: 35 Member
    dont give up
    set a goal that isnt as hard, but still makes you feel accomplished - like 1lb a week if you were set to try for 2lbs a week
    think about how much money you save when you dont eat out or eat less or eat healthy plain meals - a couple chicken breasts and some veggies vs mcdonalds or pizza or a meal at a restaurant - and snacking adds up money fast!
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    so annoyed they bumped my angio till dec 30 as there are 30 recent heart attacks waiting for urgent angios. The booking nurse said if i am at home i am not a high priority. Told her i was trying to avoid the hospital!!! Had a decent workout yesterday and will just do a bit of cardio today so at least i can get something done to counteract all the baking my daughter is doing!!