Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Good morning everyone. Well my weekend wasnt to bad. I was actually pretty lazy but didnt go insane on the food so it worked out. My son took me to see the new Thor movie on Saturday. I really enjoyed it. All the action you expect from a super hero movie but with lots of funny one liners so spent a lot of time laughing. Well I am trying to add protein powder to my morning smoothies but I am not sure about this. The flavor is good but instead of a nice icey smoothie consistency the powder is turning it into a fluffy mousse. Not quite what I am looking for first thing in the morning. Its like having desert for breakfast and that is not something I am going to stick with. I could probably very easily eat it with a spoon instead of my cup and straw:noway: Well now it is off with the daughter to pick up some groceries and then I am going to clean out and organize my pantry and two freezers. Thats right the fun never stops here:laugh: Have a great day everyone and for all those feeling under the weather I hope you all get relief soon.:heart::flowerforyou: :drinker: :drinker:
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @tammy--I've never used protein powders so I don't have any advice for you. Maybe someone else on here can suggest how to get it back to "smoothie" consistency.

    @tracy--have fun in Vegas! :drinker: That sounds like a great deal--where are you staying? Oh, and thanks about the Bears. It was really sad that they lost--especially since they probably could've won if they'd played McGowan instead of Cutler. :grumble: At least the Packers lost too, so only the Lions moved ahead of us.

    @susan--love the picture!! THe recipe looks great--I'm not a fan of eggplant--I don't like the texture, but maybe mixed with all that other stuff it wouldn't be noticeable.

    @robin--I worked on form a lot with my physical therapist--I'm supposed to make sure my knees stay straight over the toes (even if they go beyond a bit). I'm not supposed to let them bend out or in on the way down or up. I honestly don't think my form is the problem--it's the lack of strength in the tissues supporting my knee. My hope is that as I build up the leg muscles, it will take the pressure off. It's just a slow process b/c I can't increase weight as quickly as I would like. I guess I need to take my own advice to michelle--Patience, Grasshopper! :laugh:

    @helena--welcome back! :flowerforyou: Glad to hear your mom's treatments are working and that she is less ill from this current round. Is this the new guy you had just started dating the last time you were posting regularly? Glad it's working out and that he's supportive of your heathy lifestyle.

    @holly--yeah, sometimes when the thread gets away from me, I just skim and start fresh.

    @toots--hi there! Happy Veteran's Day to you and your hubby! :flowerforyou:

    @gorilla--great job on the 5k!! :drinker: Even if it's not your PR, remember there are those of us who would kill for a sub-30 5k time. <in my best Homer Simpson voice> Mmm--sweat and bananas. :laugh:

    Happy Veteran's Day to all of our service people and their families--thank you for your sacrifice! :flowerforyou:

    Monday Check-in:
    I'm at starbucks grading on my "day off"--got through the journals and now I just need to grade vocabulary. My student teacher texted me this morning, and I can tell he's frustrated by all of the grading. The problem is, it's my department chair's classes that are bogging him down, but b/c she's the boss he makes her grading the priority over work for my students. She uses this ridiculously long rubric, and it takes him forever to get through each paper. I told him he needs to talk to her about adjusting it so it's more manageable for him. I may talk to her as well--she either needs to help him adjust the rubric, or she needs to take back some of the grading from him--I shouldn't have to be the one who's sacrificing all of my time--especially considering I teach 5 classes and she only teaches 2.

    I lifted yesterday and will lift again tomorrow, so today I'm going to run a 5k in preparation for the Turkey Trot. I haven't run a full 5k in awhile, so it will be interesting to see how I do. I'm hoping for a sub-35 on Thanksgiving--not sure how realistic that is, so today will give me some idea.

    Will check back later. :smile:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 6/53 vocabulary
    2. 73/73 AP journals DONE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner + gym (run 5k)
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (run 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 70
    Squat = 80
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Monday check-in...worked out again at the gym this afternoon. Really had to force myself as I was tired and ready for a nap, but knew if I didn't go, I'd get discouraged. Feel good. I think I've come up with a mantra for myself to say everyday, something like "everyday I feel a little, bit better", as it's true.
    mental note: it's way easier to workout first thing in the morning before you've, I worked out after eating a huge, tuna sandwich for lunch, and it was definitely tougher.

    Sorry, I'm not better at responding to individuals. I tend to 'lurk'.
  • Kookyk9s
    Kookyk9s Posts: 259 Member
    Well I am feeling like a puffer fish looks as I am taking the MFP advise and drinking my 8 glasses of water and logging it . It does seem to work as the scale has moved down 2 lbs after being stuck for the past 10 days. the fitbit is helping me to remember to move more so that is good also. Just need to get the schedule tweeked so that I use the treadmill regularly. The weather here has been wet and windy. Makes it feel cold even if the thermometer is not showing it as that cold. Right now it is snowing. And I am a weather weenie and I admit it. But I still need to move more. One very small step at a time.

    Susan, the Paleo Chicken looks great. Not a big eggplant fan but I do like Moussaka so it would probably be OK. I like the slow cooker idea though. Myself I just made 4 meals worth of clam spaghetti using my spaghetti squash so I am feeling proud of myself for organizing and cooking that One for dinner tonight, lunch tomorrow and the same for `Tuesday and then I need to organize again so maybe Paleo Chicken.

    There is a saying here that if you fail to plan you are planning to fail so I do not want to go down that road,

    Wishing everyone great motivation all week.
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Monday check in: Still staying within or under my calorie goals that mfp set for me. I did start drinking water even though its only a glass or two. Not my favorite thing to do :) I only exercised once over my four day weekend but I justified it with all the cleaning and scrubbing I did this weekend. I need to get back on track. I am a little confused about exercise. Online, I read that heavy cardio burns a lot of cals but not as much fat as doing a slower paced cardio work out for a longer period of time. ???

    Feeling a little blue today. Questioning some life choices and how I am going to handle the fall out down the road. Don't get me wrong, my choice(s) won't hurt anyone but myself. I am amazed how one's self-esteem or lack there of, can have such an impact on the choices we make.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I am feeling some better today. The cold is still bugging me, but I went for a good long walk. I made a big circle to pay my utility bill at the city office, make a deposit at the ATM, and pick up some meat for dinner at the grocery store. Judging from how long it took, 1 hour, it must be about 3 miles. Only in a small town, right. It didn't make me feel any worse, so that is a success.
    They measured for my new carpet today, and it will be installed on Nov. 20. The one I have is 20 years old. It was beginning to look kind of worn, and then we had that naughty dog here, who was not properly house trained, so now it is a must. I'm glad that it will be done before Thanksgiving when everyone will be here.
    Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served or are serving our country. My father, husband, and oldest son are all veterans.
    It looks like there is pretty good news on many fronts here today. Congratulations to all of you.
    Have a great evening. Onward and downward. Kaye
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Regarding the eggplant, I'm normally not a big fan either. Since it was mixed with the sauce and I think the soaking before hand really helped, I couldn't tell it was even in there. The flavor of the sauce, seasoning, etc. . . really gave it more of a lasagna taste. Plus, I did make it with turkey pepperoni versus the regular stuff, which helped keep the calories/fat down too.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Just read this and I know it's something I battle with all the time. Hopefully, this will help a couple of you too because you ARE worth it!!! Celebrate who you are vs. dwelling on who you aren't! Enjoy!!!

    What would happen if you focused on being proud of who you are and what you do (a great parent, staying active, trying your best, etc.) vs. dwelling on what you aren't or don't do (nail every workout, be a size whatever, etc.)?

    The negative voice in your head is constantly trying to talk you down for missed opportunities, missed workouts and weight gained.

    But the positive voice in your head is trying to get you to see how great you are doing and that being a great Mom and/or person is 100X more important than fitting in skinny jeans.

    Be proud and celebrate who you are and focus on listening to the positive voice in your head.

    You deserve to have tons of energy and to feel great so celebrate who you are each day and you will be surprised how much this helps you stay "in the game" as far as your fitness and weight loss journey!
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    I am Thankful for all I got yet holiday's bring lots of evil my way. My car broke down on the way to zumba every holiday for several years I have had a major repair to my car some have caused me to not even see my family for the holidays. I am thankful for my friend and who came to my rescue tonight being the wind chill is below zero here or very close to it. I am Thankful that I have a little extra that I was going to use for gifts that I can get my car fixed. God is good this will not break my spirit. Thanks for letting me vent.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly--sorry about your car--it's stinky when stuff like that happens. :grumble: I'm glad you are able to look at the positives.

    @kaye--glad you are feeling better!

    @michelle--one of my MFP friends is a fitness expert and he's posted a lot about the topic of heart rate zones (i.e. being in a "fat burning zone" versus a "cardio" or "aerobic" zone)--basically he says the harder you work, the more calories you burn, and it's not worthwhile to worry about being in a specific "zone." That being said, I think you should do whatever makes you happy and will motivate you to continue to work out. There's also a lot of evidence (of which I will cite NONE :laugh: ) that doing intervals is one of the best ways to maximize your workout time. You can google HIIT if you want to read up on it.

    @kooky--I'm also a weather weenie--at least on the cold end of the spectrum. I'm usually not deterred from running outside by warm weather, but cold, wind, and rain send me straight to the gym.

    @mel--I don't like to work out on a full stomach either. Ideally, I eat a few hours before I work out.

    AFM--gunner didn't get a walk b/c we got almost 2 inches of icy, slushy snow--yuck! I ran my 5k on the treadmill and did it in 32:47 which is better than I expected. Given there were no hills or weather issues to deal with, I'm not sure this will translate to a sub-35 on Thanksgiving, but at least it gives me hope.

    Grading Goals:
    1. 35/53 vocabulary
    2. 73/73 AP journals DONE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (run 5k) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (run 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 70
    Squat = 80
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • aimeemarie150
    aimeemarie150 Posts: 354 Member
    So....I'm curious if I'm eating too few calories. My fitbit says I burned 3047 calories so far today, but I've only eaten about 1250...

    I don't want to hurt myself, so should I change my intake daily based on what I'm burning? On a normal day without any exercise I burn about 2400....I just make myself very very nervous if I start eating more. Plus it's SO much harder to meet calories when you're eating clean.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Gorilla- Congrats on the 5K run even with all of it's challenges, under 30 minutes is fantastic. What happened with your car?

    I will be doing a 5K on Sunday for fun and not trying for a PB. This course will be hilly so not overly excited about that, I am almost tempted to take the walk route since it is flatter and a safer area than the run course. I will decide on Saturday which course I am doing.

    The hospital did not call last night to let us know that he had left. We found out at 6 that he was already at the rehab center so that meant a quick dinner then out the door we went. We ended up waiting a few minutes since they were still doing the check in medical information. Then we learned that his glasses were left behind at the hospital- so Mom went over this morning to pick them up. It was a crazy evening but Dad is settled and is doing well. PT should help get his mobility back and improve his ability to walk.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @laurie--glad to hear your dad is settled in at the rehab center--were the doctors able to give you any sort of estimate as to how long he will be there? As for the 5k--it's nice that you have options about the course. I personally hate hills, but my Turkey Trot route has a big one right at the end. :grumble: At least both times I've run it we've had no ice or snow on the ground to add further difficulty. I'm hoping for similar conditions this year.

    @alupinsk--I'm probably the last person to give advice about how many calories you should consume, considering I'm struggling to figure out what will work for me now that I'm about 30 lbs from goal. I will say that I agree with the camp that says for most people a net of at least 1200 calories per day minimum is smart. What is your current calorie goal and how have you set up your activity level in MFP? If it already takes your exercise into account, then eating back those calories isn't necessary. But if you are set at "sedentary" or "lightly active," you may want to eat back at least some of them. I'm also not familiar with the fitbit--is that just exercise calories or calories you use just to exist throughout the day (BMR)? I think if you provide more details, you'll get more feedback from folks on here. :smile:

    AFM--finished my grading so it's bedtime for me. :yawn:

    Grading Goals:
    1. 53/53 vocabulary DONE
    2. 73/73 AP journals DONE

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (run 5k) DONE
    Tues--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Wed--nada--Parent.Teacher conferences until 7 pm
    Thurs--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Fri--walk gunner
    Sat--walk gunner + gym (lift and HIIT)
    Sun--walk gunner + gym (run 5k)

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 70
    Dead lift = 70
    Squat = 80
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 45

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • p1xyn1xy
    p1xyn1xy Posts: 461 Member
    It's been a three day weekend here. So I've been busy working and hanging out with the family underfoot! Took the kids to a birthday party of Saturday and they got to make tye dye shirts... very cute. Worked a 11 hour shift on Sunday. Today we took the kids for a walk out in the sunshine. Lots of snowballs... they were so tired when we got home. The snow is here to stay now and it is probably -15 right now, but it was about -6 this afternoon. It's been hard to get up the motivation to do anything outside but today was fun.
    I've got most of my mobility back in my knee but its still tender. I'm doing more moderate exercise. LOL! That being said I started Jillian Michaels Ripped in 30 this morning. I like the challenge of completing it, but I'll take it easy on my knee. :) I'm also avoiding the higher impact Zumba right now. lol!

    Not the best food choices in the last 4 days, but I kept pretty much in check. Hopefully by being able to do stuff again, I can distract myself! :)
    Anyways, I hope everyone has a great week! Every one of you, keep me focused by keeping it real. Thank you! :flowerforyou:
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Mel - good for you, developing a mantra to say to yourself! No need to apologize for not doing personals or lurking -

    Kookie - like your comment about planning

    michelleb - sorry you're a little blue and worrying about your self-esteem - I hope everything turns out all right for you! You're a great person and you have to make the difficult choices sometimes :heart:

    Kaye - glad to hear you got out for a 3 mile walk - thats a great effort with a cold! And I'm excited for you to get new carpeting before Thanksgiving - how exciting for you!

    Susan - the eggplant dish looks great, and the Color Run picture shows what fun you guys had!
    Great Positivity Post!

    MWQueen - sorry for your car troubles - wow what a pain in the patootie - I'll bet you saw stars!!! Thank goodness you could raid your Christmas gift fund to repair it - but there goes the holidays - shot to heck! :ohwell:

    Skinny - wow - great job running your 5 k on the dreadmill! sorry the lousy weather caught up with you. Sorry your TA is being slow with his grading too.

    Alumpinsk - its hard to answer your questions without knowing more - can you tell me, how much weight are you losing per week?

    Laurie - good luck with y our 5K this w/e. Glad your father got moved - but what a hassle - didn't sound like it went too smoothly. Forgot his glasses? C'mon folks, that's just basic stuff! Well the important thing is getting him walking again!

    Pixy - more moderate exercise for your knee? - Jillian Michaels Ripped? Well its YOUR decision!!!! LOL!!!! I might be more cautious than you.....I might be walking around the block for a week or two...... but I admire your drive and getting out there and throwing snowballs with the kids - :heart:

    AFM - just marking time til my Drs. appt. Weds.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    @robin - Yes, logging accurately can be challenging when I eat out. I always look at the menu online before we go, decide what I'm going to order, how much of it I'm going to eat (I almost always have a take out box leaving with me) and I pre-log the meal and then plan the rest of the day so I'm within my calorie goal. Sometimes I can find the nutrition info online, but we tend to eat at non-chain restaurants and that can make logging even more difficult. That said, we almost always eat out on Friday and Saturday nights with family or friends so I'm getting good at figuring it out.

    @susan - That recipe looks fantastic! I didn't see anything that can't be frozen, so I'm going to make the entire recipe just for me (hubs does not like eggplant), divide and freeze 6 servings. Thanks so much for sharing.

    Tuesday Goals: My current short term goal is to get to 220 by 12/31/13. That's 15.4 lbs in 7 weeks. I thought it might be possible based on my recent average weekly loss, but now the damn scale has been stuck on 235.4 for the last 5 days. I hate it when this happens and I really, really want to be half way to my GW by the end of the year. If I miss this goal, it will be the first one I've missed. Time to put on the big girl pants and power through. I just need to avoid any holiday madness eating. If I miss this goal despite best efforts, that I can deal with, but if I miss it because of stupid choices I will beat myself up.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Tuesday Goals: Working on week 2 of Gilad. Fitbit told me yesterday that I was working at a "very intense" rate during cardio classic. I had sweat pouring off of me and felt terrific. Today is legs. Hope it goes well.

    We are having our first snow fall of the year. I am sitting on the couch under a nice cozy blanket looking out the window watching it fall. It's absolutely beautiful. I am thankful that today I am working in a school that is only 20 minutes away rather than working with my students who are 40 minutes away.

    Gorilla - Congrats on your 5K. LOL to something paired with swear and banana. Did you at least get a laugh out of her?

    Sjacobs - Don't ever feel that you have to respond the way others do. Just do what works for you. You can lurk any time you want. Congrats on the scale moving down!

    kah68 - He mentioned the Ford because he read the consumer reports. We saw a few on our walk. He said they were "just ok". He just received a price quote from Nissan via email for a new Pathfinder. So far that is the best quote he has received so now he is back to that. Last night he spoke to me regarding his recent research in auto loans. He is debating whether or not to get an auto loan and purchasing a car rather than leasing it. He has changed his mind so many times since Saturday that I cannot keep up with it all. Now my answer is "It's really whatever you feel most comfortable with."

    tlh - Wow. I have never ever heard of that before. I am not quite sure where the other Nissan dealers are, My husband has been contacting them via email and getting price quotes. If we do end up going back there, we are going to demand a different sales

    Helena - I am so sorry to hear that your mom has cancer. That is great to hear that no new lesions are growing nor have the old ones grown. Years ago my mom was diagnosed with Stage 3 lung cancer. She went through chemo and radiation. Thankfully, she has been cancer free for 10+ years now. Cancer takes a lot out of it's patients as well as the family of the patients. It's a very stressful emotional roller coaster. I know how tough this must be on you and your family to watch your mom go through this. Please remember during this time to take care of yourself. If you need anything at all I am here for you. Keeping your mom, you and your family in my thoughts and prayers. :flowerforyou:

    Susan - Thanks for sharing. That looks incredibly amazing! You wouldn't happen to have any recipes for fresh pumpkins that do not involve a bread, cake or pie? I am looking for something to make with my fresh pumpkins. I usually make a pumpkin bowl (stuff pumpkin with wild rice, veggies and nuts then bake). I am a vegetarian and am spending Thanksgiving with my husband's family. I usually make a dish and bring with me or else they end up plopping a veggie burger on a paper plate, throwing in the microwave and handing to me. :ohwell: My pumpkin bowl is my old standard. I was hoping to spice it up a bit year and do something different. I was looking at some pot pie recipes last night. But have not made up my mind yet.

    Great picture! We have a similar race here in NY that a friend of mine did. It sounds like a lot of fun!

    Laurie - Glad to hear your dad is settled at the rehab center. Wishing him a quick recovery and regaining his mobility.
  • nzenczak
    nzenczak Posts: 69 Member
    Happy Tuesday everybody!

    Susan - Tabata drills are when you do one cardio exercise as fast as you can for 20 seconds and then take a 10 second break. You repeat this 8 times before taking a significant break of a few minutes or so. If I'm doing a 60 minute workout I'll do this tabata sequence about 3 times. It's fun, but exhausting and a great way to shake things up as it keeps your body guessing.

    Tuesday Goal. My goal for this week is to lose my first five pounds. Any ideas of what I should treat myself with for reaching this goal? A non-food treat obviously. What did you all treat yourself with after losing your first 5 or 10 pounds? Let me know.

    I'm at work so I can't touch on everyone's personal goals and achievements right now, but I'll try to write more later. Have a wonderful Tuesday everyone!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good morning... Thanks for all the support on my run, I know the time was not BAD but just fell short of the expectations I had for myslef.

    Well yesterday was a nice day off. I got to sleep in a little bit lounge around the house catch up on some DVR Conan episodes. Had a great workout before lunch, this NROL Supercharged workout is amazing. Everytime I walk out the gym door my arms and legs are shaking and I am a sweaty mess. I went home and had some lunch and took the dog for a bit of a "hike" on a trail I like to run. Good thing I did not plan on running it, all the leaves down hid all the rocks and branches it was a pretty treacherous walk, let alone if I had tried to run it!

    My boys started wrestling season last night... first practice went well. Coach has them do a lot of exercises before practice. My oldest son (who is a little on the heavy side) was struggling a bit he had the shaky muscle thing going. This morning he is sore walking down the stairs! My little guy is skinny and athletic, he breezed through the workout. They both had a fun night. BEST thing is practices are M-W-F... so that means I will be able to keep a normal gym schedule of Tues-Thurs-Sat lifting! No 5am gym trips unless I want to add one in somewhere.

    jtconst - Protein in the morning is important! What else goes into your shakes? Can you just add some water?

    Melwillbeheal - Great job getting to the gym over the nap!

    skinnyjeanzbo- Good job on the treadmill 5k. I hate the treadmill!

    Alupinsk- You should look into adding in some quality calories into your diet especially on days you are working out.

    Lauriek70- Enjoy the 5k this weekend... I say go for the the hilly track! The car is still up in the air. Working on a new one and

    nettie11776- Great job on the cardio and enjoy leg day today!!! AND to answer your question, no she did not even chuckle at my joke. I thought it would be worth at least a smile!

    nzenczak - First 5lbs... a good reward might be a new pair of sneakers or a workout shirt?
  • sjacobs425
    sjacobs425 Posts: 74 Member
    Tuesday goals - well i looked at the calendar last night and it's 7 weeks til Christmas, i'm feeling strong and i'm hoping that continues. I've set a personal goal, minimum and maximum. i know i'm going to have days that i don't do well but all in all i'm hoping to be at 245. i will continue to push and and stay diligent. migraine gone, workout on backs, biceps, cardio last night was on point in the gym!!! this morning, i almost bailed on 30 day shred but i did it!!! yay me :smooched: :smooched: :smooched: :smooched:

    to all here,
    Nettie - great job on the sweating... you know that is fat crying!!!! :sad: :laugh: keep up the great work!!! ps - keep the snow i'm a beach girl by heart

    Susan - you made me hungry!!! it looks delicious! and wooo hoooo i love the picture!!! :drinker:

    laurie, best of luck to your dad, i lost mine 6 years ago, miss him terribly, envious of those who still have parents

    robin, 1 more day til drs appt. hoping for the best.

    gotta run, sorry i cant do more. have a beautiful day everyone hugs and continued success!!!!