Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    My stomach has been in some nervous knots the last couple of days, trainer emailed Friday and said he needed to move me to a later time so we could have a meeting after my session today - not sure what it means. I hope he isn't leaving my gym, not sure what I would do - he's been my trainer for over a year. :cry: I love my gym but like him as a trainer better, so guess I would need to follow him where ever he goes. I'm trying not to read anything into it. Anyway, I'll know this afternoon what's going on. :indifferent:

    @Karen~Thanks for posting that link for "ideal realistic weight." Figuring something like that out kind of takes the guesswork out of it. I was surprised what my ideal weight would be, its higher than the weight charts for my height indicate but lower than what my doctor is asking me to aim for. I honestly don't think that BMI is a good measurement of someone's health, BF% is definitely a better indicator - its one of the reasons I bought a BF scale. Also, my doctor looks at the hip-to-waist ratio.

    @Robin~I've done similar, such as making coffee and forgetting to put the pot in the coffee maker. Thank goodness I have a "first-cup" feature so it didn't end up all over the counter! :laugh:

    @Alupinsk~I think she'll be a happy car when she gets new rear brakes next month. :wink:

    Need to finish up grocery list and get to the store - hope they have some good spaghetti squash. I will stop back this evening for Sunday Share. For those in the deep freeze and facing more snow - stay warm and safe. Its just cold here.
  • JNettie73
    JNettie73 Posts: 1,208 Member
    Sunday Share:
    Since there are so many newbies I will recap. My name is Jeanette and I will turn 41 next month. I am married to my wonderful husband Brian. We do not have any children but I do have 2 cats, a turtle and a bird. I have been a vegetarian for close to 20 years now. I am an animal lover, gardener, cook, bird watcher, photographer, artist and nature enthusiast. I have been drawing and painting since I have been old enough to hold a -crayon. I am a special education teacher and teach an extended day class in a local district. I also provide home-based services for children with special needs. All of my students at the moment are on the autism spectrum. I live in NY, Long Island to be exact. This is my second time on MFP. My first time here I lost 27 lbs but gained it all back during my absence. :blushing: This time I am back and plan on staying for the long haul. :bigsmile:

    Susan - I was just in Bath and Body a few days ago picking up wallflowers. I received the bulbs for Christmas but discovered my plugs were not working. What is your favorite scent? Mine is frosted cranberry. I love Whole Foods. I get lost in that store every time I go. There are so many interesting products to browse.

    NuttyNetty - Welcome. Love the name! To get back to this group look at your profile page. Scroll down towards the bottom. On the left hand side you should see "My recent forum posts". In there you will see the link to this thread.

    Skinnyjeanz - Good for you for logging as best as you could remember! I bet you will be thankful when you are finished with those Scarlet Letter essays!

    Tom - I never knew that about Walgreens. Thanks for the tip!

    Madelinemel- Sorry to hear you are struggling. I have been there myself. Just stick with it. Eventually you will get back on track. I sent you a fitbit request!

    Kah - Yesterday I woke up to temps of 4*. Today is going to be a high of 43, tomorrow 50 and Tuesday we drop back down to 15. :huh: The temperature changes here are a bit insane at the moment.
    Oh no about the trainer needing to talk. I hope it isn't what you suspect at all. I remember years ago when my kickboxing instructor told us she was leaving. I was crushed. I felt like I experienced a death. :sad: Maybe he wants to discuss your progress, how well you are doing and that he wants to do a story on your or something of the sort. I will keep my fingers crossed for good news on your end.

    MyMOwMOw - Congrats on being able to walk!

    Lauren - Congrats on the loss and getting to the gym. I plan on beginning to take down my Christmas stuff today. I am a bit sad about this. :sad:

    Kaye - What a great bonding experience for you and your GS! I love that you played video games with him. He probably had the time of his life!

    Carol - Welcome. Congrats on your weight loss so far. That is incredible!

    Jacquie, 13bobbie, pain_is_weakn, covenentwife - Welcome!

    Robin - :laugh: You literally made me LOL. Thanks for the laugh this morning! Hopefully it wasn't too much of a mess for you to clean up.

    Naceto - Sorry to hear you have been having stomach pains. I know how uncomfortable that is. I experienced pains earlier this month that lasted for a few days. Thankfully mine went away on their own. I hope you feel better. I sent you a fitbit request.

    Alupinsk - Don't sell yourself short on her being the better choice. You have a lot to offer and are a wonderful person. Never forget that! :flowerforyou:

    bubble770 - Welcome. Feel free to add me if you wish. I can relate to restarting this journey several times. It definitely is helpful to do it with others and makes it more fun.
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Welcome to all the new folks on the thread. You'll find this is a great place filled with people who will support and inspire you.

    My name is Claudia and I'm a 55 yr old wife and mother of 2 grown kids. I work full time at home and have struggled with my weight all of my adult life. What started me on the path to weight loss and better health was the realization that while time and money were becoming available for travel, my inability to walk across a parking lot without getting winded was not going to make that travel very enjoyable. So I decided to start doing something about it that very day June 14, 2013.

    I set my 2013 goal as 250 lbs a 45 lb loss. I was honestly not expecting to reach even that modest goal. After all, I had so many things going against me: age, gender and being post menopausal. In other words, I had my excuses all ready. But, to my surprise, I didn't need them. I ended 2013 at 216 lbs, exceeding my goal by 34 lbs.

    I've learned a bunch of important lessons along the way that might help you as you begin your journey:

    The key to success is to keep on going. Don't let a bad day where you exceed your calorie goal or fail to exercise become an excuse to do so the next day and the next. I've been very guilty of that type of black and white thinking in the past. Learn from your mistakes, but don't let them overcome your desire to succeed. Forgive yourself for being imperfect and human and move on. Sadly, many of the new people who have joined MFP in the last few days will quit before they ever really get started. The first few weeks/months are hard. They were for me and I felt like most days I was white knuckling every moment. It's not easy to break years of bad habits and what for me was basically an addiction to food. But, it does get easier.

    Experiment and figure out what works for you and what doesn't. Read up on what has worked for others, but take it with a grain of salt. Only you can devise a plan that is workable and sustainable for you. There is no one right way.

    Set small goals. I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that I started with 150 lbs to lose. That was more than half my weight. So I focus on a small, short term goal. When I get to that goal, I set another one. My next one is 199. A weight starting with 1 is not something I've seen for many years.

    Learn what foods you can handle being around and which trigger you to over eat (there is a permanent ban on Trader Joe's Triple Ginger Cookies in my house).

    Build a support system online and in real life. It's amazing how much people want to help you succeed if you'll let them.

    If you're competitive and goal oriented, join a challenge (either based on lbs lost or exercise) on MFP. I find participating in them helps me focus on my next goal and the accountability of posting my progress in plain sight every week is sometimes the thing that stops me from having just a few more bites.

    Be patient. Yeah, this is actually the hardest one for me. I want this weight gone NOW. But, I know that's not going to happen. I know I have to stay the course and work at this one day at a time.

    All the best to everyone who is starting out and all that are on their way.
  • sdarsen1
    sdarsen1 Posts: 2 Member

    I'm new here and have a long way to go. I'm not big on sharing but I'm going to try to:embarassed: My name is Stacey and I'm 42 years old I have 5 kids my oldest is 23 and youngest is 17 and a beautiful granddaughter who is 4. I am very lucky because my husband has agreed to giving me a year in which to take off work and to focus on myself.

    My new year goal is to lose 168 lb. and to get healthy. I have a fair amount of health issues that really restrict what I can eat and so I'm eating for the most part fruit, veggies and nuts as I can't tolerate anything else but on the good side of removing the things that my body can't handle I'm dropping weight very fast and I have a lot less pain.
    My other goal is I want to go on a 14 km hike in the mountains this June for my wedding anniversary.
  • Melwillbehealthy
    Melwillbehealthy Posts: 893 Member
    Sunday share, for all you newbies....I'm a retired English teacher. I used to have quite a sense of adventure and done a fair bit of travelling. I spent a year living in Japan before I retired and taught there and travelled Asia afterwards. I have 3 grown kids and 5 grandchildren )
    Sorry, my posting keeps deleting so I'm going to stop trying now. I'll write more later
    I'm very overweight and having a heck of a time staying motivated.....It's freezing here (-35C.) with wind child and I don't want to go out. I want to focus more on my health than on weight loss as that's what I think will keep me going. The forecast is snow , more likely freezing rain, but I don't think it will be bad like the last storm. Still waiting for workmen to fix the damage to my house.
    Was going to the gym today and didn't want to get up (it's cold!) from under the covers, so I never made it. I'll try again tomorrow.
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    @skinnyjeanz - I'm in northern Illinois 15 minutes away from the Wisconsin border and it's snowing here. The roads are not so clean and forget the sidewalks. Just this morning I several folks in the ditches and others doing 5mph in a 55 zone.

    Today I will have to find some sort of indoor activity to try and motivate myself but to be honest the winter weather has me down. I hope and pray for spring to come quickly.

    Sunday share- My name is Melissa and I've battling my weight issues since my early twenties after having my daughter.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @skinnyjeanz - I'm in northern Illinois 15 minutes away from the Wisconsin border and it's snowing here. The roads are not so clean and forget the sidewalks. Just this morning I several folks in the ditches and others doing 5mph in a 55 zone.

    Today I will have to find some sort of indoor activity to try and motivate myself but to be honest the winter weather has me down. I hope and pray for spring to come quickly.

    Sunday share- My name is Melissa and I've battling my weight issues since my early twenties after having my daughter.

    I peeked at your profile and see you are in Park City. I know exactly where that is. I'm not too far--Mundelein, but grew up in Chicago and whole family is still there. Snow has, for the most part stopped now, but the temps are dropping quickly. Stay warm and be careful on the roads!
  • dukesduchess350
    dukesduchess350 Posts: 77 Member
    @skinnyjeanz - I'm in northern Illinois 15 minutes away from the Wisconsin border and it's snowing here. The roads are not so clean and forget the sidewalks. Just this morning I several folks in the ditches and others doing 5mph in a 55 zone.

    Today I will have to find some sort of indoor activity to try and motivate myself but to be honest the winter weather has me down. I hope and pray for spring to come quickly.

    Sunday share- My name is Melissa and I've battling my weight issues since my early twenties after having my daughter.

    I peeked at your profile and see you are in Park City. I know exactly where that is. I'm not too far--Mundelein, but grew up in Chicago and whole family is still there. Snow has, for the most part stopped now, but the temps are dropping quickly. Stay warm and be careful on the roads!

    Yeah we're getting ready to move to Gurnee soon. I know where Mundelein is. Fiance works in Libertyville. I'm trying. You too. I'm hoping work calls and tells me I can work from home tomorrow. That would be great:bigsmile:
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Good afternoon. Its a beautiful sunny day again today. I'll be going for a walk soon.
    Welcome to the new people. I am Kaye, 69 years old, and at this since September 2012. Years ago, when I was fighting the battle of the bulge, I thought that by the time I reached this age I would not worry about my weight. I just wanted to enjoy my life. What I know now is that I can't enjoy my life and do the things I want to do if I am not healthy. Hence, I am at this battle again. I struggled over the holidays and gained 6 pounds, but the scales are moving in the right direction again. I've lost 2#. There has been some excellent advice given already so I will just say, don't give up. No matter what strategies you choose, I think that logging your food and exercise and accountability are key. Don't make excuses. Just stick with it.
    Karen thanks for posting the link.
    Have great day. Kaye
  • michelleborman50
    michelleborman50 Posts: 45 Member
    Just dropping by and checking in on everyone. I see no one has froze to death yet. Looks like tomorrow and Tuesday are going to be rough. A high of 1 with wind chill at -15....but looks like we will have a warm up coming soon. Never thought I would be happy to see 30 degrees
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Okay, I'm a bit challenged, I guess. I found a BF calculator that says my BF is 27.5%. I went to another sight that says my lean mass is 98#. Given those figures how do I come up with a goal weight?
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @michelle--yes, we are looking at a high af about -12 tomorrow and Tuesday. School is closed for us tomorrow, waiting to hear about Tuesday. Thirty degrees would be heaven! Stay warm!

    @kaye--glad the scale is mving back down for you! :drinker: Mine has crept up a bit more, but I know it's due to my last fun day out with friends on Friday + too much sodium.

    @madeline--Yes, we are right next to Libertyville--near the HS there. My husband works in Libertyville as well. I hope you get the call to work from home--if it's an option, it really makes no sense to go out in these dangerously low temps. I've already seen several local friends post on FB that their offices are closed tomorrow.

    @mel--wow, it must have been great to live and travel around Asia! What an experience. I've told my husband that if my teaching pension goes to $h!t, I will quit and we will move somewhere where I can teach abroad.

    @claudia--great advice you shared! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to the newlings! :flowerforyou:

    Sunday Share:
    I'm Karen--a HS English Lit teacher in suburban Chicago. Been on MFP for almost 3 years. Lost the first 35-40 lbs realy easily. The next 10 lbs were more of a struggle. I made it all the way to almost 60 lbs lost after a bout of stomach flu last winter, but gained back about 5 of that right away. Since then, I've been maintaining--losing and gaining the same 5 lbs or so. I just added those 5 lbs back onto my ticker after the holidays and am committed to getting the last 20-30 lbs. off in the coming year.

    I agree with kaye--lots of great advice in recent posts for the new and the old. :smile:

    I have an extra day off due to weather, so I'm at starbuck's grading right now. I've got 13 Scarlet Letter essay left and I WILL get them done before returning to school on Tuesday!

    Grading goals:
    1. 1/72 AP essays
    2. 13/26 Scarlet Letter essays
    3. x/52 Scarlet Letter annotations

    Exercise goals:
    Mon--babysit toddler DONE
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) DONE
    Wed--walk gunner DONE + shoveled snow
    Thurs--walk gunner DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE but more shoveling
    Fri--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + gym (cardio) NOT DONE
    Sun--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym (lift and HIIT) NOT DONE--MORE SHOVELING INSTEAD!

    Exercise & Weight:
    Bench press = 85
    Dead lift = 90
    Squat = 90
    Overhead press = 55
    Upright row = 60

    Overhead tricep extension = 25 (dumbbell)
    Bicep curl = 15 (dumbbell)
    Lat pull down = 100
    Tricep pull down = 90
  • SeeLShrink
    Hey everyone!

    Sounds like almost all of us are having crap weather, I hope everyone stays safe and warm! I'm in Iowa, and we are having extreme cold tomorrow. It's supposed to be a low of -13 with windchills around -35 to -55! They have already cancelled school across the state. My lucky husband will be staying nice and warm at home with our daughter, while I get to brave the elements for work, boo!

    Anywho, for today we went out and got out grocery shopping done, lots of healthy goodies :happy: ! Then when I got home I got a good yoga session in. I got my wish from yesterday in that I'm good and sore today from all the working out. It felt great to stretch out my tired muscles. My fitbit didn't reset last night, so i started the day with yesterday's 12,000 steps. I went ahead and just didn't wear it today because I feel it's unfair to all my friends on there to get over 20,000 steps in one day when I really didn't take that many. . . so, I've just been doing my best to take extra steps today without being able to track them, ugh, how irritating.

    Sunday - Welcome to all the newbies! My name is Lauren, I'm 26, married, and have a beautiful 8 year old daughter. I've been working hard and plan to hit my goal weight by the end of this year (100 lbs to go!). Feel free to add me, I love supporting others and receiving support as well!

    My plan tomorrow aside from staying warm is to FINALLY try that kickboxing class I've been talking about. I also plan on getting some cardio in.

    Keep warm everyone!

  • skinnyangel2b
    skinnyangel2b Posts: 8 Member
    Hello All!

    Started about 2 weeks ago but am new to this thread, which I really appreciate!!

    Sunday sharing: Im a 47 year old mom of a 10 yo girl and have been married for 27 years. I have 100 or so pounds to lose (geez is it scary to admit and say that), but I know I need help to do it. It seems like such a big mountain to climb and can get so discouraging when I start thinking about how I'm going to do it. However, I know to take it in bits and not to focus so much on the mountain!

    This month my personal goal is at least 10lbs this month and around 10 lbs each month thereafter.

    Right now I'm looking just at January. I'm planning to walk with my dog Mojo, do my total gym videos, leslie sanson walking vids, resistance training, etc.

    Food wise I'm eating more whole foods like quinoa, beans, etc. and reducing my white flour (noodles, bread) and sugar intake. Kind of like an alternate south beach diet.

    Water has always been a struggle for the whole amount, so that is another goal. I love to flavor it with lemon.

    Best of everything for your success this month and this year everyone!

    Thank you for being here.

  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Lives to Travel - what a great article you have written - its so full of great advice for beginners. Please save it somewhere on your computer and don't be afraid to roll it out again in six months - its that good!

    Welcome to the latest batch of Newbies - you are all off to a great start by committing to this journey and by linking up to this thread you will add a layer of support that is very helpful indeed. Whether you have a good or bad day you can come here and discuss it and know that tomorrow will be another day and we'll all be here for you. We may have had the same kind of day as you, and you'll get comments usually on what you say.

    AFM - My Sunday Share - A little about me. I'm Robin (in reality, my name is Ellen, but I'm happy being called Robin) I'm 62 and I started this thread the day I joined MFP, looking for like-minded people to go on this journey with me. Little did I know how successful my original friends would be -having lost their goal weight- they are almost all gone! I, however, have bounced around quite a bit, having had several health problems interfere with my progress. (By health problems, I do include Christmases :wink: ) But, in the long run, my progress has been overall downhill in a successful manner, and I have taken up exercise - I was a total sloth before, and now I truly love weight lifting.
    I live in Omaha, NE and have no kids, am divorced, and am retired.
  • carol5047
    carol5047 Posts: 44 Member
    Sunday Share....from St. Louis MO.... It has been snowing all day long and getting colder by he hour! I sure got my exercise in today, two trips out shoveling snow! First trip was 1 1/2 hours. Second trip was 30 minutes! I am relly proud od myself too! There was no way I could have lasted 10 minutes when I was 45 lbs heavier and very non-active!!

    I'm planning to continue on my slow and steady pace, along with exercising at my local community center 4-5 x's a week doing different classes!

    Oh, good news, I work for a local government, and was just informed city hall will be closed tomorrow! I hate driving in snow, so I'm a very happy camper!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Hi y'all! Hope you are all staying inside, safe and warm. We sure did get a cold snap across the country, eh? I woke up to 27 degrees (I know, warm for some of you) and ice all over the place. Luckily it melted down in time for me to get out to the dump and Goodwill. I just got back from Trader Joe's, where I found that dairy is in darn near everything. I am cutting out lactose for 2 to 3 weeks, to see if my digestion is improved. I did get some cultured coconut milk- let's see if that will make a good substitute for my yogurt.

    My share- I'm Nicole. Widowed mother to a teen age boy. I am turning 41 this month and started my journey to health a few years ago. I was 285 or so at my peak, a few years ago. Now, I am around 215 (up and down around there for awhile). I lost a lot of weight by simply changing my view on food- Started eating more for nutrition, less for pleasure. Then started MFP and walking (I think it was June of 2012?). Now, I see a trainer twice a week... I am not doing great with the food and logging, but I am consistent with my trainer at least. I am trying to be consistent with this message board as well. The folks here have been so terrific, with knowledge and support. Again, RobinsEgg/Ellen... I adore you and feel truly blessed to have you and your wonderful gang on my side! :flowerforyou:

    M0w- I am so happy to hear you are up and around a bit better. :flowerforyou: Now, if that silly company would get their act in gear.... I know when I first worked for HP; they gave me an offer and start date... I moved to Colo. Springs, where I waited and waited. It took them a couple of weeks PAST my start date to get me started! I loved working for them though.

    Kelley- I hope everything worked out with your trainer! I'm crossing my fingers for you that he just wants to give you a discount!

    Jeanette - Thanks for adding me on Fitbit!

    Lives2Travel - Excellent advice!!! I love it! Thank you for sharing.

    Great job on the 2 miles, Laurie!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Alupinsk - AWESOME job with the "goal" dress! Seems you smashed that one! :bigsmile: :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker:

    Kaye- GREAT job on losing the two lbs of Christmas! The rest (and more) will come off in no time!

    Lauren- Is that you on Fitbit? :smile: You have some rockstar stats! Talk about motivation :drinker: :bigsmile: :drinker: Thanks for the add.

    SkinnyAngel2be- I love quinoa! I make a chicken black bean quinoa chili in the crock pot that is pretty good (and healthy). I don't measure much on the seasonings, but try it- if you like that kind of thing.

    Chicken breast (I use frozen boneless, skinless)
    A couple of cans of black beans
    A couple of cans of diced tomatoes
    A couple of sweet peppers (I use red and orange or yellow)
    A large sweet onion
    A cup of quinoa (uncooked)
    About a cup of salsa
    Some chili flakes (if you like some spice)
    About a half teaspoon of cumin
    Sometimes I throw in a cup or so of sweet corn- depending on how I'm feeling.

    I toss it all in- easy as... um well, chili. Cook on high for about 4 hours or low all day. My teenage son LOVES it.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Kelley- I hope the conversation with the trainer goes well and he is not leaving the gym. If he is you can ask if he trains outside the gym on his own. My trainer also has a private training business that is cheaper than the sessions at the gym. I will switch when I move to new location with a fitness center in the complex.

    Karen- Glad you have the extra day off tomorrow. Hope you stay warm tomorrow. We are expecting the cold temps on Tuesday morning about 7*C not sure about the wind chill yet.

    Welcome to all the newbies. You have found a great group of people on this thread.

    Introduction: I am Laurie, 43 yrs old, single and a middle school science teacher.

    Today, I went for a nice swim since the pool was back up and the boiler was working. The water felt good and the hot tub even better. My muscles were also happy for a low impact workout today.

    Sunday- Gym changed to POOL- Done 21 laps in 30 minutes :bigsmile:
    Monday- Trainer
    Tuesday- Gym cardio or weights
    Wednesday- Rest
    Thursday- Gym
    Saturday- water aerobics and swim
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I used an on line body fat calculator. It put my body fat at 27.5%. My DIL had some calipers. She measured me at 25%. I am shocked. I thought it would be much higher. Anyway, if I figure my goal based on the highest number, it is 162#. That is less than 20# away. I don't know how I feel about that.
  • AnnaMW2013
    AnnaMW2013 Posts: 77 Member
    Umm I think I my workouts in today. 3 sessions of shoveling the driveway for 25-30 min each time.... Me thinks I will be sore tomorrow! Schools closed , well actually the whole county is shut down tomorrow so I'll be all tucked in at home!