Rockgod Member


  • Duh! That's makes perfect sense. I feel kind of stupid...
  • That's a good looking, spacious bag at a great price. I was going to get a chrome bag, but didn't want to spend $150+ on a bag. My only thought is, will it solve my problem of a sweaty back? My ride is about 17 miles round trip in Chicago summers (gets 90+ degrees often). My rides aren't very long so the weight of the pack…
  • this is what I get...
  • I tried the racks on the back of my mountain bike but didn't like it. Just felt weird riding
  • US. But I'm not opposed to ordering from overseas as long as the shipping rates aren't rediculous
  • Not sure....that's kind of why in asking
  • Thanks everyone, guess I'm going to my LBS. I was hoping to not have to change my shoes after gettting into work, but it's looking like htat's not an option
  • I am going out of my way to walk htis much. I have read that the average person should be taking 10,000 steps a day, but I figure that was estimated back in the day before everything was at our fingertips. Is 6,000 steps a day a lot? I am a computer geek and usually sit at my computer all day, but lately I have been…
  • I am at 40/30/30 and for today most of what I was searching for would have put me way over on carbs and way under on protein. I just went our and bought some muscle milk powder mix. 2 scoops is 320 cals and 32g protein. That puts me at my macros for the day and only around 400 cals under. is 400 too much of a deficit? I…
    in Snacks Comment by Rockgod September 2012
  • But I customized my numbers according to in which I chose the active (exercixe 3-5 times a week). I did this after reading a post directing a person to calculate their tdee and bmr. A response said that calculation will not need to eat my exercise calories, because they are built into the final number. So…
  • I thouhgt I got this subject in check, but MFP is confusing me. Am I supposed to just ignore what MFP says as far as my exercise calories? I've adjusted my numbers and just entered my morning ride, and of course, MFP deducts it from my daily total. So, again, just to be sure, I am still only eating my allotted daily…
  • If my exercise is built into my numbers, then the 1850 came from a seditary lifestyle since I have a deskjob ( IT Geek). So, my recalculated BMR is 1950. starting tomorrow, I will ride to and from work burning ~1000 cals, but eating only my alloted 1950 cals for the day. Thanks for clarifying this somewhat complicated…
  • OK, so I've been reading for a few hours and found a very informative post that seems to be very popular: I followed the advice and used the calculators at and the numbers I got are way off from MFP's…
  • ok, So why can't I eat my 1250 calories (that would have me loose 1lb a week) as well as burn 1000 calories to help me loose more per week? I would like to slim down, but not JUST slim down. I would like to know how to eat to stay slim and stay healthy. I want to do this the right way. maybe there is a link that i could be…