colingibb Member


  • That may be some of the best advice that I've seen in a long time!! 1) Do what you enjoy, because you can maintain it. 2) Do what works for you. The same thing absolutely does not work for everyone! Well said!
  • Haven't updated this in a while, but since then I've made a lot of progress. Down to 146 lbs, 16.1% Body fat, and a few sizes.
  • Thanks! I am! I also have found that I have SO much more energy now -- I actually look forward to getting up and working out -- It's been a long time since I've said that. Besides, I found a workout I REALLY enjoy.
  • Well, not really -- After the DEXA scan, I got called from the nutritionist to help interpret the results, and we had a chat about my goals from here on in. I really want to lose that last bit of fat around the mid-section, gain more muscle, and get my body fat down a little more. So -- in order to do this, I really need…
  • I am at 16.1% Body fat now. Got measured this week with a DEXA scan.
  • Here's a better picture. I'm enjoying creating this now, it's nice to see my success. It's actually more dramatic than I thought.
  • Sure, feel free to add me! Usually active.. just started back after a break. Doing a 21 day sprint of very aware eating, Shift Shop (Beachbody) in the morning, and an additional cardio workout in the evening. Goal is to lost 10+ lbs in 21 days before a European trip. 90% of my clothes are too tight after a couple of really…
  • Cool, thanks! Seems like that would take lots of patience... seeing progress on the scale is definitely a big motivator. My Gym offers free monthly body composition tests. I just may have to start doing that.
  • Which poses yet another question. Can you lose fat and add muscle at the same time? I see a lot of disparaging answers around this. I don't want to have to start adding calories and gaining muscle and fat and then go back to "cutting" mode again... I have been lifting as I've been losing weight, which definitely helps me…
  • I will not eat them all back, however I will allow myself to consume a little more if I'm still hungry. For instance, I burned 675 cals this morning before breakfast, and by the time I finished lunch, I was still quite hungry, so I had another good size snack. This will probably put me over my 1250 for the day, but I'l…
  • Hey there! I have had a number of false starts over the last year, but I'm looking to now get back into things... I'm 4 days in now of exercise and food logging, and feeling amazing right now. Definitely would love to find some motivation partners! First thing I did was make a list of 5 short term goals (for the week) --…
  • No scientific evidence here, but I thought it was also interesting that Slim-Fast also uses the same 1200 calorie recommendation, but doesn't encourage you to eat back any exercise. The Slim-Fast 3-2-1 plan which is not designed to be a "forever" plan, is as follows: 1 500 calorie, balanced meal per day (500 cals) 2 meal…
  • Had this the last two nights and it was delicious. Just under 500 cals for the whole meal (including main dish, rice and veggies).. there are also some other really good 500 cal recipes on
  • I wouldn't say that 's a problem.... your metabolism is increased.. you need more fuel. Just make sure to eat clean. I had a huge salad for lunch with tuna..and it was only about 160 cals, but filled me up... it's about eating cleanly, and not eating empty calories..
    in hunger?? Comment by colingibb March 2013
  • Wow--- okay, well just finished the Fit Test... holy crap, I forgot how intense that was... Here are my results: Switch Kicks: 114 Power Jacks: 44 Power Knees: 90 Power Jumps: 35 Globe Jumps: 9 Suicide Jumps: 14 Push Up Jacks: 27 Low Plank Oblique: 65 I know I'm going to feel that tomorrow! But for some reason I can't wait!
  • I did the fit test before once... you'll definitely feel it tomorrow, mostly because you are maxing out on all the reps.
  • I am starting Insanity today as well. Going to do the fit test around 4 pm or so today, and then try again tomorrow morning to get up early. I have completed Power90 with great results, and then got partially through P90X, but I was trying to do it while training for the Chicago Marathon, so I had to stop at about 1/2 way.…
  • 30 minutes of P90 Sculpt 1-2. This was day 1 of the Power 90 program Going for a 4 mile run this evening.
  • Shirataki Noodles
  • Wow, I've been looking at these, and there is a way to dry roast them so they come out more like traditional pasta noodles. Going to pick some up this weekend...gotta try them! Apparently they sell them at Trader Joe's here in Charlotte, NC.
  • Great Idea! Amazing the power of accountability!
    in Charting Comment by colingibb May 2011
  • Sometimes it will take a few weeks before you see results....don't get frustrated, it will happen. Are you drinking a lot of water? 8 cups is the absolute minimum, but without this, the body cannot flush away waste as easily and you will have problems losing...
  • And the question was -- were they worth it? Usually when I do something like that, I ultimately realize that it definitely wasn't worth it.
    in OOOPS! Comment by colingibb April 2011
  • Venti NonFat Vanilla Latte