Not a greedy piggy! an amazing person :3
You can do it!!
Names Kieran :) it's good to hear different stories. Mine is I used to work in a team of about 100+ people and got well stressed with being in charge of so many of them. Then one day I weighed myself and saw... 18 stone on the scales, I was 6 stone over weight and obese... things had to change, so when I found my new job I…
Nice to see new comers :) I've added you :D we can do this :)
If you feel like you want some friends and motivation, feel free to add me :)
Heya - im in the same boat you could say, im looking to lose about 50 lb+ so if you want a new friend :) feel free to add me :D
Same here :)
5.67 Miles walked :)
5.96 miles walked
3.45 miles walked
5.42 miles walked
6.7 miles walked
Walked 6.27 miles :)
7 miles for me :)
Added :smile:
Request sent :) friends are great
Heya. You've come to the right place :smile: this place has loads of support and encouragement. If you want honest advice people will give it as long as your ready to take the constructive feedback. But over all its different for every one. Take one day at a time. Surround yourself with the people who love you and want to…
I'm sure you will do well :smile: support from the family is the best thing you can get. I used to weigh 255 lbs. And got down to 190... made the mistake of just cutting back and we'll you know... put it back on. But now in back on track down 10lbs over the last 7 weeks. And slowly getting back into it. One thing I always…
I use the fitbit flex... And it makes work like a mini game. Because I'm on my feet all day. I try and beat little targets. Like 2k steps on 1 hour. Makes the day go quicker add well plus gets you more active. I average 17k steps a day over the list 7 day... And one day I only did 4k so I did 30k another top compensate...…
As she said, this will help :) it is hard to get in routine, but a list does help :), i know how you feel (i suffer from depression), nothing worse then coming to the end of the week and feeling down... but several things help me massively :) 1. Feel good about yourself no matter what and treat yourself :) - i know we are…
welcome to the club :D - feel free to add a person who is looking to lose another 20 odd lbs :D
Thank you for replying :D I suffer from depression, and one of the things i want to do is to make sure that every one else is happy first... so i will put people first before myself :) which i know is wrong, but it is a flaw i have :( I anyway, i will try the whole reward basis :D, my future goal... well i because of…
45 days to lose 9lbs ... That's good 3,500 calories per 1lb. So 9 lbs of fat = 31,500. / by 800 deficit of calories = 39 days :) so your doing fine
i sent all of you a request - don;t feel like you have to accept :), more friends the better :D
I know exactly how you feel. I saw diagnosed with depression about 2 maybe 3 years ago. And well I got rock bottom, put on allot of lbs... About 70+, comfort ate, hated myself... And thought the same I'm a lost cause... But this isn't about me... Just to say to you that you are certainly not a lost cause. As people have…
Evening :) My name is Kieran and I live in Jersey (not new Jersey) Jersey channel island. I'm 24 and am on a weight loss goal. I started at over 18 stone now on down to 13 stone and 10lb... I'm happy where I have got to... But I still want to do more and recently I have lost my motivation. Which is what has brought me here…
Thank you for the add! :) I will try find your newly formed group right now :)
Thanking you for the post :D - i see where your coming from :) i think i have lost sight of the bigger picture... Thanks :D
Thank you for that post :) sadly not - i should of taken a picture when i first started... my problem i suppose is not giving myself enough credit... and i know exactly what you mean about the t-shirt and that... i've had a few of those pictures and want to hide... im going to do that thanks :D