the1captain Member


  • When the doctor told me I had sleep apnea and had to wear a mask when I slept. Tried it for a week and thought I would go insane. Doctor told me if I lost a lot of weight I would sleep better and might not need the mask. That was about 2 years and over 70 pounds ago. I sleep just fine with no mask.
  • Thanks. Just tried a few insanity workouts. Based on the calculations I'm burning WAY more calories than I thought I was.
  • I use "high impact aerobics" for the regular workouts. Recovery days workout I use "low impact". Don't know if I'm accurate enough. But so far it seems to work for me.
  • Last monday I did the 60 min max interval training. Thought it was going to kill me. Did the same routine a week later and I can already notice a huge difference in my cardio and strength. Dig deeper people!
  • I'm on week 7. Funny thing about recovery week. I hated doing the exact same routine everyday for 6 days straight. Had to really force myself to get through day 5 and six. Of course come monday when I started the even crazier month 2 I already missed recovery week. lol
  • I'm into week 7. I feel for you in regard to the increased intensity. Just do the best you can. Take the breaks you need. You'll be surprised how fast your body adjusts and how much better you are the following week.
  • Into the final 3 weeks. Month 2 definitely will kick your butt! Just do the best you can. No one expects you to do all the workouts perfectly without the odd extra break to "shake it out". If you can, why are you even bothering with insanity in the first place? You are already an Olympic athlete. lol
  • So does that mean I'm good? And not screwing the math up to lose weight? My problem in the battle over weight is not working out. I love doing that. It's balancing the food portion that messes me up.
  • I'm so confused. I calculate my exercise calories into MFP. Even if I eat my exercise calories it still says in 5 weeks I'll lose weight. Not maintain. Lose.
  • It's different for everyone. Even if the number on the scale hasn't dropped a ton, you might notice looser clothing, ect. Also, take a look at your diet. Are you fueling your body properly? For what it's worth month 2 gets a lot more intense. Many people notice more weight drops in that time than month one.
  • Started month 2 yesterday. Besides jumping up to an hour for the workout. Also new, harder exercises. But to add in the fit test on the same day too! My body killed me all night into the morning. But guess what? I still got my butt to the basement and did the next workout today. Do I need an extra break the odd time? Of…
  • I took a fencing class about 5 years ago. Really enjoyed it. But time and money kept me from going further. Too bad over here in Canada and the U.S fencing is not a more popular sport like it is in Europe.
  • That set always kills me too. The side abs and In and out at the end I can never do without a break.
  • I did the first version. Liked it. But don't try to lift too heavy. It's about reps. Didn't like the 2nd version. Haven't tried the latest one.
  • Continue your schedule as laid out. Relapse is part of recovery. Today is over. You can't change that. But you still have control over tomorrow. Focus on how crappy you felt after. That memory will hopefully make you rethink the Chettos next time.
  • Is it worth it? Well I just finished week 3 and and weighed in. Don't know what happened but I lost 5.5 pounds!
  • Do I complete every workout? Yes. Do I take very small breaks throughout? Of course. Even the trainers on the video in the background take a break once in awhile. I'm currently in week 3. I did the 60 days a year ago. Only missed 2 workouts then. One because I was very sick. The other because I went out of town over night…
  • I love insanity. Did it a year ago when a friend lent me his set. At that time I lost 10 pounds. Not bad considering then I didn't change my eating habits at all and therefore was still eating like a fat teenager. Except that I'm in my late 30's. Lol Bought a set off Kijijji recently for $50. Into week 3 now. This time I'm…
  • I love green tea. Found a specialty shop nearby that gave me all kinds of great information about the benefits of green tea. Made it a small hobby of mine. I like trying different types. I steep mine a long time as I like the strong taste. Definitely helps with the battle over weight loss and over all health.