

  • Ok, today will be day 1.
  • Just some squats, lunges, and bicep weights. Only about 10 minutes. Not so great today.
  • I agree with the several that say unfriend them. That is a quick way to let go of some "weight." We all need encouragement, that is why we are here. If they don't encourage you, let them go. Friends come and go any arena, weight loss is no exception. Oh and I am here for the long haul, even after I reach my goal, so add…
  • I think positive thinking goes a long way in weight loss. You need to celebrate the positives and that includes any results you see on the scale. Life is tough, weight loss is tough...Why be tough on yourself on top of that?
  • Can you honestly "eyeball" a serving and know that it somewhat accurate? Personally, I can't and portions control is my biggest downfall. If you work out and the calories are earned then I'd say you have some "wiggle room" on the amount of calories. If it's your daily allotment, I would say you have to measure.
  • My lie: "I'm in the healthy range." Truth: I was always at the top or Over the healthy range. My lie: "With my medical conditions, it makes it so hard on my body to exercise and the medicine puts on weight, Truth: I know that exercise will actually make my body feel better once I've actually done it and the medicine had a…
  • That is exactly why I don't log in my workout until the end of the day. I know that if I look at my calorie count and I have them left over, that I will eat more. Try not putting your workout in until bedtime and see if that does not help you reach better results. Good luck!