Starting a new habit - 21 days

Starting tonight, I vow to exercise the same time every day for the next 21 days so that it becomes a new, healthy habit. From 6:30 to 7:00 will be exercise time. I will not only track my exercise on my page but I will also come over here to document it. Encouragement welcome, anyone interested is invited to join me in this.


  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    I find the 21 day thing to basically work, so stick with it, and you'll have developed a good habit.
  • bluuea
    bluuea Posts: 13
    Just some squats, lunges, and bicep weights. Only about 10 minutes. Not so great today.
  • bluuea
    bluuea Posts: 13
    Ok, today will be day 1.