

  • Thanks guys..been trying to shake up my routine! I wore my little exercise belt as well and it does make you sweat sweat sweat...just gonna keep walking!
  • thanks ladies...I am on medicine and going back for blood work today....Just want to feel good again...I guess I will keep plugging along...Frustrating for sure but thankful for life!:love: :love:
  • thanks so much everybody.. Day 3. I know its doing something because I was sore that it hurts my thighs to sit down!::laugh:
    in The Shred Comment by beveeh March 2009
  • :bigsmile: way to go!
  • Does anyone know an estimate of how many calories are burned in Jillian Michaels the 30 Day shred DVD. Day 2. We will see.:noway:
    in The Shred Comment by beveeh March 2009
  • thanks everyone for the encouragement.
  • I just had my thyroid partially removed. Is there anyone here thats had that done. One lady told me that I would never be able to lose weight now that I've had it removed. How discouraging is that?? Has anyone here on MFP had this done. I'd love to have some input and encouragement.
  • I must be missing something. Where does it tell you that you've will have gained weight or lost if you continue to eat as you do?? Thanks.