Sendosi Member


  • Thank you, ma'am! I really appreciate you taking time to watch and comment!
  • Thank you for your comment! It means a lot, not only getting feedback, but you seem like an absolutely amazing person! And you're right, I also realized that the path to reaching your goals might feel like a really hard path to walk. People tend to give up, and as you saw yourself, I was one of them! But once you reach…
  • Thank you for your feedbacks! It's really motivating to hear that! Thank you for sharing your story, bindingo30, keep moving towards your goals! You've done it once, you can do it again! We're all on this journey together!
  • My Home > Goals > Change Goals > Custom :)
  • I'll be honest with you, I don't know much about the ADF, and i must've skipped the part where she mentioned she did ADF. Though I do agree with you on most parts, I would also point out that I did not mean that people ate as much back in time as they do now. But the way they ate, was somewhat the same as IF. My point was…
  • Let me see if I understood you correctly, or if I'm just being stupid for misunderstanding. Did you say you ate only 500 calories on fasting days? If so, you've misunderstood the concept of IF. You might have read about the muslim fasting, lol! If you actually did only eat 500 calories on fasting days, I could tell you…
  • I'd guess 1700 is a good calorie goal, but to be more accurate, I suggest finding out your BMR, then calculating your TDEE using the Harris Benedict equation. Simply use a TDEE calculator such as this one:
  • There would be peace in this world if everybody just ate Hummus.
  • I've been intermittent fasting for a while now, a little more than 6 months total actually. Personally I'd say it's the best thing I've tried, my energy is WAY better than when I used to eat throughout the day! I hit the gym 6 days/week. 5 days resistance training followed by 1 day of cardio. The main reason I started…
  • To me, it seems as you got it planned already! I'm afraid I have no specific advice, other than trying to choose the healthier foods. I am headed to Phuket for 12 days myself in 2 weeks. Though I'm not planning on being as strict as I am at home, I would choose my foods smart. I would, for example, rarely eat desserts when…