Tips for keeping the weight off during holidays

We are off on a family holiday to Phuket for 10 days next week and as excited as I am- I do not want to gain any extra weight when I am away.
I am a massive drinker (empty calories) which is my danger zone (I will stick to vodka and diet coke or low carb beer) and will ensure I get down to the gym or pool for at least half an hour before brekky everyday but does anyone else have any tips for surviving the holiday period without being as strict as I am at home? Please take in mind- I dont want to travel all that way without participating in the parties!


  • Sendosi
    Sendosi Posts: 13 Member
    To me, it seems as you got it planned already!
    I'm afraid I have no specific advice, other than trying to choose the healthier foods.
    I am headed to Phuket for 12 days myself in 2 weeks.
    Though I'm not planning on being as strict as I am at home, I would choose my foods smart.
    I would, for example, rarely eat desserts when I'm on holisays, that's just extra calories!
    Think before you eat!
    Other than that it seems you got it all figured out and planned, as I already mentioned.
    Hope you have a great vacation!
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    I love eating when I'm on vacation, mostly because I eat food that I don't have access to at home, and I never know when I'm going to be in that part of the world again, so I don't want to miss out on the local cuisine.

    - Try to stay in hotel rooms with mini fridges, and buy snacks to eat between meals. Carry dry snacks with you, (protein bars, nuts granola, fruit are a good choices) The most damage is done when you're on vacation and find yourself starving and in search of a restaurant, and just want to eat the entire menu when you find one due to extreme hunger.
    - Share dishes with your fellow diners, especially if you are somewhere that serves huge meals. You get to try more new things that way too. Mini fridge in hotel room also comes in handy if you want to save leftovers for lunch the next day.
    - I've never been to Thailand (it's on my list, it looks amazing!) but I know that street food is a big thing there. Try and avoid eating the deep fried stuff. Opt for stuff like fruit-based salads, soups (Tom Yum :love: ) and grilled meats more often.
    - WATER. You will likely be more active, and in a hotter climate than at home. Make sure you stay properly hydrated throughout the day. I recommend bringing a sturdy water bottle with you, at least 500mls if you don't mind carrying it around.

    I'm not a big drinker so I can't really offer tips with that. Maybe limit your boozing to 2-3 nights a week instead of every night.

    Have a great time
  • TarshCooper001
    TarshCooper001 Posts: 25 Member
    Thanks for the great tips.. may have to do a food shopping day when we first get there to stock up on my protein bars, I agree with you, they keep me out of mischief and away from the delights of carb laden foods.
    I am a big water drinker- drink at least 3 litres a day but unfortunately will match my alcohol with that!
    Digging the share plate suggestion, it will avoid picking off plates too. Will def. keep that in the back of my mind and I luuurve Tom Yum- so filling.

    Thanks again for the tips!