circulatory Member


  • I'm 5'10" and 175, and lose about a pound a week at 1600... Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • Received: Omg. i would totally be high right now if I was at your job Sent: dis moi quand t es libre tu me manqqq (tell me when you're free I miss youuu)
  • I second the suggestion to take measurements! I've gone weeks without any loss (or even a bit of a gain), and seen the inches consistently drop... good motivation when you feel discouraged by the scale.:) I have a little notebook, and a measuring ribbon, and just measure my hips/waist/bust once a week, rather than weighing…
  • I used to work in a coffee shop during university, and would drink several cups of coffee a day every day (soooo not healthy), so I've converted myself to green tea. Might have one cup of coffee a week (with one milk and one raw sugar or honey). If you're wanting more coffee in the day, maybe try drinking teas instead?
  • 5'10" CW 198 GW 150 Would be so happy to have other tall friends on here!
  • Thiiiiis. I spent a year letting a guy make me feel like crap about myself, but finally got angry, cut him out of my life, and am happier and healthier and a stronger person than I ever was with him around (I will admit I was hurt and sad for a while before really pulling myself together, but I am thankful every day to not…
  • My friend has an amazing job... companies pay him to climb mountains to test out their new equipment. A++++ ABSOLUTE DREAM JOB. Second place: Scuba diving instructor. Runner up: Med-evac paramedic. Job that should be a job: professional baby animal snuggler
  • I'm up at 5:45 everyday and most mornings I do 1/3 cup oatmeal (organic, steel cut, etc), with a heaping teaspoon of ground flax seeds, a tablespoon of dried cranberries, and a dash of cinnamon. Fills me up for the whole morning! I'll have a yogurt or a banana if I'm feeling peckish around 9am.
  • I'm not huge on countil calories either, but I've been using the app, and it's so quick and simple. I've started making recipes as well since I've started doing a lot more cooking at home, and it's not so bad either (though so far I find there are usually exising recipes that are quite comparable for calorie count). It's…
  • Used to be a canoe trip guide in a national park during summers (best job ever!!). Did starbucks for a few years during university too. Now just sitting at a desk all day... but I know what I want to do and I'm working to get there! :)
  • Working out before hand is definitely a good idea! TexasPatriots suggestion to drink water for each alcoholic drink sounds like a good plan to moderate how much you'll be having. If you know where you'll be eating, see if there's a menu online so you can look at it and decide what to have beforehand so you won't make a…
  • I graduated in 2010, but made a point of using the gym at school, since it was free for students. I would buy some fruits and veggies for the week too, and cut them up, put them in ziplock bags and keep them in the fridge. Quick to grab even a couple when heading out the door, and easier to say no to vending machines when…
  • I'm almost 25, starting weight of 216, currently just under 200, goal weight of 150. Anyone feel free to add me, I would love the extra support!
  • I'm only now really starting to use this, but would love to follow some other people for motivation! Starting weight was 216, and looking to reach 150. I am super active, but have in the past been really lax about what I ate... (bagels? smartfood? chocolate? whoops). I love this site for keeping me accountable! I will for…