Hello, My name is Katie. I am 24 and started on MFP about 2 weeks ago I have been doing really well I have lost 5 pounds since I started on her (8 all together I started losing before I joined) I have been doing JM 30 day shred and am on day 5 level 1. It came time for me to weigh in and I have gained. Everyone keeps telling me its muscle but it's just discouraging because I have been so good and working so hard. I am 5'4 weigh 176 now started at 184. Just need some tips on what I can do better. :sad:


  • paitiencenelson
    Hello im sorry to hear that your not losing weight like you want to be I know its hard to hear that its prob just muscle but you know mucscle weighs more than fat even though the scale isnt moving im sure you are losing inches you just may not notice it because you look at yourself everyday. Just hang in there youll start losing the lbs again!!
  • magenta2246
    Hi Katie. Keep in mind that your body has a natural fluctuation rate. That means that it will naturally go up a few pounds from your 'normal' weight and down a few pounds without it actually being the result of what you've been doing. Mine is a little over 3 pounds, some are as high as 5. This is helpful to know because when I gain 2 pounds, but I've been doing everything right, I know that it's because of that fluctuation and nearly every time, the next week's weigh in shows a bigger drop than I anticipated. Stay strong and remember that being healthy is more important than the number on the scale, if you're being healthy, you're doing it right!
  • challengeaccepted
    Hey we're the same height and I'm at 184lbs which is at what you started. Five pounds in two weeks is great! Do you know what five pounds look like? http://doubleyourgains.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/1and5poundsfat.jpg That's what it looks like. :wink:

    One pound of fat and one pound of muscle weigh the same (duh, a pound is a pound after all) however, muscle is dense so one pound of fat will not look the same as one pound of muscle. See here is a comparison of five pounds of fat vs. five pounds of muscle http://www.onemorebite-weightloss.com/images/fat-v-muscle.jpg

    Because you are exercising and possible gaining muscle I think a more accurate way of putting numbers to your success would be using a tape measure. You can measure your neck, arms, waist, hips, and thighs.

    And when you start feeling discouraged, as we all do at some points, remember it's a marathon not a sprint. :drinker:
  • Cheshire00
    You should start taking measurements! I've been doing that myself, I've only lost 5lbs so far but I have lost 3" off my waist and 1.5" off my bust and hips :) it lets me know where exactly I'm losing even if my scale is saying I haven't lost anything.
  • myogibbs
    myogibbs Posts: 182
    I know it is discouraging when you bust it & then gain...ugh!!!! It is muscle...I always gain when I try to lose...it is discouraging when you work and work and diet & your clothes get tighter. STICK WITH IT...what happens is that one day when you least expect it, you will be wearing your favorite jeans & someone will comment on how baggy they are on you. You will suddenly realize that YOU ARE SMALLER :) I know it is a hard concept to wrap your head around when you are in the state of mind you are in, but muscle weighs more. Don't compare yourself to others & think that is how you look because you both weigh the same. I was always one of the heaviest girls in my class & thought I was fat because I weighed more. Truth is, I weighed more b/c I had more muscle...which actually means I can burn more at rest than those skinny girls. Try not to be so obsessed with the scale. Get a pair of pants that are tight on you and try them on once a week...I promise if you stick with it, you WILL see results...remember that it takes about 6 weeks for your body to really change. GOOD LUCK!!!
  • frugalmomsrock
    Do NOT give up! I always put this disclaimer in my 30 DS conversations: I gained weight the first several days that didn't come back off until between days 7 and 9... but I ended up being down a couple pounds and nine inches!!! And I didn't even do it right. I think I had 25 days total, and I never moved to level 3 because I was nursing an injury and just couldn't handle 3. I repeat: do NOT give up!!!

    ps-when you work muscles really hard, they retain water, as they need it for repair as does the rest of the body. You know... when my daughter had open heart surgery, they had to keep a "drain tube" in her for days. This is because of the body producing and retaining water around organs/tissue when there is damage to them. It does go away after they feel they are repaired enough not to need the extra water. :)
  • whohakatie22
    Thanks so much for all your kind words! I do need to measure myself that makes sense.
  • Savagegirlt
    I feel your pain, I too struggle with the scale (why I only weight once a week) and even if the scale never moves and your waist doesn't shrink (though I'm sure they will) remember your body will be more healthy, you'll live a better and most likely longer life. You're on the right road hun, don't give up and stay on track. You'll see results soon..
  • scapez
    scapez Posts: 2,018 Member
    IT IS NOT MUSCLE!!! :grumble:

    Gaining muscle weight requires a calorie surplus and LOTS of weight training.

    You are new to this. Give it time. Don't weigh daily...weigh weekly. Take body measurements. Pay attention to how your clothes are fitting. Keep at it. You didn't gain the weight overnight and it won't come off overnight.

    Best of luck.
  • mrsdamr
    mrsdamr Posts: 54 Member
    but you know mucscle weighs more than fat

    Just as an FYI to the above - pound for pound muscle and fat weigh the same thing. What is important to note is that muscle is denser, so therefore more muscle can occupy the same space that a pound of fat had previously occupied.

    Stick with it - and don't always go by the scale. Remember the scale is only a number at a point in time - if you feel good and you know you are doing the right thing - then go on it. I know its easier said then done - as I've been discouraged for weeks, but keep going, don't give up!!!!
  • circulatory
    circulatory Posts: 15 Member
    I second the suggestion to take measurements! I've gone weeks without any loss (or even a bit of a gain), and seen the inches consistently drop... good motivation when you feel discouraged by the scale.:) I have a little notebook, and a measuring ribbon, and just measure my hips/waist/bust once a week, rather than weighing myself all the time.
  • aNEWuNme
    Katie, I am on the 30 day shred too! I've done it before but never made it past level 2. Each time that I've tried the shred, I gain weight in the fist level too. But the last few times I've tried it, I end up dropping a few pounds out of nowhere half-way through level two. I'm only on day 2 of level one this go-round, and I already gained a few ounces. But stick with it girlie! It'll pay off. We can do it together! I've read a lot of reviews on this DVD and most of them said that to get results, you have to do it at least 6 days a week. So that's my plan. Hopefully in roughly 25 days from now, you and I will both see some results! I'll check in with you to make sure you're sticking to it, if you'll check in with me and make sure I'm doing the same! I'll add you :wink:
  • janetteluparia
    janetteluparia Posts: 318 Member
    Carbodydrates are the first form of fuel our bodies use in the form of muscle glycogen. Our muscles also store water as a part of the process. Drop your carbs down to only veggies for a day. You will pee your brains out and that pound will disappear. Muscle does NOT weigh more than fat. a pound is a pound is a pound. Muscle is the FURNACE of your calorie burning campability. The more lean muscle you have the more efficient calorie burner you become. I am a licensed sports nutritionist. Dont get discouraged. You are on the right track.
  • Fat_2_Fit_Mommy
    Fat_2_Fit_Mommy Posts: 569 Member
    Hey I am 5'4 at 188 but. Before MVP I was 196ish.. But hang in. There if you do every thing right I wouldn't worry about it. I am doing JM DVD too I'm on day 15 of lvl 1..I have done the lvl 2 once and I liked it.