

  • One breakfast which is well known but works for me every time is pure wholegrain oat + soya milk + comibination of fruits (usally two of 5 a day) . I add flaxseed for omega 3 but not neccsary if you are taking oily fish. Its easy , filling and very healthy as it provides most of the fibre of the day, complex carbohydrate…
  • This is a lovely discussion thread. Dr fuhrman is inspiring , effective and his ideas really work. I have followed his brilliant ideas of high micronutrient to low calorie density for quite some time and shared with others. Its almost magical .Works wonders every time. The essential theme of Vegan , from perspective of…
  • His actions certainly is causing you pain and which is natural. I feel shift your focus to what options you can have. Perhpas you can have some space and do things you always wanted to do hobbies .going out.making new freinds ..things which pick you up and you find exciting.Meanwhile see see if he relaises his…
  • I know its eaily missed Lindsay. .we all do it. Dont blaim yourself. Busy spells of life can just can take over. Protien shakes are good idea. You are commited I find so you will get it right. And I can give you an occational nudge if you are going too under.Smiles.
  • Ideally , of course its best to be around TDEE - Slightly less if you are trying to loose weight. This ensures the body's metabolic stress is minimum. So the averaging around TDEE is good as long as we do not deviate to extremes. For example one day eating 3000 and then next day 1500 would keep the average at 2000 but it…
  • I agree about eating a diet based on complex carbohydrate , very little fat and moderate protien. I have been a vegan eating no oils or no fat at all from anything other than whats in natural vegs and fruits. I feel full of energy and calm gentle feeling within. The complex carbohydrate seem to provide a steady flow of…
  • I am pure vegan like you. But I have had partners and friends who ate all sorts. I feel accepatnce and traning our mind also helps. When you smell good flavoured meat..smell it as an aroma...and know that its somthing you dont eat and its just like another smell. Sid