LowCarber wanting to try Low Fat diet for 1st time!



  • I see a HUGE problem right off the bat...

    You say you find yourself eating the cheese off a pizza slice while eating a salad...

    Don't just remove things from your diet - replace them with other healthier options.

    Example - if you would normally have a salad, meat, or pasta for dinner, then having a slightly bigger salad won't cut it.

    Maybe a side of baked beans, seeds added to the salad, or a chicken breast to go along with the salad.

    When I switched to a mostly plant based diet, I didn't remove anything - I just kept adding new healthy choices, and before you know it; there's no room for the worse options.
    You need carbs, so don't go crazy on them. Maybe just eat the high carbs earlier in the day and try to remove anything which has refined or bleached - pastas, breads, rice, ect.

    Who says that we NEED carbs? They are NOT essential,but Protein is!!!!!
    Carbs are optional and protein is essential. Do you know what else is essential? FATS! Have you ever heard of *essential* fatty acids? Fat is important for hormornal regulation. Idk if you read that study out of Harvard that wasposted on here last week but the researchers found that the participants on low fat diets burned 300 calories FEWER than a low GI or low carb diet. Just don't do it, it's so bad for you and it's not good for weight loss either.
  • RenewedRunner
    RenewedRunner Posts: 423 Member
    Based on your profile (picture of thigh gap) and your friends (names indicative of EDs) - I think you may have an ED. Maybe you know it already. But if you do have an ED, all the conventional advice is out the window and you should probably be working with a professional.

    Insulin resistance normally happens to severely overweight people - you are nowhere near severely overweight. I think you should consult a professional (doctor or nutritionist) about the best course of action for you. Good luck.



    I also noticed in another post that your goal weight is under 97 and you are 5'4" - this will most likely put you below a healthy BMI. Your best option would be to see a nutritionist or doctor who can help you with a healthy diet. Good luck to you.

    Most college campuses have people with whom you can talk. You may admit that you have issues, but without seeking and getting help, you are still sitting at unhealthy step 1. And there are warning flags being thrown all over the field on you.
  • I agree about eating a diet based on complex carbohydrate , very little fat and moderate protien.

    I have been a vegan eating no oils or no fat at all from anything other than whats in natural vegs and fruits. I feel full of energy and calm gentle feeling within.

    The complex carbohydrate seem to provide a steady flow of energy as its digested slolwy.Avoiding any load in pancrease as there are no sudden sugar surges in the body.

    Nutirentsand phytochemicals I find are most important as they seem to create this feeling of well being .And of course combating with the free radicals which the body always produces.

    I eat all day but now never gain weight.
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